Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis

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Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis – In this discussion we will discuss data analysis. Of course, some people are still very unfamiliar with the term data analysis. And what exactly is data analysis itself?

For this reason, we will begin to discuss it so that it can provide information for readers who are in need of it. So that the discussion is clearer, let's just start the discussion which will be explained below.

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  • Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis
    • Definition of Data Analysis
    • Data Analysis Procedure
    • Types of Data Analysis
      • 1. Descriptive data analysis technique
      • 2. Inferential data analysis technique
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Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis

Let's discuss the meaning of data analysis first carefully.

Definition of Data Analysis

Data analysis is an effort or a way to process data into information, so that make the characteristics of the data understandable and also useful for a solution problem. And the most important is a problem related to a research. In addition, there is also another understanding of data analysis, namely an activity carried out so that converting research data into information that can later be used in taking conclusion.

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Data Analysis Procedure

Apart from the explanation that has been given, this time we will discuss again about a procedure or steps of data analysis which will be explained below.

  1. Data collection stage.
  2. Editing, which in this stage is an examination of the clarity or completeness of filling out the instruments of data collection.
  3. Coding stage, namely carrying out the identification process and also the classification process of each question which is also contained in the data collection instrument based on the variable being studied.
  4. Tabulation, which is to carry out an activity to record and enter data into the main tables in the study.
  5. The testing stage, and at this stage the quality of the data will be tested, namely testing the validity or reliability of the instrument from a data collection.
  6. The stage of describing the data, namely presenting it in the form of a frequency table or diagram and in various measures of central tendency or dispersion measures. With an aim to understand the characteristics of the sample data from a study.
  7. Hypothesis testing, which is the stage of testing a proposition whether it is rejected or acceptable accepted and also has meaning or not, on the basis of a hypothesis that later the decision will be made.

Types of Data Analysis

After the two explanations that have been given, there is still another explanation, namely the type of data analysis used consists of two data analysis techniques in a study which will be explained below: this.

1. Descriptive data analysis technique

It is an analytical technique that will be used to analyze data by describing or describes the data that has been collected soberly without any intention of making generalizations from a result study.

Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis

2. Inferential data analysis technique

Is a statistic that is used to perform a data analysis by making a conclusion that also applies in general. And the characteristic of inferential data analysis is that a certain statistical formula is used. So the results of the calculations that have been done and that will later become the basis for making generalizations that also come from sources for the population. And has a function to generalize from the results of a sample study to the population. With this function, inferential statistics are very useful for a sample study.

That's all for the explanation that this article can give about Definition of Data Analysis, Procedures and Types of Data Analysis, hopefully the explanation given can add information to the lives of the readers, hopefully it will be useful

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