Facebook Stories: The Complete Guide for 2023 Business

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aroundknowledge.co.id – Isn't everything moving too fast? Every day there are new learning apps, features or tools like Facebook Stories. Story creation and consumption has increased since launch and more than 1 billion stories are shared daily on the Facebook app network.

Love it or hate it, Stories are an integral part of the Facebook experience. This presents a tremendous opportunity for those looking to learn tricks before the majority realize their potential and jump on the bandwagon.

In this article, you'll learn all about Facebook Stories, including what they are, why you need them, how to get started, and how they work.

What are Facebook Stories?

Facebook Story is a feature that allows users to share photos, videos and animations that disappear after 24 hours. Very similar to Snapchat Stories which was introduced in 2013. Facebook released a promotional video introducing the benefits of Stories.

Unlike most social media posts, Facebook stories don't have comments or likes. Conversely, when viewers respond to a story, the interaction occurs via Facebook Messenger.

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Where Can I View Facebook Stories?

Content shared via Facebook Stories will not appear in your News Feed. Instead, your story will appear at the top of your Facebook app or Messenger app. On Facebook desktop, your story will appear at the top of your right sidebar.

To view someone's Facebook Story, just tap on their profile photo. A blue ring appears around a user's profile picture if they have a story they haven't viewed. The Facebook story appears in full screen. You can go back and forth by tapping the left or right side of the screen.

So why should businesses use them?

The Power of Facebook for Business

Facebook is king. It is the world's largest social network with more than 2.7 billion users. But are these users involved? Yes. More than 1 billion people log on to Facebook every day, and according to comScore, the average user accesses Facebook 8 times a day.

Because these users are so valuable, Facebook ads completely dominate social media advertising, with 93% of social media advertisers using the service. But what about Facebook Stories?

The Rise of Story Forms

When Snapchat launched Snapchat Stories in 2013, the world watched and waited to see if the concept would work. Snapchat evangelist Gary Vaynerchuk even denounced the story format as a bad idea.

However, Snapchat Stories have become a huge hit. Just months after launch, Mark Zuckerberg saw the potential and offered to buy the company for $3 billion. However, the offer was turned down as Snapchat's growth exploded.

If you still can't buy it, you can always make a copy, right? next 3 years. In August 2016, Facebook launched Instagram Stories and just six months later Facebook WhatsApp Status.

Finally, Facebook Stories launched in March 2017 to complete an all-out attack on Snapchat. Who won?

Even though only 10% of Facebook's 1.45 billion daily active users have adopted Facebook Stories, Statistica reports that Facebook's "Snapchat clones are outperforming the original."

It's true that Facebook Stories is currently the least used app, but that may change as Facebook decides to push the Stories feature.

“The way people create content is changing from text to photos and videos,” said Connor Hayes, product manager for Facebook Stories. "This in turn changes the way they share with each other and interact online."

“This is what Snapchat really pioneered,” he added.

Facebook Stories Replace News Feed

Let's face it for a second: Facebook's organic reach sucks. It's been declining for a number of years. Even worse, it looks like this trend will continue.

According to Adam Mosseri, Head of News Feed at Facebook, in January 2018, Facebook “started to change News Feed ranks because it connects with people and not about media consumption closed."

Zuckerberg wrote in a Facebook post: And the public content you see more of will be of the same standard. We need to encourage meaningful interactions between people.”

In essence, this means marketing content is behind the content of friends and family. That is, you want to go back to your old Facebook values. So what can marketers do?

Harness the power of Facebook Stories. This format provides a way to bypass the News Feed and reach your target audience organically. In 2019, sharing about stories is expected to go beyond sharing through feeds (and it probably will).

The story also appears above the user's News Feed. But that's not all.

The Power of Facebook Stories for Marketers

Facebook Stories currently has more than 150 million daily active users, and this number will continue to grow as users move from the News Feed to Facebook Stories. Facebook Stories also have an urgency that most forms of social sharing lack, as they disappear after 24 hours.

There's nothing like a little FOMO to get people's attention. And Gary Vaynerchuk explains: It's depth, not width. It's not how many impressions you get, it's how much attention you get.”

Facebook Stories are also great for sharing real life content in real time. This level of connection and authenticity can be powerful. In fact, 94% of consumers say they are loyal to brands that offer complete transparency. It's also free at a time when many marketing tools are not available.

In addition, you will soon have the option to place paid ads on Facebook Stories. This will contribute to Facebook's dominance in social media advertising. Conclusion: Facebook Stories are the future. This gives you the opportunity to connect more closely with your audience throughout the day.

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