Kinanthi Song: Definition, Character, Meaning, Example

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Javanese people know the macapat song which contains a very deep philosophical meaning. This Javanese song is indeed quite popular and is the expression of the poet to express his feelings and heart. One of them is the kinanthi song.

This song will be discussed in full in the following review. So for those of you who want to know more about one of these macapat songs, you can immediately listen to the review.

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Definition of Kinanthi Song

Definition of Kinanthi Song

The Javanese song Kinanthi is included in the pupuh macapat which has the characteristic 8u-8i-8a-8i-8a-8i. This song is ranked 4th in the macapat song and is a picture of the developmental phase of a person's life who has reached the age of adolescence.

In terms of language, the word kinanthi can be interpreted as "guided", "guided", "directed", or "accompanied". The meaning refers to the origin of the word, namely dikanthi-kanthi. In Javanese itself, kinanthi has the same meaning as the words "kanthil" and "gandheng".

The adolescent phase, which is described as looking for identity, certainly requires direction and guidance from parents. This is what describes the Javanese song Kinanthi, where one needs to be guided and directed by parents who are more understanding.

Read: Javanese script

Kinanthi Song Functions

Kinanthi Song Functions

In the life of the Javanese people, the song macapat kinanthi has its own meaning and function which is closely related to daily activities. These functions include:

  • As a means of entertainment and at the same time to convey advice.
  • As an expression of love and advice to teenagers.
  • As a form of exemplary life that is sublime that is expected to be imitated.
  • As an accompaniment for arts and cultural performances.
  • As a means of expressing concern.

Kinanthi Song Character

Kinanthi Song Character

In Javanese language subject matter, you will usually find questions about the macapat kinanthi song. That is related to the character of the song. To understand it, here are some of the characteristics of the macapat kinanthi song that characterizes it:

  • Advice
  • Happy
  • Affection
  • advice
  • Expression of love
  • Exemplary life

Read: gurgle

Paugeran / Kinanthi Song Rules

Paugeran Song Rules Kinanthi

Paugeran is also known as wewaton which refers to several rules in creating the macapat kinanthi song. It should be noted, that in creating this song, it should not be arbitrary because it is bound by the existence of paugeran or binding rules.

In this case, the paugeran in the macapat kinanthi song is a distinctive feature that distinguishes it from other songs. Because basically every song has rules or paugeran known as guru gatra, guru wilangan and song guru.

1 Song Master

In the song, you will find the name of the song teacher, just like the rhyme in the pantun. Both have almost the same role, namely to regulate the vowel sound that falls at the end of the gatra or line.

The difference is, if the same rhyme is used, namely a-b-a-b, then in the macapat kinanthi song, the song teacher can be different depending on what paugeran is the song. The title of the song teacher in the song macapat kinanthi is u-i-a-i-a-i.

In other words, in tembang macapat kinanthi, the last vowel in the first line must be a vowel u. While the second line uses the vowel i, the third line a, the fourth line i, and so on.

2 Guru Gatra

Another paugeran relates to the number of lines which in the macapat kinanthi song is known as guru gatra. The number of lines or guru gatra in this macapat song is 6.

3 Wilangan Teachers

The next paugeran that must be considered in creating the macapat kinanthi song is guru wilangan, namely the number of syllables in each line. For the macapat kinanthi song itself, there are 8 wilangan teachers, namely 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8.

In general, guru wilangan or the number of syllables in a tembang consists of 5 -12 syllable soy sauce. However, in this macapat kinanthi song, all gatras consist of 8 syllables so that the lyrics of the song tend to look even.

Based on the 3 paugerans described above, it can be concluded that in general the macapat kinanthi song has 6 gatra paugeran: 8u-8i-8a-8i-8a-8i

The examples of the application of paugeran in the song macapat kinanthi are as follows:

Kinanthi Teacher Wilangan Song Master
Anoman skips past 8 wanda u
Prapteng witing nagasari 8 wanda i
Mulat mangandhap katingal 8 wanda a
Wanodya yu kuru aking 8 wanda i
Broken coils wor and kisma 8 wanda a
Kang ribs kaeksi 8 wanda i

Philosophy of the Song Kinanthi

Philosophy of the Song Kinanthi

Broadly speaking, the macapat song contains various kinds of life advice which is one of the means to build human character, from birth to death. In this case, every song in the macapat has a deep philosophical meaning.

