What Is Branding Design and How Is It Done?

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aroundknowledge.co.id – A brand is more than a logo. Branding design today is all about creating a personality, voice and character that shows your audience what to expect. Your visual brand identity should be reflected in every element of your business, whether it's a logo, color palette, photography or product packaging.

Branding design brings the company's values ​​to life in a very personal, very direct, and tangible way. Branding design drives top line revenue and growth and has the potential to make or break a company's long-term profitability.

But creating a visual identity that “sticks” is easier said than done.

If you have limited experience in art, publishing, or marketing, building a consistent brand design can seem impossible. But brand design is more accessible than most people think, especially with the advent of free software, tools and tutorials.

Let's take a look at branding design from scratch, learn key terms, evaluate case studies, and create brand designs for any size budget. We'll also look at the main tools and resources to help you build your brand image.

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What is Brand Design?

Contrary to popular belief, brand design is not the same as branding or branding guidelines. Rather, it is a combination of two separate elements: brand and brand identity.

A brand is a set of emotions, thoughts and feelings associated with a particular company that are experienced by its audience or the outside world. It gives a company meaning or value, like Just Do It from Nike or A Diamond Is Forever from De Beers. For best results, a high-level brand concept should be embodied in your brand identity.

Brand identity describes the basic elements of brand design. The logo, choice of fonts, colors, and branding guidelines are stated as the brand identity of the whole company.

Some organizations choose to keep their identity assets private, while others make them accessible to anyone who wants to know. After all, brand identity is built on the foundation provided by the brand.

Branding design combines the visual elements of brand values ​​and brand identity. Describe the process of condensing your brand personality into a more tangible element.

Instead of using monochromatic words to get your point across, brand design uses colors, fonts, images and logos to reflect your core values, beliefs and characteristics. Simply put, branding design is the physical appearance and emotional feel of your business.

Examples of Successful Branding Designs

Understanding the textbook idea of ​​branding design is not enough. In a world where brand identity can make or break a business, it is increasingly important to have a solid understanding of exemplary best practices.

Before moving on to the development process, let's take a look at some successful brand designs and how they stood out in the market.


Accommodation rental and vacation company AirBnB boasts one of the most recognizable logos in the hospitality industry. Images are bright, airy, and airy, with a people-centric focus visible across channels.

Text- and image-based websites instantly set expectations by reflecting our core values ​​of people, place and love.


Combining quality wines with a box subscription program, Winc offers exploratory flavors for every bottle every month. Pastel colors and solid lines across the sales funnel exude values ​​of luxury, luxury and minimalism.

Even the logos are created with simplicity in mind, conveyed directly to the target audience elegant and sophisticated.

Meow Wolf

Immersive art companies like Meow Wolf specialize in doing things differently. Therefore, brand designs are visually appealing and highly dynamic. A quick visit to the website will impress with its vibrant primary colors, bold font choices and moving assets.

A creative and recognizable brand identity helps Meow Wolf reflect its values ​​and ideals.

How to Build a Great Branding Design

Success in the best branding design requires extensive research, management and hard work. Start strong by completing initial research and building your brand as soon as possible.

  1. Create a story brand. What does your brand represent? How do other people see it in the market? Record this in your brand bible or comprehensive folder.
  2. Do market research. Understand what users are looking for in your visual identity and what other brands are already doing.
  3. Present your winning slogan. Summarize in 7 words or less what your brand does better than anyone else.

Once the ground work is done, it's time to enter the design phase.

  1. Choose a color palette. Use complementary or contrasting colors whenever possible. The Paletton tool is useful for selecting similar accents and tones and provides a visual simulation to accommodate color blindness.
  2. Consider your font options. Some brands choose to create their own fonts, others choose from an existing pool.
  3. Create logos. This can be text-based (Silk), image-based (Target), or a combination of the two (Burger King).

The first iteration of a brand design is not and should not be a permanent brand identity. We regularly monitor and update our branding materials from time to time and complete the rebranding process when necessary.

  1. See the evolution. Evaluate changes in your brand's values, perceptions or target audience. If necessary, take this opportunity to update your brand guidelines.
  2. Think about design. Rethink your brand's colors, logo and visual identity. Is there anything I need to update? Why?
  3. Launch your changes. Develop a rebranding strategy that makes it easier for potential customers to adapt to your new design. It is important at this stage to monitor the feedback and pivot accordingly.

Branding designs can be tedious during the second phase of development, especially when it comes to creating a logo, selecting colors, or procuring complementary fonts. You can rely on an in-house artist or graphic designer to get the job done, but it's totally possible to create your own custom look.

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