Geography and its Explanation (Summary)

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The wide scope of geography raises the need for specialization, therefore, there are various branches of geography that support it.

And in this discussion, the branch of geography is divided into two parts, namely physical geography and human geography.

From these two will also be divided into several other parts.

To find out more, take a good look at the reviews below until they're finished!

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A. Human Geography

class 10 geography

Human geography is a branch of geography that studies various aspects of space which are then used as a place for human activities to occur.

Various aspects that will be studied in this branch are human activities which also include population, economic, social and cultural activities, as well as political activities.

In learning the human aspect of human geography, there are several types, such as those below:

1. Residential Geography

Settlement geography is a branch of human geography that studies the development of settlements in an area located throughout the earth.

This science of geography discusses when the settlement will be inhabited, what factors will affect the development and pattern of settlements and the form of settlements.

2. Economic Geography

Economic geography is a branch of human geography that studies various spatial structures of economic activities.

The emphasis of his study is on the spatial aspect of the community's economic structure which includes industry, transportation, agriculture, trade, communication, services and others.

3. Social Geography

Social geography is a branch of geography that studies the relationship between social and spatial structures which deals with social sciences.

This social geography also examines related to crime and poverty, health and protection, as well as variations in social movements.

4. Political Geography

Political geography is a branch of human geography that studies spatial aspects government or state which includes regional and international relations, government or state in face of the earth.

In the science of political geography is also used as the basis for the development and relations of the state.

B. Physical Geography

branches of geography and examples

Physical geography is a geographical science that studies physical phenomena originating from the earth's surface, namely water, soil, and air with various processes.

In physical geography, this is also a natural phenomenon on the earth's surface which is a place for human life.

There are also several types of physical geography, including:

1. Geology

Soil science is a geographical science that studies the various physical properties of soil and all things related to soil types that exist in nature.

2. Geology

Geology is a geographical science that studies related to an earth science based on the characteristics physics, structure, history, composition and the process of its formation or what is also known as science rock.

The following are examples of natural phenomena that fall into the branch of geology, namely:

  • The largest desert in the world.
  • Solar system.

3. Oceanography

Oceanography is a geographical science that studies related science in detail including the oceans and oceans such as salinity structures, engineered ocean currents, mixing, waves, marine sediments and others other.

4. Geomorphology

Geomorphology is a geographical science that studies various scientific processes regarding the earth's surface as well as various processes that take place in various parts of the earth.

Which is broadly related to the form of land.

5. Meteorology & Climatology

Meteorology and Climatology are both geographic sciences where they both study the symptoms of weather and climate in Indonesia as well as the climate around the world.

The results of research from the Meteorology and Climatology Agency are the process of the occurrence of a rainbow.

After you study the branches of geography in outline. Then later it will also be explained again related to various branches of geography based on the field of study and the science of supporting geography.

Check out the review below.

Read also: Definition of Geography

C. Branch of Geography in its Field of Study


The following are several branches of geography when viewed from the field of study, including:

1. Pytogeography

Phytogeography is a branch of geography that studies plants.

2. Cartography

Cartography is a branch of geography that studies related to mapping and representation of the earth's surface in the form of abstract symbols and not much controversy.

This cartography will also lead to the expansion of the study of geography itself.

3. Anthropogeography

Anthropogeography is a branch of geography in which the study of humans is concerned.

4. Zoogeography

Zoogeography is a branch of geography that studies animals.

5. Geodesy

Geodesy is a branch of science that studies the measurement and mapping of the earth's surface and the seabed.

6. Geology

Geology is a branch of geography in which the study of the various characteristics of the shape of the earth earth, such as reactions to forces, various forms of the earth, as well as the earth's potential field (magnetic field and also gravity).

Not only that, this geology also analyzes the interior of the earth such as the earth's mantle, core, earth's crust and various natural contents.

7. Atmospheric Science

Atmospheric science is a branch of science which studies the gaseous parts of the earth and the atmosphere, namely between the earth's surface and the exosphere.

This atmospheric science has main branches namely meteorology, climatology, and also aeronomy.

8. Glaciology

Glaciology is a branch of science that studies the various physical and chemical properties of ice and snow.

9. Hydrometeorology

Hydrometeorology is a branch of science that studies the ongoing climate change and covers the entire range of Earth's history.

10. Atmospheric Chemistry

Atmospheric chemistry is a branch of science that studies the chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and other planets.

In this multidisciplinary field of atmosphere also involves meteorology, physics, computer modelling, environmental chemistry, oceanography, geology, volcanology and various other fields.

The research carried out is related to other fields of science such as climatology or weather.

11. Paleontology

Paleontology is a branch of science that studies the life history of living things found on the earth's surface such as animals and plants that have existed in the light age and have become fossil.

12. Biogeography


Biogeography is a branch of science in which the study of biodiversity is seen from space and time.

This science of biogeography has the aim of revealing related to an organism and the things that affect it.

13. Geomicrobiology

Geomicrobiology is a science that deals with studying microscopic interactions with anargonic environment that looks like sedimentary rock.

In geomicrobiology, it is also a combination of geology and microbiology. In general, geomicrobiology is concerned with microorganisms present in aquifers and drinking water supplies in general.

14. Micropaleontology

Micropaleontology is a branch of science in which the study of microsophyll is similar to that of paleonotology

15. Limnology

Limnology is a branch of science that studies related to a comprehensive study of the life of living things that exist in inland waters.

The balance for inland water biology that mainly exists in fresh water.

Even within the scope of the study it can cover brackish waters.

16. Hydrology

Hydrology is a branch of science that studies the distribution, movement and quality of water throughout the earth's surface.

The person dealing with hydrology is called a hydrologist and works in the fields of earth science and environmental science, and environmental engineering and civil engineering.

