Community Management: Basics for Success 2023

click fraud protection Management – In today's bustling digital world, building and maintaining relationships is non-negotiable if you want to grow your brand and increase brand loyalty. Community management is an important tool for achieving this.

Good community management is about engaging with your followers and customers in innovative and creative ways, as well as in trustworthy and proven ways. The name of the game is to keep your audience interested in what you do and what you have to say.

While there is no one right way to formulate a community management strategy, there are a few key guidelines to keep in mind. Let's take a look at what these guidelines are and how to start engaging the community today.

What is Community Management?

Community management is the process of gathering and managing sponsors and brand loyalists for your business. This includes using websites or social apps to create networks where people can connect, engage and share.

Online Community Management Fundamentals

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The community management plan can be summarized in four parts: monitoring, engagement, coordination and measurement.


Also known as "social listening," it uses what people are saying about you online. The easiest way is to use a paid tool like Mention or Sprout Social, or a free tool like Google Alerts.

These tools allow you to search for brands by their name (including misspelled names) and the products or services they offer.

Having a relationship

This is the active part. Respond to comments people leave and start your own conversations. At a minimum, you should always respond to complaints and help resolve them.

You can also take this opportunity to thank your happy customers and reach out to potential followers. Be creative and don't be afraid to show your personality.


This section is also called “reputation management”. It takes a lot of work to keep track of all the problems in the online community. In addition to helping you solve the problem, make sure your profile is free from spam. You want to create an overall positive, natural, and inviting environment.


Take a closer look at our most popular social media channels and platforms. How do people feel about your brand? How do they interact with you? Need to protect or divert the conversation in any direction? Get feedback in the form of questions, polls, polls, and direct messages.

How to Create a Community Management Strategy

Let's look at some of the basic steps to becoming a good community manager.

1. Goal Setting

Community management plans must be based on specific, actionable goals. This allows you to “back-engineer” the results you want to see. Here are some ideas for goals you should set.

  • Increase sales and/or subscriptions
  • Increase customer retention
  • Turn customers into brand ambassadors
  • growth in word of mouth marketing
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Generate actionable feedback
  • Reputation and Awareness Improvement
  • Educate yourself about brands, products, industries and more.

Ideally, you could attach a specific number to your goal, such as "Increase sales by 10% in the next 3 months."

2. Know Your Audience

Not speaking the right language to community members can be like shouting into the void. The world's best community management experts know the needs and wants of their audience, demographic details, personal beliefs and ethics, inside and out.

Who your customers are will be a good indicator of how you connect with them. For example, Facebook groups can be a great way to reach middle-aged customers.

Google Analytics data about website visitors can help you start doing basic demographic research. You can also take advantage of the built-in analytics on your social media platforms.

3. Create great content

When you start your community management journey, great content looks like posts and other content on public pages like your social media accounts. However, content may change as your brand grows.

This can be a separate group or forum where your audience can communicate directly with you and with each other. It could be a member's website promoting this type of connection in a dedicated space that is wholly owned by you.

For example, Nomad List, a community of digital nomads, has established free workspaces to facilitate broader conversation and connection between members and brands themselves.

4. Invest in Good Tools

As you can guess, the larger your online community, the more time and resources you'll need to manage it effectively. This can be very tiring, especially when you are trying to do everything manually.

Fortunately, there are many social listening tools that can help you listen to people. Several tools let you manage conversations directly within the platform, eliminating the need to switch between multiple channels.

HootSuite is a popular social media management tool used by growing brands to drive conversation. There are also more detailed tools. For example, Grytics can help you manage Facebook groups instead of all channels at once.

5. Measure, Analyze and Optimize

As you rethink the goals you set in step one, it's time to see how well you are achieving them with your current community management strategy. View the metrics that are most relevant to your goals during the timeframe you set.

For example, if you want to increase brand awareness, look at metrics like number of website visitors, lift social media followers, and engagement boosts such as likes, comments, and mentions across multiple media platforms social. .

If you hit the mark, great! If not, collect some data to help point you in the right direction, and adapt your strategy in your favour. Keep repeating this cycle until you master the art.

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