Online Percent Calculator (%)

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Percent Calculator

Multiplication Percent

% x


Finding the Percent of a Fraction

What % of



Finding Percent of 2 Numbers

what percent (%) of



Looking for Percentage Change





Instructions for use

  1. Choose a percent calculator according to your needs.
  2. Enter a number in the box provided.
  3. Click the Calculate button to display the results and solutions.
  4. Click the Reset button to reset the percent calculator.

About Percent Calculator

You can use this percent calculator tool to calculate percent automatically for various purposes, such as calculating discounts, calculating changes in value, and others.

There are 4 versions of the percent calculator that you can use, namely:

  • Multiplication Percent
  • Finding the Percent of a Fraction
  • Finding the Percent of 2 Numbers, and
  • Looking for Percentage Change

The following is an explanation and example of each version of the calculation.

Multiplication Percent

This calculator can be used to calculate the multiplication of a percent by a certain value, for example, calculating a price discount.

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If the price IDR 200,000 and get discount 20%, how much discount value do you get?


percent multiplication

Because you get a discount of IDR 40,000, then the price to be paid is: IDR 200,000 – IDR 40,000 = IDR 160,000.


Finding the Percent of a Fraction

This calculator can be used to calculate the percent value of a fraction / convert a fraction to a percent.


What is the percent value of 2323 ?



percent fraction calculator


Finding Percent of 2 Numbers

This percent calculator can be used to find the percent value between 2 numbers, for example to determine the percent value of a discount.


Item price is IDR 150.000. Then want to apply a discount or discount of IDR 15,000. What is the percentage discount?


Finding the percent of 2 numbers

So, IDR 15,000 is 10% from Rp. 150,000.


Looking for Percentage Change

percent calculator it can be used to find the percentage change between 2 numbers, for example, such as calculating the percentage increase in sales profit.


Last month, the sales profit earned was Rp. 15,000,000.

This month, the sales profit earned is Rp. 17,250,000.

What is the percentage increase in sales profit from last month to this month?


looking for percent change

Read also: How to Calculate Percent

Hopefully this percent calculator tool is useful for you!





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