The song macapat kinanthi has a philosophical meaning in the phase of adolescent life that requires guidance and direction and advice from parents. Thus, it is hoped that in this phase, adolescents will be better prepared to form their identity and achieve their goals.

In the macapat kinanthi song there are various kinds of noble pitutur that give advice and advice about life. Both related to association with other humans, with the environment to the relationship between humans and their God.

Read: Macapat Song

Examples of Homemade Kinanthi Songs

Examples of Homemade Kinanthi Songs

The following are some examples of macapat kinanthi songs that are made based on the paugeran or standard rules that exist in the song.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Oh my God, the great one

Stay away from mommy

Sewu lara sewu brangta

Tan ana weigh mami

Yen ta ulun tan Panggiha

Mommy's Prince

O God Almighty

Look at all my behavior

A thousand pains and sorrows

Nothing compares to

When I only wish

To my Lord

Examples of Kinanthi Songs with Religious Themes

Examples of Kinanthi Songs with Religious Themes

Pitutur or piwulang about life that parents give to their children are very diverse, one of which is giving very useful religious advice. The following is an example of pitutur in the song Macapat Kinanthi with a religious theme.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Please kanca mituhu

Nuladhani kanjeng Prophet

Kanggo urges urip mulya

Ing prasah and nastiti

Mungi Gusti angapura

Ndadosaken padhang ati

Let's be serious

In following the teachings of the Prophet

To achieve the glory of life

In humility and caution

May God forgive

Make the heart bright again

Examples of Environmental Themes of Kinanthi Song

Examples of Environmental Themes of Kinanthi Song

The life that is lived includes all aspects, and one of them is how to coexist with nature and the environment. This advice is also given to children and adolescents so that they protect and preserve the environment. The following is an example of the song:

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Saktenane urip iku

I need to be careful

Manawa body and nature

I need holy

Holy song, kawedhar

Resik physical rehearsal

The essence of life is

Must be applied in the heart

That body and nature

Need cleaning

Cleanliness includes

Clean nature and body

Examples of Kinanthi Song Wedhatama Fiber

Examples of Kinanthi Song Wedhatama Fiber

Wise advice about life and various problems in it is one of the provisions for teenagers to reach the future. The following is an example of a kinanthi macapat song which is full of life advice.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Kanggo kanthining tumuwuh

Salam, watch out and be aware

Marang painting nature

Dadi wiryaning dumadi

So no samsara

Yeku pangkreksane urip

As a provision to live life

Always have to be vigilant and remember

Will be a sign that happens in nature

Become the power of origin

So as not to live in misery

That's how to keep life

Example of Kinanthi Song for School Theme

Example of Kinanthi Song for School Theme

School and studying are very important things for the lives of teenagers, so the song macapat kinanthi also gives special advice for them. The following are examples:

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Get knowledge, kang mituhu

Dadi guide urip

I wish and the hereafter

Knowledge must be understood

Dadi anom kang miguna

Anggayuh tentreme urip

Seeking knowledge must be serious

Because it will be a way of life


Both in this world and the hereafter

Knowledge must be understood

So be a useful young man

To achieve a peaceful life

Example of Kinanthi Song with Adiwiyata Theme

Example of Kinanthi Song with Adiwiyata Theme

With wise advice, it is hoped that teenagers will be better prepared to face the harshness of life and not give up easily. The following are examples of songs that can be used as inspiration.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Padha gulangen ning heart

Ing sasmita amrih lantip

Just don't do it, nendra

Ing kaprawiran den kaesthi

Sarinira supplier

Disuda dhahar and guling

Try to train your heart

How to make the voice of the heart sharp

Don't just eat and sleep

Follow the knight spirit

And control your limbs

By reducing eating and sleeping

Example of a Kinanthi Song with a Courteous Theme

Example of a Kinanthi Song with a Courteous Theme

Not only receiving education at school, teenagers must also have a noble character so wise advice about manners is very important to give. Here is one example:

