Active sentence is one of types of sentences based on the subject, other than passive sentences. This sentence is a sentence whose subject acts as ...
Active sentence is one of types of sentences based on the subject, other than passive sentences. This sentence is a sentence whose subject acts as ...
Example of Analogy Paragraph on Health in Language Indonesia - Previously, we have seen some examples paragraph analogy, like example of a short an...
Sentence A complete sentence is a sentence that has complete sentence elements in it, at least containing the Subject (S) and Predicate (P) element...
Example of a 2-person dialogue about group work in Language Indonesia - Previously, we have seen various examples of 2 person dialogue, such as exa...
A disguised interrogative sentence is an interrogative sentence that does not require an answer or does not seek an explanation, but rather a quest...
Adjective phrases are combinations of adjectives that are described in one word sentence. The types of adjective phrases are divided as follows:1. ...
Previously, we have known some examples of types of minor sentences, starting from additional minor sentence examples, example of minor sentence an...
Answer:Here are the types of active sentences, namely:1. transitive active voice, namely an active sentence that requires an object in the sentence...
Previously, we have known some examples of complete active sentences. This time, we will know some examples active sentence which also contains one...
Previously, we have seen some examples of passive sentences whose predicates have the affix in-. This time, we will also know some examples passive...
We must be familiar with one type of work literature pantun. Pantun uses words that are lined up in a stanza and have a certain meaning. Pantun is ...
Transitive verb is one of the types of verbs or. types of verbs which is in Indonesian. This verb is a verb that is commonly used as a predicate se...