40 Definitions of Geography According to Experts (Summary)

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In general, the notion of geography is a branch of science that studies related to location and also the similarities, as well as the spatial differences of physical phenomena, and also of humans on the surface Earth.

When viewed etymologically, the word geography itself comes from Greek. Namely geo which means earth and graphein which means writing.

The combination of these two words then forms the term "geography“.

Geography is also a branch of science that is in great demand in parts of the world.

The position of the existence of this geography is so important that it makes many scientists who study it.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), geography is defined as the science that deals with the earth's surface, population, climate, fauna, flora, and the results obtained from the earth.

nowIn addition to the above understanding of geography, there are many other definitions of geography that you need to know. Listen carefully to the reviews below, yes!

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Definition of Geography

general understanding of geography

The following are some definitions of geography put forward by experts, including:

1. Erathosthenes

Erathostenes was a librarian, mathematician, geographer, historian, astronomer, and poet.

He argues that geography comes from the word geographica which means writing or describing the shape of the earth's surface.

In Introduction to Geographic Information Systems: History, Definitions & Basic Concepts (2019) by Rolly Maulana Awangga, in his third volume of Geography, he also describes and maps the entire world that is known.

It also divides the earth into five climatic zones.

Where are two freezing zones in the polar region, two zones with a temperate climate, and a zone that includes the equator and the tropics.

2. Claudius Ptolemaeus Ptolemy

In his book, Guide to Geography (2nd century AD), Ptolemy defines geography as "representations in various images of the world that are known together with the phenomena contained in" in it".

3. Lobeck

Geography is a science that studies the various relationships that form between life and the environment.

4. Karl Ritther

Karl Ritther himself gave an understanding of geography there is a study related to the earth as a place of human life.

The study of geography covers a variety of phenomena that exist on the earth's surface.

5. Ferdinand von Richoffen

Geography according to Ferdinand von Richoffen is a field of study related to the symptoms and various properties of the earth's surface.

Which is arranged based on the location and look for the reciprocal relationship between the symptoms and the various characteristics.

6. Preston E. James

Geography is the mother of all sciencesmother of all science).

He also considered that because all studies tried to study the earth, all the initial analysis came from geography itself.

From geography, then branched into various other studies.

7. Bintarto

Geography is a science that studies the causal relationships found in the phenomena of the earth's surface.

These various symptoms have physical characteristics or are related to social aspects of human life.

Then analyzed using spatial, environmental, and regional proximity.

Guma interests programs, processes, and the success of development.

8. Alexander von Humboldt

Geography is a study related to the influence of the natural environment on human activities.

9. Indonesian Geographical Association (IGI)

Geography is a science that studies the similarities and differences of geoster phenomena with a regional point of view, as well as the environment in a spatial context.

This definition is the result of the IGI seminar which took place in the city of Semarang in 1988.

10. Friedrich Ratzel

In his book entitled Politische Geographie, Friedrich Ratzel put forward concepts related to geography.

Where later given the name Lebensraum which means a geographical area as a place to live for a people.

11. Immanuel Kant

A geographer and philosopher named Immanuel Kant (1724–1821) suggested that geography is very close to philosophy.

Therefore, Kant was very interested in geography.

According to him, geography is a science and the object of its study is in the form of objects, things, and various phenomena that are spread over areas on the earth's surface.

12. Harstone

Geography is a science related to the reality of the differentiation of the earth's surface and what it is.

Not only in terms of understanding also related to differences in certain things. But it also exists in the sense of a coherent whole or totality of phenomena that exist in each place different from their situation in other places.

13. Elsworth Huntington

Huntington put forward a theory related to geography in which survival is strongly influenced by climate.

That theory is what made Elsworth Huntington famous for being a climate determinist (viewing climate as a determinant of life).

Elsworth Huntington also said that geography is the study of phenomena that exist on the earth's surface and its inhabitants.

14. Halford Mackinder

Geography is a science whose main function is to investigate human interactions in different societies and environments according to their location.

15. Paul Vidal de la Blache

Paul Vidal de la Blache (1845–1918) was a French geographer.

Vidal also became a pioneer of posibilism in geography.

Posibilism itself is a theory which states that even though the environment has set certain constraints or limits, culture is determined by social conditions.

Vidal also stated explicitly that the environment offers various possibilities for humans to live and develop.

On that basis, Vidal put forward a concept called genre de vie or mode of live or in Indonesian means "way of life".

In the concept put forward, geography is defined as a science related to the production process carried out by humans in the possibilities offered by nature.

