Here is an example word and the suffix of pe-an which states the tool.Hearing (tools for hearing: ears) It's only natural if hearing grandmother is...
Here is an example word and the suffix of pe-an which states the tool.Hearing (tools for hearing: ears) It's only natural if hearing grandmother is...
Here are some examples of the affixes of pe-an that denote a process.FormationResult Formation farmer groups must be submitted no later than Saturd...
Answer:The following is an example of a sentence containing the affix di- … -i on word work:The thief will requested information on arrival at the ...
Examples of Particles in Indonesian Sentences – After the previous article discussed about examples of articles in Indonesian, on this occasion we ...
Here are some examples sentence passive intransitive:Budi is appointed as the OSIS Chair.This building was built since eracolonial.Many vegetables ...
In types of words, we know many types of words in language Indonesia, including types of verbs, types of nouns, types of adjectives, types of prono...
Rhetoric Sentences in Indonesian – Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Examples – According to the Great Dictionary of Languages IndonesiaSente...
Endocentric and exocentric phrases are two of the types phrases in Indonesian. Both have a number of characteristics and definitions of each so tha...
Answer:Here are some examples sentence opinion in advertising.By using this body slimming tool, it will make you look sexy and more confident.Lubri...
Types of Declarative Sentences in Language Indonesia - one of them types of sentences is a declarative sentence. This sentence is a declarative sen...
Answer:Below are some examples of non-standard sentences that are converted into standard sentences, namely:Non-standard sentences: All participant...
Answer:The following are the characteristics of a statement sentence, namely:Contain information either fact or opinion.Ends with a period (.).Neut...