How to Create a Strong Marketing Funnel

click fraud protection – Whether you know it or not, you have a marketing funnel. Many companies don't know what a marketing channel is or how to measure it. In fact, over 68% of businesses are not aware of it. But they still have one.

If you have an amazing product or phenomenal service but aren't generating leads or sales, you need to dive into the world of funnel marketing. If your business is doing well and you haven't looked down the marketing funnel, this post will help you maintain and increase your sales.

This powerful marketing tool can significantly increase your sales if you take the time to configure it. A properly constructed funnel can regularly attract new prospects, convert them into buyers and increase your company's profits.

Whether your store is completely internet-based or physical, this guide is for you. But first, what is a marketing funnel and how do you use it? This post will walk you through simple steps to unlock the power of your marketing funnel.

What is a Marketing Channel?

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You can think of a marketing funnel as a buyer's journey. This is the path from your customers finding you to become a paying customer. Channels are just a visual metaphor used to simplify a concept.

The funnel is a cylindrical object that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The actual physical funnel is used to transfer and control liquids from one source to another without spilling.

You must use your marketing funnel in the same way to convert consumers from mere visitors to loyal customers. The variables vary from business to business, but the core principles and processes remain the same.

How Marketing Channels Work

The marketing channel has four stages. No matter what type of business you are in, all potential customers take very similar paths to becoming paying customers. Step 4 is a marketing effort designed specifically to target your intended audience.

Let's say you have a new visitor who found your website through a Google search. New visitors are considered potential customers. They spend a short time checking your blog posts and products on your site and then decide to subscribe to your email list.

These visitors are now prospects and you can market them off-site using email or other means.

Understanding these pathways can help you spot the holes where prospects and prospects leave the funnel—the holes that come out and never convert—so you can find ways to patch those holes and increase sales You.

Understanding the Stages of the Marketing Channel

Stage 4 consists of Awareness, Leads, Prospects and Sales. Let's take a closer look at each step.

Step 1: Awareness

This is where you make yourself visible. Raising awareness is getting your name out there so people know you and the business you offer.

When people have certain problems and you can fix them, you have the opportunity to recognize yourself and make yourself memorable. This is an important first step in creating a functional marketing funnel.

How to Create Awareness

  • Google – You can bet your future customers will turn to Google and find what they need, whether it's web design, a new hairdresser, SaaS, or kitchen appliances. About 90% of online searches are made through Google, and Google sees 3.5 billion searches every day. If you have no online activity, these statistics will tell you it's time to create a website.
  • Blogging – Creating valuable content for your prospects is a great way to increase awareness. When your customers do an Internet search for the problem they are trying to solve, you will find that you are the leading resource on this problem. Whatever your industry, original blog posts provide your customers with insight and prove that you can solve their situation.
  • SEO – You should pay attention to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in website copying and blogging. SEO techniques can help you rank higher in Google Search and give you the organic growth you want. Regular blogging improves SEO. The more words you have, the more likely search engines will know what your site is about and the quality of its content. However, it is important that your website contains useful informative information and is natural reading for your customers. Don't put keywords everywhere. To learn more about SEO, check out our SEO for Beginners blog.
  • YouTube – According to Statista, 96% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 use YouTube. It is the third most searched platform after Google and Google Images, and nearly double that of Bing and Yahoo combined. You could even say that YouTube is second only to Google in terms of number of searches. However, the platform is surprisingly underutilized by US businesses.
  • Forums – You are the main source for your topic, so act like one. To stand out as the best resource in your industry, visit often Reddit, appropriate Facebook groups, or forums like Quora and weigh in on insights and knowledge they. An online community where people with the same interests or problems come together to discuss and ask questions. Here you can engage in discussions and share tips while promoting your brand and raising awareness about your business. Be careful not to send spam emails. These sites often have strict rules of conduct that must be followed.
  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, LinkedIn) are all social media for presenting yourself and gathering followers. Depending on the type of business you run, you can choose several social media platforms for your marketing funnel. The great thing about these platforms is that you can also interact with your audience through them.
  • Influencers – Now you need to be present on social media and increase brand awareness. What are you doing now? This is where social media influencers come in. Social media influencers are people who already have a large following that trusts them. So why not take advantage of it? Influencers can get much needed attention by representing brands.
  • Think outside the box – there are many ways to get noticed. Here are some other great ways to increase awareness of your business or brand:
    You wrote a blog post as a guest on someone else's site.
    Become a guest on the podcast.
    Write a guest email newsletter.
    Be present at the meeting.
    Join our webinar.
    Write e-books.

Step 2: Lead

This is the stage where established perceptions turn into leads. The goal here is for your content and presence to hook people and make them the first person or business they think of when they are ready to solve a certain problem.

At this stage, prospects are looking for more in-depth and specific information, so it's a good idea to have content that reflects those more specific search terms. Your prospects can refine search queries, learn, and even compare stores.

Your job now is to attract more of them, communicate your values, and get them to follow you. This may include some kind of call to action, such as a request to subscribe to a newsletter, blog or channel. The type of call to action really depends on your niche and the type of platform you use to gain awareness.

Step 3: Views

Also known as the consider phase, this is the stage where the prospect begins to seriously consider their options. Your prospects are getting serious about choosing solutions to their problems.

They did their research and know what to do, but what made them choose you over your competition? Having no competition has a unique selling point, and it's a great reason to celebrate.

However, there will likely be at least one competitor. So now you need to convince potential customers that you are the right choice. Keep in mind that at this stage you are educating yourself about options, not pushing a sale.

  • Keep creating quality content – ​​You can continue to create and deliver value by creating additional content. For example, if you are an accountant, you can create content about choosing an accountant. Again, this isn't about driving sales, it's about delivering value.
  • Testimonials and Ratings – It's okay to show off how great your rankings are by displaying them on your website. Display customer testimonials so there will be no doubt that your customers are satisfied with your product or service.
  • Create a nurturing system – A nurturing system is a series of emails that gently guide prospects into paying customers. Again, this email demonstrates value, not promotes sales. For example, if you sell outerwear, this email might include announcements about features or materials updates, highlighting the differences between winter gear and raincoats, or answers to common questions. If your incubation system fits your company's niche, they may even offer something like a free consultation.

Step 4: Sell

You've done your best to prove how valuable your business is and your prospects are close to making up their minds. This is when you need that extra push to hit the buy button and turn them into paying customers. There are many different ways depending on your niche.

  • Free Trial Offers – Some companies, especially SaaS companies, offer free 7-10 day trials or deep discounts with no commitment obligations. This allows customers to see what you are capable of and really find value in the services you provide.
  • Discounts – You can offer discounts or coupon codes to first time buyers. This is especially useful for e-commerce stores.
  • Urgency – If your most sought-after product is out of stock or if space is limited for the program you offer, tell your prospects that you can convince them to buy.

Make the checkout process as smooth as possible. A clunky counter can alienate people and reduce sales.

List of contents


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