Online Fraction Calculator (Common and Mixed Fractions)

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Fraction Calculator

Common Fraction

Mixed Fraction

Instructions for use:

  1. Select Common Fraction or Mixed Fraction.
  2. Enter the numerator in the box in the on.
  3. Enter the denominator in the box in the lower.
  4. Select the operator you want (addition, multiplication, division, subtraction).
  5. Click button Count to display the results and calculation solutions.
  6. Click button Reset to reset the fraction calculator.

About Fraction Calculator

This fraction calculator can be used to calculate common fractions and mixed fractions automatically, starting from subtraction, multiplication, addition, and division.

How to Calculate Fractions

Here's a guide if you want to calculate fractions manually:

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

For addition and subtraction, we must first equate the denominator of the fraction we want to calculate.


addition of fractions

Step 1 – Match the Denominators

The denominator of the first fraction is 2, and the denominator of the second fraction is 3.

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To equalize, you can find the LCM of the two numbers or just multiply the two numbers so that the denominator becomes 6.

To change the denominator to 6, multiply the first fraction by 3 and multiply the second by 2.


the result of adding fractions

Step 2 – Add or Subtract Numbers

After the denominators are the same, it remains to add or subtract the numerators.



subtract the numerator


Multiplication of Fractions

For multiplication of fractions, you only need to multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction.


Multiplication of Fractions


multiplication of fractions


Fraction Division

To divide a fraction, you'll need to convert it to multiplication and reverse the numerator and denominator of the second fraction.


Fraction Division calculator

Step 1 – Convert Into Multiplication

Convert the fraction operation to multiplication by reversing the numerator and denominator of the second fraction.


Convert to Multiplication

Step 2 – Multiply the numerator and denominator

After it's been reversed and converted into a multiplication, all you have to do is multiply each of the numerators and denominators.


result of division of fractions

Read also: Percent Calculator

I hope this Fraction Calculator helps your assignment!





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