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Example of Analogy Paragraph on Health in Language Indonesia - Previously, we have seen some examples paragraph analogy, like example of a short analogy paragraph, example of analogy paragraph about socio-culture, example of analogy paragraph about life, and example of analogy paragraph about love. This time, we will also know some examples of other analogy paragraphs, where the analogy paragraphs presented this time are themed about health. This theme itself has been used as a theme in several articles, such as example of a classification paragraph about health, example of inductive paragraph about health, and example of mixed paragraph about health.

An example of an analogy paragraph about one's own health is as follows.

Example 1:

Caring for a plant must be done patiently, patiently, and continuously. This is because the treated plants can grow and develop in a healthy and proper manner. The same thing applies and takes care of the health of the body. If the body is treated patiently, patiently and continuously, then a healthy and well-groomed body will not be impossible to obtain.

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Example 2:

Doing something excessive will certainly result in a very fatal loss for yourself. Likewise with consuming instant noodles in excess. If instant noodles are consumed in excess, then a number of diseases such as cancer, kidney, and liver will infect the body. This is due to the content of wax and substance other preservatives contained in instant noodles. Reducing the consumption of instant noodles and replacing them with healthier foods are two solutions that can be done to avoid this from bad effects of consuming instant noodles.

Example 3:

Regular exercise is like watering and fertilizing plants regularly. If the plant is fertilized and watered regularly, then the plant can thrive and be healthy. Likewise with exercising regularly. If you do exercise regularly, your body will be healthier and the growth process in your body will run well. Therefore, exercising regularly is very important for the health of the body.

Example 4:

Consuming unhealthy food is like planting parasites in the body. Unhealthy food will enter and settle into our bodies. After that it slowly damages some of our organs and makes us susceptible to disease. It is the same as a parasite embedded in the body of a plant. The parasite will slowly make the plants where it grows wither and die. Therefore, reducing or even avoiding the consumption of unhealthy foods must be done. because the impact is as dangerous as a parasite tree embedded in the body of a person plant.

Example 5:

Using electronic devices such as cell phones should not be used excessively. That's because the phone will be damaged if its usage exceeds the reasonable limit. The same is true for the human body. The body that we have should not be too forced to keep moving and working. If the body is too forced, then a number of health problems will infect our limbs. Therefore, not forcing the body to move beyond its limits is as good as not using a cell phone excessively.

Those are some examples of analogy paragraphs about health in Indonesian. Hopefully it is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both in the realm of analogy paragraphs and in the realm of language Indonesia. That is all and thank you.

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