Effects of Earth's Rotation on Human Life (Summary)

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The rotation of the earth around its axis or axis from west to east is referred to as the earth's rotation, where there are various effects that affect life on the earth's surface.

In time the circulation of the earth around its axis will not be felt because of gravity.

So that the earth's gravity can pull all objects towards the center of gravity of the earth itself.

Even though the earth is rotating, we cannot feel the movement of the earth's rotation or fall when the position is under the earth.

Before you know the effects of the earth's rotation, it's better if you first know the meaning of the earth's rotation itself. Read on for more details, please read the review below until it's finished!

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Definition of Earth's Rotation

5 effects of the earth's rotation

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the earth's rotation is a rotation of the earth on its axis from west to east for a day (24 hours) which will result in day and night night.

The time it takes for the earth to rotate on its axis is about 23 hours 56 minutes.

So to make it easier and known by many people, the rotation time of the earth is then rounded up to 24 hours.

The calculation of the earth's rotation has started from sunrise to the next sunrise.

Due to the earth's rotation process, the sun is seen as moving from east to west.

In fact, the sun is just standing still and the planet Earth is rotating.

Dancing again, in the process of the earth's rotation has a slope of 23.5 degrees.

In other words, when the earth's rotation occurs it is not in an upright condition, but in a tilted condition.

The tilted position when it rotates is because the earth was hit by chunks of space or a meteorite that is almost the size of the planet mars.

That collision took place approximately 4 billion years ago or when the earth was very young.

Earth's Rotation Period Durasi

due to the rotation of the earth brainly

Researcher who is at the Center for Space Science of the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN), Dr. Rhorom Priyatikanto in Eight science education explains that it takes the earth 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds to complete a 360 rotation degrees.

With that duration, then it is generally rounded up to 24 hours like the calculation of hours in daily time.

"This duration became known as the sidereal period of Earth's rotation," explained Rhorom.

With the Earth's rotation period, humans near the equator, such as Pontianak, will move at a speed of almost 1,700 km per hour.

And vice versa, if humans are in an area far from the equator, they cannot feel the rotational motion of the Earth because its speed does not change.

But even so, humans in areas far from the equator can still experience the effects of this Earth's rotation.

Due to Earth's Rotation

6 due to the rotation of the earth

The following are some of the effects of the earth's rotation that you need to know, including:

1. Happening Day and Night

What is the result of the rotation of the earth seen from the receipt of sunlight to the earth so that it occurs during the day and also at night.

The process of alternating day and night can be called a very special natural event. Where you can find the change of the sun into the moon.

In addition, with changes in day and night, you will also feel the difference in temperature in the morning and evening.

Where in general, the temperature felt during the day is quite hot. While the temperature at night will tend to be cooler.

Thus, the alternation of day and night will make the earth divided into two parts.

One part is directed towards the sun (day), then the other part will not point towards the sun (night).

2. Pseudo Motion of the Sun

It is called the apparent motion of the sun because the sun looks like it moves all day long.

The movement in question is like in the morning the sun will rise from the east. Then at noon the sun is above our heads. And in the afternoon the sun will set in the west.

Even though the sun looks like it is moving, in reality the sun is just standing still.

Or it can be said if the daily apparent motion of the sun is the result of the earth's rotation process.

3. Bending of Ocean Currents

With the rotation of the earth, the wind direction will be deflected. The deflection of the wind at the same time deflects the ocean currents.

The wind that will turn from one area to another will be very useful because it makes us feel cool.

The deflection of the wind will also reduce the speed of the wind so that the level of damage originating from the wind will also decrease.

As for the ocean currents will move according to the bending of the wind.

For example, ocean currents in the western hemisphere will move counterclockwise.

Meanwhile, in the northern hemisphere, ocean currents will move in a clockwise direction.

4. Earth's Gravitational Velocity Difference

As a result of the next rotation of the earth is the difference in the acceleration of gravity of the earth.


This difference in gravitational acceleration can occur because the shape of the earth is not standard at both poles and expands at the equator.

This will cause a difference in the diameter of the Earth's poles and the diameter of the equator.

So the poles have a gravitational acceleration that tends to be greater than the equator.

5. Time Zone Division

With the earth's rotation process, there will be different time zones.

