Examples of Technical Words in Various Fields (Summary)

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In an Indonesian sentence, you will often come across technical terms or words related to various professions. Although not very popular, the use of technical words seems to be often applied to various writings. So, what are some examples of these technical words?

The use of technical words themselves can vary greatly according to the sentences used and the themes discussed. However, for more details, here we will provide a complete review of the meaning of technical words and examples.

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Definition of Technical Words

Definition of Technical Words

In general, the technical word can be interpreted as a diction that has a special meaning in a particular field. These fields can be in the form of activities, professions or expertise. Such as finance, health, technology, education and so on.

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Because it is synonymous with a certain field of expertise, it is not surprising that this technical word will be better understood by people working in that field. While for ordinary people, of course, it tends to be more difficult to understand.

In addition, it should also be understood that technical words in one field may have different meanings when applied to other fields.

For example, when you use the word "recipe" it will have a different meaning between the medical field and the culinary field. Prescriptions in the medical field mean a medical record from a doctor, while in the culinary field they are ingredients and seasonings for food.

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Examples of Using Technical Words


Examples of Using Technical Words

The use of technical words in various everyday sentences we may often encounter so that it is sometimes considered a common thing. Some types of technical words are quite familiar because they are commonly used in various writings.

In general, the use of technical words can be easily found in sentences found in lecture texts, procedure texts, experimental texts or observation report texts. In addition, there are many other types of text that often use technical words in it.

Here are some examples of using technical words to know:

  1. This year, a new curriculum system will be implemented for all levels of education.
    The curriculum in the sentence is an example of a technical word in education which means are educational programs and learning tools that have been designed and will be given to participants educate.
  2. In order to use the application, you must download and install the application.
    Download and install in the sentence is a technical word in the field of technology which of course we often find in a sentence. The meaning of download itself is to take certain files through the internet and install is to install programs on the device.
  3. The landslide that occurred was caused by erosion, so residents had to be evacuated immediately.
    Erosion in this sentence is an example of a technical word in the environmental field which means the natural process of soil erosion by water, ice or wind. While evacuation is a technical word in the field of disaster.
  4. Merdeka University has received an A accreditation so that many prospective students are interested in enrolling.
    Accreditation is one of the technical words in the field of education which has a meaning as a form of acknowledgment from the authorized institution for the credibility of certain educational institutions.
  5. The boy is trying to overcome his phobia of heights.
    Phobia in the sentence is one of the technical words in the field of Psychology that can be interpreted as an overwhelming fear of something, in the example sentence it is fear of height.
  6. The entrepreneur wants to make a long-term investment in an automotive company.
    Investment is an example of a technical word in business and finance which means investment activities with the hope that it can be withdrawn with a greater value in the future come.
  7. Doctors were forced to amputate the accident victim because his condition was quite severe.
    Amputation is a type of technical word in the medical field which is defined as a medical action to remove body organs such as toes, fingers, feet, hands, arms or legs.
  8. Business actors are allowed to apply for a capital loan with a ceiling of Rp. 25,000,000 and a tenor of 60 months.
    Ceiling and tenor are technical words in finance. Ceiling is defined as the maximum limit for the amount of credit that a customer can take, while the tenor is the time limit given for repaying the loan.

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Examples of Technical Words in Various Fields

If previously explained about some examples of the use of technical words in a sentence. Here are some technical words in various fields to know:

1. Examples of Technical Words in Education

Examples of Technical Words in Education
Technical Word Meaning
Syllabus A learning plan or framework that is used as a reference for teachers in providing certain subject matter.
Scholarship Study fee assistance provided to students in schools or colleges with certain criteria.
Thesis The final project is in the form of a scientific paper that must be written by undergraduate students as a requirement for academic education.
Semester Learning time is applied to students at school or college with a count of six months.
Vocational Educational programs that focus on mastering certain areas of expertise.
BOSS Abbreviation for School Operational Assistance which is financial assistance from the government to support activities in schools.
LKS Abbreviation of Student Worksheet which contains subject matter and questions to explore the material being taught.
RPP Abbreviation of Learning Implementation Plan which is used as a reference for teachers to teach.

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2. Examples of Technical Words in the Environmental Sector

Examples of Technical Words in the Environmental Sector
Technical Word Meaning
Abrasion The process of coastal erosion caused by waves and ocean currents and tidal conditions that are destructive.
Reforestation The process of replanting forest areas that are barren or deforested due to logging.
Waste Waste from a production process, both household and industrial scale.
Terracing The method of farming with a stratified system as an effort to prevent erosion.
Ecosystem An ecological system that is formed because of the reciprocal relationship between living things and their environment.

3. Examples of Technical Words in the Field of Technology

Examples of Technical Words in the Field of Technology
Technical Word Meaning
Upload The term used for the process of transferring data or files from one device to another via the internet.
Email Electronic mail that allows users to send messages via the internet.
Browser A software that allows users to access various desired sites.
Online Abbreviation of "in the network" which means the activity is connected or connected to the internet network.
ebook A book made in digital version.

4. Examples of Technical Words in Finance

Examples of Technical Words in Finance
Technical Word Meaning
Deposit The activity of keeping money in a certain account with the aim of being an investment or security.
Dividend Profits or profits obtained by the company and then distributed to investors.
Annual Report An official financial report that is prepared within a period of 1 year.
Debtor Parties who have loans to other parties with a settlement agreement in the future.

Basically the technical word is a term that has its own meaning and is widely used in certain areas of expertise. With the various examples of technical words described above, you can better understand their meaning and application in a sentence.





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