16. Yeates and Hagget

Geography is a science that plays a role in the development of a location and is influenced by various properties that exist on the earth's surface for various rational reasons.

17. Richard Hartshorne

Geography is a science that is able and able to explain various properties of the earth's surface variables accurately, regularly, and rationally.

18. Strabo

Strabo argues that geography has a close relationship with place characteristics that pay attention to the relationship between various places as a whole.

Geography since the beginning of its development, starting from telling stories related to other areas. Then it is more specific, and already has the concept of a region and a region that already has its own characteristics and the relationship between regions.

19. Vernor E. Finch and Glen Trewartha

Geography is an explanation that analyzes the surface of the earth and its views regarding things that are always changing.

20. Fielding

Geography is the study of the location and arrangement of phenomena that occur simultaneously on the earth's surface. And that process gives rise to the spread of the phenomenon.

21. John Hanrath

Geography is a science that investigates the distribution of physical, biological and anthropological phenomena in space on the earth's surface as well as various other phenomena according to the size of the value, the motive whose results can then be compared to.

22. Halim Khan

Geography is the natural and social environment in the form of an area to carry out an activity, analyze, describe, and enjoy human behavior on earth for survival his life.

23. Sidney E. Ekblaw and Donald J.D. Mulkerne

Geography is a branch of science related to the earth and its life that can affect the way of life, clothing used, the food eaten, the houses built, and the usual variety of recreational activities enjoy.

24. Daldjoeni

Daldjoeni is known for his books dealing with geography.

According to Daldjoeni, geography is a science that teaches humans about various fields which consists of three main things, namely the scope of ecology (conditions), spatial coverage (space), and regional coverage. (region).

In terms of spatial, this geography explains the distribution of various natural phenomena, both natural and human on Earth.

Then in terms of ecology, geography is related to how humans must be able to adapt to their environment.

Then in terms of region, geography is related to the area as a human habitation as seen from the physiographical unit.

25. Ulman

Geography is an interaction between spaces.

The understanding put forward by Ullman states that the science of geography has a relationship with the space that is on the surface of the Earth.

26. Herioso Setiyono

In 1996, Herioso Setiyono expressed his opinion regarding the definition of geography.

According to Herioso, geography is a science related to the reciprocal relationship between humans and their environment which refers to the horizontal distribution pattern on the earth's surface.

27. Basri Mustofa

Geography is a science related to the similarities and differences, and the phenomenon of the geosphere with a regional and environmental point of view in a spatial context.

28. I Made Sandy

Geography is a science that seeks to find, express, explain and understand the similarities and differences that exist in the earth's surface space.

Sandy also emphasized that geography is more focused on a spatial point of view.

29. Haris

In 2012, Haris explained the meaning of geography.

Which he said that geography is a field of science that examines all aspects that exist in the world the Earth's surface together with the concept of spatial or space for the use of existing developments on the surface Earth.

30. Paul Claval

Paul explains the phenomenon of geography related to space.

31. James Fairgrive

James said that the science of geography has educational value, namely to educate people to think critically and be responsible for the advancements in the world.



UNESCO divides the notion of geography into 3 parts, including:

  • A study of spatial relations
  • One synthetic agent
  • Science in land use

33. Barlow

Geography is a science that discusses and also studies related processes that have a relationship with the environment.

The relationship is also described by Barlow such as natural phenomena and also various related natural patterns that will be discussed.

34. John Alexander

John said that geography is closely related to location factors that have certain characteristics and the relationship between regions as a whole.

35. P Huggett, R. Hartshorne

Huggett and Hartshorne argue about which geography they think geography is concerned with in providing a thorough, orderly and rational description of the nature of the variables that exist on the surface Earth.

36. W.G Moore

W.G Moore is a geographer who has published many books related to geography.

In the opinion of W.G Moore, the notion of geography itself is the science that makes the earth's surface, physical characteristics, vegetation, climate, products, soil, and society the subject of study.

37. Herioso Setiyono

Herioso Setiyono is an Indonesian geographer.

According to Herioso Setiyono, geography is a science that studies the relationship between humans and the environment that causes reciprocity between the two. Where refers to the horizontal distribution that takes place on the earth's surface.

38. Alexander Bain

Alexander Bain was a philosopher and educator in the British school of empiricism.

According to Alexander Bain, the notion of geography is a science based on the concept of occupied space.

39. Joseph E. Van Riper

Author of the classic, Man's Physical World, Joseph E. Van Riper defines geography as a full understanding of the vast system on the earth's surface consisting of humans and the natural environment.

