IMPLEMENTATION: Definition, Objectives, Examples


Implementation is a word that we hear quite often in everyday life. But do we know what implementation actually means? In general, this word is often heard used in formal situations and scientific contexts.

However, that does not mean that the word implementation is not suitable for use in the context of everyday life. If you want to use it properly, it can be adapted to the context of the situation you are facing. Well, therefore it is better for us to understand the meaning, purpose, and examples of this implementation.

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Implementation Is

Implementation Is

Implementation comes from the English word "to implement" which means to implement. So, it can be concluded that implementation is an action to carry out an idea or plan that has been made in a neat, detailed, and precise manner.

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Implementation can also be a means to do something that produces an impact or to achieve certain goals. For example, the implementation of rules related to cleanliness in the school environment. This can be interpreted that the school wants to have more impact in terms of cleanliness.

Definition of Implementation According to Experts

Definition of Implementation According to Experts

To find out the meaning of the word implementation more clearly, the following are the opinions of experts related to the meaning of the word.

Prof Tachjan

The definition of implementation according to Prof. Tachjan is the process of activities or recorded activities that carried out in accordance with the provisions or policies that have been previously decided or made together.

Nurdin Usman

According to Nurdin Usman, implementation is a problem that ultimately leads to a Action is caused by systematics in a regulation to achieve goals and objectives certain.

Solichin Abdul Wahab

Solichin Abdul Wahab argues that implementation are actions taken by individuals, officials, government or private groups that are directed to achieve the goals that have been made in the decision policy.

Hanifah Harsono

Another expert opinion named Hanifah Harsono defines implementation as a process carried out so that can implement a policy into a policy action that is in politics into administration.



Sudarsono, who is a book author, defines implementation as an activity that related to the completion of a job using the means to get the desired result or goal want to achieve.

Presman and Wildavsky

Presman and Wildavsky define the word implementation as a process to complete, fulfill, carry out, create, and complete a policy.

Purwanto and Sulistyastuti

Purwanto and Sulistyastuti define the core of implementation as an activity to distribute output policies carried out by the makers to the groups that will be targeted in an effort to achieve policy.

Implementation Goal

Implementation Goal

A system is made through long stages and processes so that after that it requires an implementation process so that the system can be run without serious problems. Especially if the system created involves many people or targets many users.

The objectives of the implementation process are as follows:

  • Implement and realize all plans and strategies that have been prepared previously to become a reality.
  • To make design decisions as well as analyze and research. The implementation process is needed to analyze and see the extent of a system design so that its implementation in the future becomes more effective.
  • Conducting trials for the rules that have been set. This trial phase is very necessary to find out how the system that has been made is able to be integrated into its users.
  • Improve the approved system. To provide additional points in the system design, it is necessary to implement it. This will help get useful new clues to improve it before the system is actually implemented.
  • Predict user requirements related to the system to be implemented. The implementation of the system without any prior implementation is likely to cause friction if the system that is made is not in accordance with the needs of the community.
  • Knowing the level of success of a system or plan that has been made so that improvements can be made or quality improvement if the implementation process is still not optimal or encounters many obstacles in the implementation process field.
  • Knowing the community's ability to implement a system or plan. Whether the community is able to implement the system according to the plan made or is it still far from what it wants to achieve.

Implementation Example

By looking at the origin of the word implementation, we can tell if implementation is a verb. When combined with other words, the word will have a more specific meaning. Here are some examples of implementation in everyday life.

1. Implementation of Pancasila Values

Implementation of Pancasila Values

As we know, Pancasila which consists of five precepts is the basis of the Indonesian state. The five have basic principles that guide the lives of Indonesian citizens. Examples of the implementation of each of these precepts in the lives of Indonesian citizens are as follows:

  1. The first precept has the implementation that as Indonesian citizens we have the right to adhere to religion and belief in accordance with their respective beliefs and without coercion from the parties anywhere.
  2. The second precept has the implementation that Indonesian citizens have similarities both in terms of rights and degrees.
  3. The third principle has the implementation that every Indonesian citizen must uphold a sense of unity and oneness even though Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups, cultures, races, and religions.
  4. The fourth precept has the implementation that in every decision taken, it is better to use a deliberation and consensus process so that it can accommodate all the aspirations of everyone.
  5. The fifth precept has the implementation that Indonesian citizens must uphold equality of rights and obligations so that they are able to create community life with social justice.

2. Public Policy Implementation

Public Policy Implementation

Examples of implementation are generally related to policies. Public policies, for example, are regulations made by the government to address various general problems such as education and health. The following are some examples of public policy implementation:

  1. Companies with a certain number of employees are required to provide BPJS facilities officially issued by the government for their employees.
  2. Generic drugs can be given free of charge to patients from underprivileged families.
  3. KIS cards are given to patients from underprivileged families.
  4. Improve the national curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment to increase competence in future generations.
  5. Simplify the accreditation mechanism and give more autonomy to educational institutions.

3. Implementation of Socio-Cultural Sector

Implementation of Socio-Cultural Sector

In the socio-cultural field, an example of implementation is how we are able to maintain national and regional cultural values ​​in various ways, for example:

  1. Learn the local language and local customs to maintain and preserve the cultural diversity that exists in Indonesia
  2. Respect the opinions and views of others even though there are differences so as to be able to produce fair decisions in a forum.
  3. Creating a harmonious and harmonious environment in social life so that everyone feels safe and peaceful. This attitude can be started from the family which is the smallest unit in society.

Knowing the meaning of implementation, objectives, and examples is very important because implementation is a means that has a certain impact. By knowing in more detail, we are expected to have a positive impact on the surrounding environment.

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