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
The young sing mituhu

Anggon you are heartbroken

Yen kabeh can eat

Andhap asor and nastiti

Tour ngajeni marang liyan

Peace of mind and soul

Come on, serious youths

Deep in the heart

If all could feel

Humble and always be careful

Also respect others

Surely it will give peace of mind and heart

Example of Kinanthi Song on Educational Theme

Example of Kinanthi Song on Educational Theme

Advice about the importance of studying can be a motivation for teenagers to be more enthusiastic so they can reach their goals. The following is an example of a macapat song containing advice about education.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Please share knowledge

Migunani's science

Ing donya no samsara

Don't worry about Gusti

It's going to be glorious at first

accompanied by edi peni

Let's all seek knowledge

Useful knowledge

In life the world will not be miserable

Don't forget God

So that life will be glorious

Give all the good

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Love

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Love

Teenagers are identical with puberty and already know love. In the macapat song that is exemplified this time, there is an expression of love that is being felt by teenagers.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Feeling heart kang wuyung

Tan ana ing jero ati

Weteng Luwe ra is felt

It's still easy to be around

I love love

Satuhu ra will miss

It feels like a heart in love

Always in heart

You don't even feel hungry stomach

Just want to keep remembering

Lover of the heart

Always will never forget

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Advice

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Advice

The song macapat kinanthi is indeed full of wise advice which is very useful for the provision of teenagers in living their lives. The following is an important piece of advice to heed.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
My puni pedicab artist

It's easy to do it

Angel yen is not feeling well

Arsarasen perform

Nanging tansah play

Mupangati Badaneki

That good deed,

It's easy if it's done

It will be difficult if it has not been implemented

Lazy at first to start

But it must be done

Because it will be useful for yourself

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Life

Examples of Kinanthi Song Themes of Life

The example of the song below is more of advice for teenagers not to make mistakes in socializing because in fact it will have an impact on themselves.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Yen wus orders wong agung

Don't go back on Dhiri

Don't stick to ro wong ala

Kang naturelakunireki

Nora Wurung invites

Satemah anunulari

If you are destined to be an honorable person

So don't brag about yourself

Don't be friends with bad people

Bad and bad behavior

Which in the end will lead to evil

Later will only pass it on

Example of a Kinanthi Song on the Theme of Lust

Example of a Kinanthi Song on the Theme of Lust

In the example below, teenagers are invited to hold back their passions and not sink into excessive joy so that the inner eye remains sharp and not weak.

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
Dadia is doing my nire

Ngampet dhahar and guling

And don't do sports

Anganggoa is enough

Like Watake Wong

Nyuda prayinaning inner

Make this a habit

Refrain from eating and sleeping

And don't get too excited

Use all of them sparingly

It's not good for people to be overjoyed

Will reduce mental sharpness

Examples of Kinanthi Songs for Worship Themes

Examples of Kinanthi Songs for Worship Themes

Worship as a form of gratitude to the Creator is an important thing that must be instilled from an early age. The following is an example of one of the songs:

Macapat Kinanthi Meaning
On eling kang satuhu

Marang Gusti we are the same

Kang paring delicious lang gesang

Don't change to lali

Don't like to do cidra

God willing aksami

Let's always remember

To God we all

Who has given pleasure and life

Don't let us forget

Don't behave badly

God is Forgiving

The Meaning of the Kinanthi Song

The Meaning of the Kinanthi Song

Teenagers really need direction and guidance from their parents and their environment. Thus, all the pitutur and advice obtained from this song can be a provision to form a better personality.

As for some of the noble pitutur commonly found in the song macapat kinanthi are as follows:

  • Controlling lust, such as not eating too much and sleeping to train sharpness of heart and mind.
  • Habits that are excessive in joy or spree will have a bad impact because they can reduce self-awareness.
  • Do not boast when you are being tested with wealth or high position.
  • Experience that has been experienced is the best teacher who will provide life lessons so that it allows oneself to become a better person.
  • Someone who likes to imitate good deeds and behavior will be good, and vice versa so they must be careful in the association.
  • Basically every event that exists in this world has happened before so humans are required to be able to learn and take lessons.
  • The teenage phase is a phase to study as much as possible, not just knowledge that is useful in the life of the world but also in the hereafter.
  • A person must follow his heart which is related to conscience so that he can have a sharp heart and not be indifferent to his environment.

Basically the kinanthi song contains piwulang and wise messages about life for those who are entering the teenage phase. The advice is more about preparing children to be better prepared in living their lives so that they become real humans who are obedient and have noble character.





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