Razor E100 Review, A Must-Buy Children's Electric Scooter!

aroundknowledge.co.id – The Razor E100 is an inexpensive starter electric scooter that is perfect for kids. The Razor E100 electric scooter is a great, affordable option for kids learning to ride. Come on, see the full review below before considering buying it for your child.

Razor E100 specifications

Age Range: 8+
Dimensions: 36 x 32.5 x 16 inches
Weight: 22 pounds
Max speed: 10 mph
Range: 10 miles
Maximum occupant weight: 120 pounds


  • + Cheap
  • + Fun to drive
  • + Easy to learn


  • - Hard
  • – No reflector or buzzer

If you are thinking of buying your child an electric scooter, you should include the Razor E100 for Rp. 2.4 million. This is an affordable scooter made for kids between the ages of 8 and 12. The E100 offers enough twist-grip throttle and oomph to spin at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour for about 40 minutes.

Since I was too big and too old to drive the E100, I gave the Chase (8) Razor E100 review test to see how well it performed. Overall, the E100 is one of the best electric scooters for kids.

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Pricing and Availability

The Razor E100 costs Rp. 1.8 million on Amazon and available in various colors. The newest model, the Razor PowerCore E100, has a hub-mounted motor that should provide a quieter ride.

Of course the price offered is relatively cheap compared to some of its competitors. Even so, this best electric scooter for kids offers several advantages. Starting from the design, performance, and several other advantages.

Razor E100 design

Razor E100 design

Nothing radical. Razor E100 has a typical scooter design. Its steel construction feels sturdy despite its 22 pounds. The E100's deck widens from front to back and covers the rear wheels. “I really like the wide deck. It gives me a sense of balance while riding the scooter,” says Chase.

There is a twist throttle on the right side of the handlebar and a handbrake on the left side. Chase, who tested the red version of the E100, found its sleek and colorful exterior, and said his friends all thought it was "cool".

The scooter's dual 12-volt lead-acid batteries are located below deck in a steel cage. There's also a power switch and charging port underneath.

Unlike many other electric scooters, the E100's front tube does not fold up for transport or storage. “The controls are easy to use, but I wish the scooter could fold up and fit in my dad's car.” said Chase.

A bigger concern is the lack of reflectors or other safety measures. I don't expect a scooter at this price to have headlights or taillights, but I would like to see front and rear reflectors and a buzzer to warn others. This is a standard safety feature on bicycles and applies to scooters as well.

The E100 has a 100 watt motor connected to the rear wheel via a chain which makes it noisier than scooters where the motor is directly connected to the rear wheel. The Razor PowerCore E100 with a hub mounted motor should be quieter.

Razor E100 performance

Chase found the E100 easy to ride and well balanced. He needed 15 minutes to get the controls and position his feet and hands right before bragging to his friends around town.

He found the controls well placed and able to brake or accelerate quickly while riding. The handbrake connected to the front wheels is strong enough to quickly stop the E100 even when going down a fast hill.

However, road bumps and curbs are a bit harsh on this scooter due to the lack of suspension. Unfortunately, the lack of a motor, stiff synthetic wheels and suspension make the E100 a noisy scooter.

Whether it's the loud noises or the 8 year old's rebellion, Chase always doesn't come back when he asks his dad. Razor estimates the E100's dual 12-volt batteries should last up to 40 minutes of continuous driving. In practice, Chase could get between 60 and 80 minutes depending on how fast he was going.


The Razor E100 is a capable and reliable electric scooter for kids that isn't too expensive. It's a bit noisy, so I suggest choosing the PowerCore E100, which costs around Rp. 150k more but has a hub mounted motor.

If you're looking for something slimmer, the Razor Power A2 has the same range, but uses a lithium-ion battery, so the deck is thinner. It is also foldable for easy storage. However, the price is around Rp. 750 thousands more.

Our biggest gripe with the E100, and one that's common with most Razor scooters under Rp. 3 million, is the lack of reflectors, bells or horns. If you buy this scooter, I highly recommend buying it as an add-on. Other than that, my biggest problem with the Razor E100 is getting my kids out of the Razor E100.

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