The Ultimate Guide to Brand Strategy 2023

click fraud protection – The world's most beloved and successful brands didn't happen overnight. The truth is: Building a truly great brand takes a focused strategy and a lot of effort. But what is brand strategy?

In short, it's a game plan for getting in and conquering your company's niche. It outlines all the good stuff: brand identity, positioning in the market, and the type of messaging and marketing that will resonate with your target audience.

It can be your greatest asset or it can be your unfortunate demise. Above all, it is a means of building real relationships with people. Here's a little secret. Real connections turn into loyal customers.

In this article, learn about the different characteristics that brand strategy and strong brand strategy tend to have. We also provide you with examples of good brand strategies and give you a few steps to start planning your brand strategy today.

What is Brand Strategy?

You can think of your brand strategy as a 360 degree business blueprint. Ideally, your brand strategy outlines the key elements that make your brand unique, its mission and goals, and how to achieve them.

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A strong brand strategy is carefully crafted by considering all aspects of your market, niche, product or service offering, customers and competitors. This should all be rooted in as much data as you can get your hands on.

It takes a leap of faith at first. This is unavoidable when starting from scratch. But with every new visitor, follower, and subscriber you have, you will have more awesome data to create meaningful strategies that actually translate into results.

How to Develop a Brand Strategy

The brand strategy process usually has three steps.

  1. Plan: This is Intel's move. Before starting a brand building strategy, do some research to make sure you have a firm grip on your market, your particular niche, your competitors, and the roots of your marketing strategy.
  2. Building: Once the basic plan is in place, the brand building phase begins. Create your brand identity by including your logo, color palette and other visual elements. Create a website, social channels and other media to execute your brand strategy plan.
  3. Execution: Marketing is the engine fuel your brand. Launch your brand and take advantage of all the messaging strategies you have planned and the marketing channels you have built. Never stop. do not stop

Let's break this down into 5 actionable steps.


Market research is non-negotiable if you want to grow fast. This process helps build a solid foundation for brand development and provides important insights such as:

  • Refine your business model by adding specific products or offers that fit your original idea, or by narrowing your target audience.
  • Set product prices based on potential value and competitors.
  • Who are your main competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • The types of messages and marketing strategies your audience responds to the most.

Social media is truly your market research friend. If you're starting a dropshipping store, head straight to Instagram to see what's going on in your niche. And definitely keep an eye on your competitors. Here are some additional research resources.

  • Facebook Audience Insights: Free Facebook user data based on shopping habits and profile data such as demographics, preferences and interests.
  • Pew Research Center: Lots of free information gathered through demographic data, polls, analysis of media content and other social science research.
  • Statista: Free and paid access to over a million facts and statistics on consumer and digital markets around the world.
  • Marketing Charts: All kinds of marketing data, analytics and charts. They offer free charts and paid reports.

Create a Great Brand Identity

During the research phase, it's basically impossible not to be inspired by ideas for your own brand identity. That's why it's a good idea to dive into the market before making a final decision on identity and aesthetics. Below is a list of important brand identity elements.

  • Logos and Slogans: With Shopify's Hatchful, you can quickly create beautiful, clear logos without any design skills.
  • Color Palette: Choose between 3 and 5 colors and use them in all your branding and marketing materials. This will help strengthen your brand awareness. Oh, and don't forget color psychology to set the mood.
  • Fonts: Like the color palette, choose no more than 3 fonts and stick one on all materials. Canva has a helpful guide for pairing fonts.
  • Photography and Art: In the world of online shopping, stunning visuals are key. If you are dropshipping, take nice, cool product photos. Set the stage with lights, pictures, models and accessories and convey the overall theme.
  • Voice and Tone: Funny, communicative, inspiring and dramatic. How you convey your message can be as important as the message itself.
  • Story: Emotions go a long way. Build bonds with your customers by providing background stories. How did the brand get started? What are your values ​​and mission? your dreams and promises Personalize.
  • Beautiful Websites: Don't send people to websites that are flawed, slow, or sketchy. This is exponentially more important in an ecommerce business where the site is the backbone. One study found that 94% of respondents either rejected or distrusted a site based solely on the web design. Don't site it.

Develop an Actionable Marketing Plan

Having a sweet brand will not be enough. You should go home with constant messaging across all kinds of channels. And once you tie them up, you have to strengthen your relationship and earn their loyalty to keep them tied.

Basically, you have to stay afloat for the rest of your brand's life. We never said it was easy. Here are some considerations for the marketing part of your brand strategy plan.

  1. Sales funnel: Especially for ecommerce sites, sales funnels can seamlessly convert visitors into customers and return customers to them.
  2. Social Media Marketing: The world and all online shoppers have it at their fingertips via platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, YouTube and more. In addition to organic posts, try paid tactics like influencer marketing and social media advertising.
  3. Content Marketing: This is a big deal. Technically, every product video you create, social media post you write, email you send, or blog post you post is content marketing. Attracting customers through your sales funnel using content marketing best practices can have a big impact.
  4. Email Marketing: Email marketing is another effective tool for sales funnels. One study found that email was 40 times more effective than Twitter or Facebook at helping businesses acquire new customers. This is powerful stuff.

Be Reliable and Trustworthy

Consistency is key. Don't start with haute couture branding and then turn left field into pretty football mom territory. Likewise, avoid using highly emotional messages and turn to sarcasm and jokes.

The essence of the brand strategy process is to carve out a clear and distinct voice and image for your company and stick to it in every aspect of your behavior.

Before making any merchandising, branding or marketing decision, ask yourself – Does this align with my branding strategy? Does it "fit" with everything else and reinforce the narrative I'm starting with?

If a new idea doesn't go a bit off the rails, discard it and try again. Apart from being consistent with your branding and messaging, it is also important to keep all your promises. If you offer delivery within one week, we recommend that your package arrive within one week.

Losing your customers' trust is the quickest way to lose them and damage your reputation in the process.

Track, Evaluate and Improve When Needed

Evolution is necessary to survive on this floating space planet. Why should your brand make an exception?

Research is the first step in this process. But the reality is that the process has to be in a loose infinite loop. You should always look at Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, Twitter Analytics and other platforms to see how all your campaigns and efforts are performing.

Google Analytics is my favorite tool because it gives you in-depth information about your website visitors and exactly what they do on your site (up to the last click). If you don't have a Google Analytics account yet, create one now.

Always looking for ways to improve. Acknowledge that sometimes you need to upgrade from scratch, starting with important elements of business branding such as tone, marketing channels or brand identity.

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