This one hydrological science will also produce the function of rainwater for the life of living things around the world.

17. Economic Geology

Economic geology is a branch of science that studies related to earth materials that can function for economic and industrial purposes.

18. Hydrogeology

Hydrogeology is a branch of science that studies the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soil and rocks in the earth's crust.

19. Environmental Geology

Environmental geology is a branch of science that studies related to resource management and hydrogeology, including fossil fuels, minerals, water and land use.

20. Engineering Geology

Engineering geology is a branch of science in which studies related to geology are carried out in the field of engineering practice as a goal to ensure various geological factors that can affect the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works that have been prepared properly ripe.

21. Historical Geology

Historical geology is a branch of science which studies reconstruction and also understands the history of the earth by applying geological principles.

In the science of historical geology, it will also focus on geological processes and the evolution of plants and animals during different times in the geological time scale.

22. Sedimentology

Sedimentology is a branch of science that studies the formation of soil layers that This is caused by the deposition of soil which will later cause displacement to other places other.

23. Geochemistry

Geochemistry is a branch of science that studies the chemical composition of various parts of the earth.

24. Structural Geology

Structural geology is a branch of science in which the study of the 3-dimensional distribution of rock bodies and their complete surfaces and their internal composition.

25. Geochronology

Geochronology is a branch of science that studies how to determine absolute age rocks, sediments and fossils to a certain degree of uncertainty that exists in the used.

26. Geophysics

Geophysics is a branch of science that studies the earth that uses the rules and various principles of physics.

To do research below the earth's surface by measuring above the earth's surface from the physical parameters possessed by rocks in the earth.

27. Crystallography

Crystallography is a branch of science that deals with scientific experiments used to determine the arrangement of atoms in solids.

28. Mineralogy

Mineralogy is a branch of science that studies the processes and formation of minerals that examines the crystal structure, chemical and physical properties of minerals.

29. Volcanology

Volcanology is a branch of science that studies magma, volcanoes, lava, and various related geological phenomena.

One of the volcanic phenomena is the highest mountain in Indonesia

30. Petrology

Petrology is a branch of science that studies rocks and the state of their formation

31. pedology

Pedology is a branch of geography that studies location-related similarities and differences between physical and human phenomena on the earth's surface.

32. edaphology

Edapology is a branch of science that studies the science of soil fertility.

The science of edaphology is a soil science that studies the role of the soil in which it functions as a support for the life of living things, especially for plants.

33. Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is a branch of geography that studies related science as well as art that can produce information related to symptoms, objects, and areas.

By analyzing using a tool without direct contact with the object, symptom or area being analyzed.

34. Oceanography Physics

Physical oceanography is a branch of geography which studies the physical characteristics of the ocean, such as waves, salinity temperature, tides, mixing, and ocean engineering currents.

35. palinology

Palinology is a branch of geography which studies the polymorphs that exist at the present time and their fossils.

These include pollen, sepura, cysts, dinoflagellates, chitinozoa, acritarchs, and scolecondonts.

At the same time, particles of organic material and kerogen are present in sediments and sedimentary rocks.

36. Geographic Information System

Geographic information system is a branch of geography that studies related systems computer-based information that can process, manage, analyze geographic data and also non-geographical.

37. Stratigraphy

Stratigraphy is a branch of geography that studies history related to composition and the relative age and distribution of soil layers and interpretation of various rock layers to explain history Earth.

38. Chemical Oceanography

Chemical oceanography is a branch of geography that studies the chemistry of the oceans and their chemical interactions with the atmosphere.

39. Marine Biology

Marine biology is a branch of geography that studies the sciences of plants, animals, and microbes (biota), oceans and their ecological interactions.

40. Regional Geography

Regional geography is a branch of geography in which it deals with a comprehensive description between human aspects and natural (environmental) aspects related to interaction, interrelation, integration, between natural aspects and also man.

41. Marine Geology

Marine geology is a branch of geography that studies the geology of the seabed and also includes plate tectonics.

42. Population Geography

Basically, the branch of population geography is still included in the slice of science to study humans.

However, this science will study the population in a city, certain geographic location or in a country.

It will also include studying issues related to population mortality, birth rates, population mortality rates marriage, and much more that you will learn in the branch of population geography one this.

43. Environmental Geography

Environmental geography is a branch of science which studies the relationship between humans and the environment.

Where both have interactions that actually give each other reciprocity.

For example, due to human behavior that produces a lot of pollution, it will affect oxygen levels. Which it makes carbon dioxide levels higher than the previous time.

Population geography is a branch of geography that studies population and its relationship to environmental influences. So that it can display the character and socio-cultural diversity.

44. Medical Geography

For those of you who like the medical world but want to get into the branch of geography, then you can also study medical geography on this one.

Which in this branch of science will focus more on several cases that take place in an area or community area.

For example, studying cases of the ASIA flu virus, corona virus, bird flu, ebola and many others.

The branch of medical geography can also be defined as a forum for studying the spread of a particular virus or disease that occurs in the area.

45. Mathematical Geography

Is a branch of geography that can be used to show the shape, size, and movement of the earth.

Examples include geographic latitude and longitude, parallels, meridians, and the earth's surface area.

46. Historical Geography

Is a branch of geography which studies the earth in terms of history and development.

47. Phytogeography

Phytogeography is a branch of geography that studies plants.

48. Chemical Oceanography

Chemical oceanography, also known as marine chemistry, is a branch of geography that studies the chemistry of the oceans and their interactions in the atmosphere.

49. Oceanography Physics

Physical oceanography is a branch of science from geography that studies the physical characteristics of the oceans This includes the structure of temperature, salinity, mixing, waves, tides, and engineering flows sea.





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