And it conceptualizes "spatial distribution and spatial relations" in the systems and subsystems of human life that exist on the earth's surface.

40. Linda L. Reenow

Through the book World Geography (1995) Linda L. Reenow stated that geography is a science that deals with the existence of living things and objects on earth and how they influence each other.

Geographical Aspect

understanding of geography according to bintarto

Aspects of geography is an interpretation and ideas as well as various things that are considered in the study of geography.

The study aspect of this one science is divided into two types, namely the physical aspect and the social aspect.

Human geography or also commonly referred to as social geography is a branch of science that studies the relationship and mutual influence between nature and humans.

This one aspect also emphasizes human activities which are the main object of study.

The main object of the study of human geography includes aspects of population, aspects of activities that include political, economic, social and cultural aspects.

Human Geography Branch:

a. Population Geography

Is a branch of human geography in which the object of study is the spatial aspect of the population.

The object of this study includes density, distribution, sex ratio, human comparison with land area and others.

b. Economic Geography

Is a branch of human geography that deals with human efforts to exploit natural resources and increase value add an item to meet the needs and also analyze the pattern of location, distribution and distribution of industrial activities as well as that trade.

c. Political Geography

Is a branch of human geography in which the field of study is the spatial aspect of government and state that includes regional and international relations, government and state on the surface Earth.

d. Residential Geography

Is a branch of human geography that deals with the development of settlements in an area and the pattern of development on the earth's surface.

now, here are aspects of geography itself:

1. Physical Aspect

Physical aspects include the conditions of the natural environment outside of humans.

For example:

  • the face of the earth,
  • waters,
  • air condition,
  • plants and animals,
  • as well as all natural phenomena that can be directly observed.

This physical aspect is then further divided into:

  • topological aspect (region),
  • biotic aspects (humans, vegetation, and animals),
  • and non-biotic aspects (soil, water, and climate).

The physical aspect of geography focuses on studies related to various geosphere phenomena that can affect human life.

In general, the physical aspect of geography deals with various phenomena that are influenced by nature directly, not by humans.

Basically, the physical aspects of geography can be broadly grouped into three categories, namely the science that discusses the shape of the Earth and its measurements.

Not only that, it also studies biotic elements (flora, fauna, and living things), abiotic elements (soil, weather, rocks, and minerals).

If broken down more deeply, the three broad categories can be consolidated into several separate scopes of study and scholarship.

The following are some examples of the scope of geographical studies that fall into the physical aspects of geography. And the following are physical aspects that can be observed or studied:

a. Topological Aspect

These aspects discuss matters relating to the location and location of an area, the shape of the earth's surface, the area and various boundaries that have certain characteristics.

b. Biotic Aspect

This aspect discusses matters relating to vegetation elements such as (flora, fauna) and population studies.

c. Non-Biotic Aspect

This one aspect discusses matters relating to elements of soil conditions, water management (hydrology) be it waters, land or sea as well as the climatic conditions of an area.

2. Social Aspect

Social aspects are all social, cultural, and economic problems that occur because of human activities and creativity on the surface of the earth.

Some of the things studied in this social aspect include aspects:

  • Economy,
  • social,
  • political,
  • and culture.

There are other aspects apart from the physical aspect, the study of geography also includes the social aspect.

Geography examines humans who live in it from their relationship with phenomena that occur in the geosphere.

The social aspect also includes political, anthropological, economic aspects, as well as aspects related to culture and human life patterns.

In this aspect, humans are seen as the main focus of the study of geography by paying attention to the pattern of human distribution in space and the relationship between human behavior and the environment.

There are several social aspects studied, including:

a. Social Aspect

This one aspect discusses matters relating to elements of customs, communities, traditions, community groups and various social institutions.

b. Economic Aspect

These aspects discuss matters relating to the elements of mining, agriculture, fisheries, plantations, industry, trade, transportation and markets.

c. Cultural Aspect

This one aspect discusses various matters relating to elements of education, religion, art and language.

d. Political Aspect

This one aspect discusses various matters relating to the elements of governance that occur in life in society.

Read also: Geography Concept

Geography Study Object

study object

The object of the study of geography covers the conditions and all processes that take place on the earth's surface, the grouping of an area and space on earth, interpretation of the landscape. and social landscapes, human relations with different environments, whether they are the result of culture or the natural environment, human interactions with various processes on the surface Earth.

