4 Principles of Geography and Examples in Life

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Knowledge related to the earth or geography has existed since tens of centuries BC, in which geography also has several principles to explain various phenomena that take place.

Geography terms first mentioned by Eratosthenes through the word "Geographica" which comes from Geo (earth) and Graphica (painting / writing).

Judging from the results of the 1988 Indonesian Geography Experts Association seminar in Semarang, it was agreed that geography formula is a science that studies the similarities and differences of geosphere phenomena from a regional/environmental point of view in a spatial context.

So it can be concluded that geography is the study of various activities that occur on earth.

In order to study and analyze the various phenomena that occur, it takes several principles of geography as a basis.

Now, before you know some of these principles, it's good if you know the meaning of the principles of geography itself. Listen well - good reviews, yes!

Understanding the Principles of Geography

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4 principles of geography

The principle of geography is a basis for explaining, studying, describing, and analyzing various geosphere phenomena such as the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and anthroposphere that are in a region.

An understanding of the principles and approaches of geography is very important when studying geography. Therefore, you should pay attention to the next review.

Principles of Geography

There are four principles of geography that you need to know, including the following:

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1. Principle of Distribution (Spread)

principles of geography and their applications

The first principle explains the uneven distribution of phenomena on the earth's surface.

Questions that generally underlie this distribution principle, for example:

  • "Why is there a phenomenon at location A, while at location B there is no such phenomenon?"

You don't have to be confused if you encounter questions related to the principles of geography.

Where you only need to know the keywords that are generally used in questions of geography principles.

The following are the keywords that are usually used for distribution principle questions:

a. First Keyword

In general, questions are told about the uneven distribution of phenomena and phenomena on the earth's surface.

For example:

  • Unequal distribution of the population.
  • Unequal distribution of natural resources.
  • The distribution of rainfall is different between regions.

b. Second Keyword

In general questions, different data will also be displayed between one region and another.

For example:

  • In area A there are 50 people infected with the virus, in area B there are 70 people infected with the virus, while in area C only 2 residents are infected with the virus.

c. Third Keyword

The problem generally has a map that describes the uneven distribution of phenomena and phenomena on the earth's surface.

For example:

  • Map of the distribution of plantation products.
  • Fauna distribution map.
  • Mine distribution map.

2. Principle of Interrelation (Relationship)

principle of interrelation

The principle of interrelation is a principle used to analyze the relationship between one geographic phenomenon and another in a space.

In principle this one can take place between nature and nature, humans with humans, and nature with humans.


In order to make it easier for you to distinguish the principle of interrelation with other principles in exam questions, here are the keywords in the principle of interrelation:

a. First Keyword

In general, the problem will be explained first because of the occurrence of a phenomenon or phenomenon on the surface of the earth. Then explained the consequences caused by this phenomenon.

For example:

Forest and land fires spread in Kalimantan & Sumatra in 2019. The dry season event triggered smoke disasters in various regions in Indonesia. Reports of the haze disaster began to emerge from Central Kalimantan, Riau, and West Kalimantan.

b. Second Keyword

In the problem, in general, phenomena and symptoms in an area are explained. Then explained the cause of the phenomenon.

For example:

Forest burning in various provinces in Indonesia is intended to open up new oil palm land.

This is due to the large demand for cooking oil due to the increasing population.

Read also: Climate Classification

3. Principle of Description (Depiction)

Description (Depiction)

The principle of this one description will provide a deeper explanation regarding various geographical phenomena in an area.

In the principle of description, it is not only presented using writing or words. However, it can also be equipped with graphs, diagrams, pictures, tables, and maps.

In order to make it easier for you to distinguish the principle of description with other principles in exam questions, here are the keywords in the principle of description:

a. First Keyword

In general, the problem will be explained or described in detail related to a geosphere phenomenon.

For example:

Mount Sinabung is one of more than 120 active volcanoes in Indonesia. Mount Sinabung is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location on the Pacific "Ring of Fire".

Where it is an arc of volcanoes and fault lines that surround the Pacific Basin.

The eruption of Mount Sinabung that occurred in 2016 caused 7 people to die.

b. Second Keyword

In general questions, an explanation related to a phenomenon will be obtained in the form of tables, figures, graphs, or maps that describe the situation at that time.

For example:

The smog causes air quality to deteriorate in the areas of South Sumatra and Riau.

The poor air quality caused 25 babies and 15 adults to die. And also 225 schools were forced to close.

4. Principles of Corology (Combined)

Corology (Combined)

The principle of corology is a principle that combines the three principles above, namely the principle of distribution, the principle of interrelation, and the principle of description.

In the principle of chorology, this one has the aim of examining facts, symptoms, and also problems that occur in a place.

All of them are reviewed in terms of their distribution, interaction, interrelation, and integration in certain spaces.

In general, various questions related to the principle of corology will mention 3 things as follows:

  • Disasters and natural phenomena are mentioned in their distribution areas.
  • There is data on the percentage figures.
  • Explained the cause and effect why it could happen.

For example:

The smog that took place in 2016 was caused by forest fires.

Judging from satellite monitoring, there are 625 hotspots in Riau, 1,200 hotspots in South Sumatra, 725 hotspots in Central Kalimantan.

The smog causes deteriorating air quality in the areas of South Sumatra and Riau.

The deteriorating air quality caused the deaths of 25 infants and 15 adults.

And learning activities at schools were also forced to close, as many as 225 schools were closed in Riau and South Sumatra.





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