As is the case in Indonesia, which has three different time zones in each region, namely: Central Indonesian Time (WITA), Western Indonesian Time (WIB), and Eastern Indonesian Time (WIT).

The three time zones are one hour apart.

For example, the time in WIT is at 9 am, the time at WITA is at 10 am, and the time is at WIT at 11 am.

The time zone caused by the earth's rotation does not only occur in Indonesia, but also occurs in other parts of the world.

This can happen because with the rotation of the earth, the earth will be divided into 24 time zones, the center of which is in the city of Greenwich, England.

6. Atmospheric Thickness Difference

This rotation of the earth will make a difference in the thickness of the earth's atmosphere.

This difference can occur due to several things, such as climatic conditions between the polar and equatorial zones.

The layers of the Earth's atmosphere are formed by the troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.

7. There is Life on Earth

Apparently, the rotation of the earth has a very close relationship with the existence of life on earth you know.

As long as the earth is still rotating, life on earth will continue.

And vice versa, if there is no rotation, then the earth will experience heat during the day for 6 months.

Likewise with cold at night which will last for 6 months.

8. Jetlag Effect When Riding an Airplane

Jet lag itself is a psychological condition due to changes in circadian rhythms due to travel in the meridians and with changing day duration.

nowThe main cause of jet lag itself is due to the rotation of the earth.

Hence, many people will experience jet lag after they experience a long-haul flight that has a significant time difference.

For example, when traveling from Indonesia to America.

9. The Earth's Shape Is Not Perfectly Spherical

When the earth rotates, there will be various kinds of forces that appear.

In each - each force that appears will always move away from the center of the earth.

With these forces, the shape of the earth is not perfectly round.

In other words, at the poles, the shape of the earth is flat, then at the equator the shape of the earth is floating.

Benefits of Earth's Rotation

the shadow of the sun

The following are some of the benefits of the earth's rotation that we can feel, including:

1. Can Determine Time with Your Shadow

If you are traveling, but you forget to bring a clock or timepiece, then to be able to find out what time at that time it can be done by relying on pseudo motion Sun.

You just stand facing the direction of the sun, then behind you will appear a shadow.

That's the shadow that you can later use to see what time it is.

In simple terms, the apparent motion of the sun originating from the rotation of the earth will have great benefits in determining time.

2. Human Life Becomes More Integrated

This is because at the time of day and night, during the day you have to be active and at night you need to rest your body from your daily routine.

In short, the rotation of the earth will train humans to be able to divide their time well.

3. Transportation Works Well

Not only using communication tools that can function optimally, but transportation can also function optimally.

Especially air / airplane transportation.

The use of this aircraft has great benefits for passengers and airline entrepreneurs.

As is well known if the rotation of the earth will make a time difference.

It's daytime here, elsewhere it's nighttime.

But thanks to air or plane transportation, we can travel in a relatively short time.

In fact, when you leave in the morning, you can arrive in the morning too (the same day).

4. Communication Tools Used to the Maximum

The rotation of the earth will make time differences in some areas so that communication will be difficult to do.

But with the times, communication tools can be used to contact people in different areas.

So that with the rotation of the earth this will make communication tools in modern times able to function properly.

Even by using this communication tool, you will feel happy because you can connect with people who are far away.

Read also: Due to Earth's Revolution

Difference Between Earth's Rotation and Revolution

Earth's rotation and revolution

The rotation of the earth with the revolution of the earth has a very striking difference, including the following:

1. Earth Rotation

  • The time needed to be able to rotate fully is 23 hours 56 minutes.
  • Earth's rotation on its axis.
  • Trigger the ongoing deflection of ocean currents.
  • Causing the course of day and night.
  • Happens once a day.
  • Trigger the ongoing deflection of wind direction.

2. Earth Revolution

  • The time it takes to fully evolve is 365 days.
  • Earth's rotation around the sun.
  • Causing a solar eclipse.
  • Determines the length of day and night.
  • It takes place once a year.
  • Causing a lunar eclipse.


From the above review, it can be concluded that the rotation and revolution of the earth have had their respective roles and functions.

The rotation and revolution of the earth cannot be separated from each other.

This is because they are mutually dependent. In short, if there is no rotation of the earth, then revolution also cannot occur.





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