From the various disciplines, it is possible to have material objects that may be the same as the field of study. But it will be different in the formal object.

Examples are in geography, geology and geophysics.

The three sciences have the same material object as making the planet earth object as a non-physical study. However, the formal studies differ from one another.

The following is an explanation of the two objects of geography that you need to know, including:

1. Material Object

Is a geographical material object in the form of a geosphere phenomenon (the earth's surface) and consists of the atmosphere (air layer), lithosphere and pedosphere (layers of rock and soil), hydrosphere (related to water), biosphere (plant & animal world) and anthroposphere (man).

a. The atmosphere/air that surrounds the earth

The atmosphere has a thickness of about 1,000 KM and is composed of several elements such as: nitrogen 78.08%, oxygen 20.95%, and carbon dioxide 0.034%. To deepen knowledge related to the layers of the earth's atmosphere, meteorology and climatology are needed.

b. Lithosphere / Earth's crust

The earth itself is the home of all creatures on the earth's surface. The earth consists of several layers of soil, rocks and minerals that make up the earth's crust. To study lithosphere, you need to deepen your knowledge such as geomorphology, geology, and soil science.

c. Hydrosphere (water)

Almost all of the earth's surface is water.

To study the science of the hydrosphere, it can be done with the branch of hydrology for fresh water.

For example:

  • Limnology is the study of lakes.
  • Hydrometeorology to study the water content in the air.
  • Flufial (river) hydrology and groundwater hydrology and oceanography are the sciences that study seawater.

d. Biosger (animals and plants)

This one biosphere can be studied through biogeography, ecology and anthropology.

e. Anthroposphere (human)

In studying this geographical material object, you can understand if it is a phenomenon if you look at it From the point of view of geography, it will always be integrated with various other sciences other.

For the location in the study of this object can be divided into physiographic location and sociographic location.

Examples such as the location of physiography include the location of climatology, astronomy, maritime and geomorphology.

As for the sociographic location, such as the location of the economy, social, politics and cultural location.

So that the real object of geography material includes various phenomena that exist and take place on earth. For example, soil, rocks, climate, earthquakes, air, flora and fauna related to human life.

2. Formal Object

The formal object of geography is a point of view and mindset on a phenomenon that is in advance earth, whether physical, non-physical or social from a spatial point of view (special).

In the formal object of geography, this also becomes a spatial perspective that is spaced in various geographical concepts.

When viewed from the point of view of formal objects, there are 6 main questions that arise as a characteristic of geography known as 5W+1H, or:

  • What (what happened?)
  • Where (where does this phenomenon take place?
  • When (when did the phenomenon take place?)
  • Why (why does this phenomenon occur?)
  • Who (who is involved in the phenomenon?)
  • How (what are the efforts to overcome this phenomenon?)

In the study of formal geography, it also always analyzes the location, distribution on the face of the earth that is mutually exclusive have a relationship (interrelation and interaction) between a phenomenon with other phenomena.

For example in research conducted on the problem of poverty, there are several things that can be studied in this regard, which include:

  • Where is the location of poverty? Is it an urban/rural area? Is it an industrial, mining or agricultural area? does it take place in developing or developed countries?
  • What is the pattern of distribution? Is it spread in all areas or only certain areas?
  • What is the relation/criteria between the problem of poverty and other natural and social aspects in the area? Examples include the availability of natural resources, the quality of the population (education level, mastery of science & technology, health level), and the customs that exist in the area.

Formal objects that are contained in various geographic concepts can be seen from various points of view, such as:

  • The point of view of the room / regional through a spatial point of view. Formal objects will later become easier to examine in terms of the value of a place of various interests. From here, you can learn about location, distance and affordability.
  • Environmental point of view / ecology ecological point of view can be done by knowing the interactions between organisms and the surrounding environment. For example, the relationship between farmers and fishermen, the relationship between farmers and fields and rice fields.
  • The point of view of keilayahan, is a combination of analysis from the point of view of space and ecology. The analysis carried out from this one point of view can be done by knowing the differences that exist in an area with other areas.
  • The point of view of time, a formal object that can be studied from time to time. So that its usefulness can be used and know the extent of its development. For example measuring the area of ​​an island from time to time.

Rhoad Murpey in his work entitled The Scope of Geography suggests that there are three main points that become the scope of geography, including:

  • There is the distribution and interrelation of the population on earth with a number of spatial aspects and how humans can use it.
  • The relationship between humans and physical environmental conditions, which is one part of regional diversity. Regional framework and analysis of specific regions.



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