7 Personal Branding Tips to Improve Business in 2023

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aroundknowledge.co.id – Personal branding is about taking responsibility for how you present yourself. Either try to position yourself as a professional or become an influencer in your niche market, self-branding can help you improve your reputation as a leader.

By displaying unique character traits and being active online, you can build a personal brand that resonates with people all over the world. This article will take you through the steps of branding yourself with 10 personal branding tips.

What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is the practice of creating a brand around people rather than businesses. Personal branding is used to help position people as experts in their industry to advance their careers.

By developing a personal brand, one can increase his social following to help him earn better jobs, sell more products in his business, and increase the opportunities in his business his career. Building a personal brand doesn't happen overnight.

It takes a lot of planning and months of hard work to start seeing results. Sometimes you need to improve your personal brand after receiving feedback. This type of branding is also called self-branding and will be used interchangeably throughout this document.

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You can create a personal brand statement to grow your own personal brand. Your personal brand statement describes who your audience is, what value you want to bring to them, and why people should follow you (your USP).

When building your personal brand, you need to get out of these 1-2 sentence sentences and keep yourself true to your brand.

7 Personal Branding Tips

After knowing what personal branding is, it's time for us to share tips for doing the right branding for all of you. Below are 7 tips that you can try based on your current condition.


Authenticity is very important when it comes to self-branding. But what does that mean? It means to be yourself. Everyone has their own habits. In the middle of a conversation, you might suddenly start singing. Or maybe there is a completely different way of dressing. There is something that makes you unique.

And if you're serious about branding yourself, now is the time to embrace your quirks. In fact, those special traits will make you stand out on a planet of 7 billion people. Celebrate your differences and show the real you.

Blogging for Personal Branding

Blogging for personal branding is one strategy many influencers use. Why does it work? Today you may become a person without a voice.

However, if you consistently create content within your niche for at least a year or two, you will eventually build an audience around you. There are two approaches to blogging for personal branding. First, you can create your own blog.

This personal branding strategy will require the most initial work, but will be the most rewarding in the end. Alternatively, you can guest write posts on top blogs in your niche. This lets you build your audience faster, but you don't own any virtual assets.

Provide Value

When people say they provide value, it usually sounds like bullshit. Its meaning is as follows. Let's say you sell makeup products. It can also be a brand that only serves ads.

Or you can build a personal brand making makeup tutorial videos, writing articles about general makeup questions, and hosts a steady stream of makeup inspiration ideas for different seasons or program.

Customers may buy from brands that only run ads, but they are more likely to buy from ads run by influencers that provide value. Why? Because influencers help them and teach them new things before they are ready to buy. The brand is the first that comes to mind.

Exit Spotlight

It may seem counterintuitive, but being in the spotlight all the time can cost your life. Also, sometimes people need to miss you for a while to realize how much you need them in your life.

Think Taylor Swift. Prior to the release of his latest album, Reputation, he had not posted on social media for almost a year. Just as she started to recognize the toxic side of fame, she completely stepped out of the spotlight.

As you build your personal brand, you will find that too much attention has its downside. It's okay to support yourself by getting out of the spotlight from time to time.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is what successful personal brands have in common. Consistency isn't just about posting on social media every day. It's about combining your brand's look and message. Do all social media posts look different or the same?

Some say you need variety in your content, but the truth is that the more consistent you are, the easier it will be to gain followers. If your favorite pop singer suddenly puts out a jazz album, you'll lose interest in favor of the original music he made.

The same goes for personal branding. Your audience will love the way you present your content. Changing the pitch will make you jump ship.


It's hard to master branding yourself if you don't put yourself out there. Start a blog, host Meetup events, hang out with people in meetings, have coffee with strangers and post on social media every day. The more you interact with people, the bigger your network will be.

It may be tempting to stick with a niche-focused network, but the smartest thing to do is expand into other categories. You never know when you will meet someone who offers a different perspective or who has expertise in an area that you will need to find out more about later.

Become a Creator

Some build a personal brand through debate. This can sometimes backfire and generate a lot of negative publicity. A safer way to create a great personal brand is to become a creator.

Don't underestimate how important creativity is when it comes to creating your own online store, products or unique content. The best influencers are creators and doers.

So you start an online store, create a YouTube channel, and literally publish weekly posts or guest write articles on popular blogs. Hiding behind the computer and watching Netflix on the weekends is not conducive to self-branding.

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