SYNOPSIS: Definition, Characteristics, Brief Examples

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Synopsis is a part of a work. This section presents a summary or general description of the work, both written works such as books and scripts as well as other types of works such as films and performances.

The content in the synopsis includes the entire contents of the work made from the beginning to the end. Synopsis besides showing the main picture of the work, it also presents something interesting. Synopsis of a book, for example, is generally on the back cover.

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Synopsis Definition

Synopsis Definition

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a synopsis is an ordinary scientific essay that is used together with the original article that underlies the contents of the synopsis. That way, it can be said that the synopsis is a summary or overview of the essay.

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According to linguist Gorys Keraf, the synopsis is the most effective summary to provide an overview of an essay whose content is long so that it becomes shorter and easier to read be read.

Synopsis usually also displays the intrinsic elements in the essay such as characters, characterizations, storyline, language style, setting, and so on. Synopsis is often used as a prologue in long or short scripts such as in films, plays, or theatre.

Synopsis Purpose

Synopsis Purpose

The main purpose of making a synopsis is to provide a brief or concise description of the content or material discussed by the author. Synopsis also helps readers to more easily grasp the concepts and ideas in the story.

Synopsis Features

Synopsis Features

The synopsis has the following characteristics:

  • The type of language used is persuasive so that it invites readers to be interested in reading the contents of the book to the end.
  • Shows a certain appeal so that the audience is curious about the contents of the book.
  • The plot or storyline is arranged systematically and chronologically from the beginning to the end. The synopsis plot is generally made according to the storyline.
  • The conflict is presented briefly but with a strong appeal.

Synopsis Function

Synopsis Function

The synopsis functions are as follows:

  • Knowing the plot or storyline quickly through the outline.
  • Presenting long essays in a shorter way so that they are easier to understand.
  • Presenting information about an essay or a work briefly.
  • Showing the prologue or epilogue of an essay in the form of a written work or a script before it is made in a show.
  • Provide a brief and clear description of the sequence, chronology of stories in a book or manuscript.
  • Be a guide for players or actors in the show if you want to improvise.

Steps to Make a Synopsis

Steps to Make a Synopsis

The following is how to write a synopsis along with the steps:

  1. Read the original book or the script carefully so that you are able to know what message and impression the author wants to convey.
  2. Make notes on main ideas and underline the main ideas of important paragraphs.
  3. Make a summary in accordance with the main ideas that have been found according to the previous step.
  4. Try to use clear and effective sentences so that they are easily understood by the reader. In addition, make interesting sentences so that the series of short stories that will be written can cover and tell the general picture of the original essay.
  5. To make a synopsis of a script in the form of a dialogue or monologue of a character, it is enough to just outline it.
  6. Making a synopsis should not deviate from the overall content of the story of the work.

Example of a brief synopsis

Synopsis consists of various types depending on what kind of work you want to summarize. Some examples of synopsis are as below:

1. Example of a Literary Synopsis

Example of a Literary Synopsis

Novel Title: Single Narsis

Author: Dina Mardiana


Genre: Comedy

Publisher: GagasMedia

Jono is getting more and more restless with his single status, so he wants to end this status immediately. Helped by Niko, his best friend, Jono does everything he can to have a girlfriend. He also found a potential candidate to be a girlfriend through cyberspace.

After getting acquainted with the woman, Jono hopes to continue to the next stage. However, reality says otherwise. The plan did not go as expected. Will Jono return to his single status? Or will the acquaintance really be his first girlfriend?

2. Sample Synopsis of Film

Sample Synopsis of Film

Movie Title: 500

Ojol drivers give change to their customers which includes 500 silver coins. When getting off the car, the 500 coins fell and were left alone by the owner because they felt that the nominal was small. Not long after, someone picked up the coin.

The coin was given to a beggar he met on the street. Suddenly the beggar's son came and asked for money. Finally, the 500 coins are now in the hands of the beggar's son, which he may soon use to buy candy or other snacks.

However, the sound of the call to prayer was heard and the beggar's child rushed to the prayer room. After the prayer, it turns out that the 500 coins moved back because the child put it in the charity box.

3. Example Synopsis of Fairy Tales

Example Synopsis of Fairy Tales

Title: Squirrel and Cork Fish (Stories from West Kalimantan)

In a pond there lived a squirrel with his best friend, a snakehead fish. The friendship between the two is very close. At one time, the snakehead fish was sick and only wanted to eat yu fish liver. The squirrel was surprised because the yu fish was not only big and strong but also fierce.

The squirrel heads to the sea by climbing the coconut tree to find the yu fish. However, unexpectedly, the Yu fish immediately swallowed the squirrel and the tree it was climbing. He tried to take the yu fish's heart so that the fish died and was dragged to the beach.

He came out of the body of the yu fish and brought the heart to his friend. The snakehead fish recovered as usual.

4. Drama Synopsis Example

Drama Synopsis Example

Title: Bottomless Well

By: Arifin C. Noer

This drama is the story of a successful factory entrepreneur named Jumena Martawangsa whose wealth and money are the only entertainment at the end of his life. Married to a beautiful girl named Euis, in fact, did not make him find the part he coveted.

Euis only saw his treasure. Wealth and wealth actually cause problems. Happiness is getting farther away because his death is getting closer. Because he did not have children during his life, his wealth and wealth could not be passed on to his descendants.

5. Sample Research Synopsis

Sample Research Synopsis

Because the research is a scientific work, the research synopsis also consists of several parts. What is certain is that the author's identity must be included along with the title of the synopsis.

This synopsis is an introductory part of a research so that it consists of background, problem formulation, research objectives, and framework of thought. No less important, even though it is only a synopsis, the author must still include a bibliography.

Synopsis is a summary of a work to describe its outline so that it has the characteristics, certain purposes, and functions according to the type of written work made for both academic and academic needs entertainment.

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