Definition of Media According to Experts (Full Discussion)

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Definition of Media According to Experts (Full Discussion) – There are many information giving tools scattered in this part of the world and there are many kinds. Kinds of these tools are different and different from era to era. The information is disseminated by the media to various corners of the world. To understand what media is, it will be explained as follows.

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  • Definition of Media According to Experts (Full Discussion)
    • Definition of Media
    • Understanding Media According to Experts
      • 1. Gerlach and Ely
      • 2. Blanke and Horalsen
      • 3. Degeng
      • 4. Sadiman, et al
      • 5. Gagne and Briggs
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Definition of Media According to Experts (Full Discussion)

Let's discuss the definition of media in full below.

Definition of Media

Media is something that delivers or forwards messages that contain information between the sender of information and the recipient. Media comes from the Latin word medius which means middle. The word media in Indonesian means intermediate or moderate. So that it can also be interpreted that the media is in the form of forms and channels that are used in the process of presenting information.

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Media was initially known as props, then known as audio visual aids, then known as learning material and at this time in education it is used as an educational medium or what is called media learning. In the development of the times, now appears e-learning which is an abbreviation of the word e which means electronics and learning which means learning.

Understanding Media According to Experts

There are many definitions of media and many have different opinions from one expert to another. To be able to understand the meaning of media according to experts, it will be explained as follows:

1. Gerlach and Ely

Media are people, materials, or events that create conditions in which students can learn acquire new and good knowledge, attitudes, and skills, which in terms of teachers, books, and the environment school.

2. Blanke and Horalsen

Media is a communication channel that is used as a messenger to the recipient of the message from the sender of the message.

3. Degeng

Media is a component of the strategy used to deliver which is loaded with messages conveyed to learners in the form of materials, tools, and people.

4. Sadiman, et al

Media is everything that is used as a distributor of messages and sends messages to the recipient of the message, so that it can stimulate thoughts, attention, feelings, and emotions. also the interest and attention of students in such a way that the teaching process can take place effectively and efficiently in accordance with what is taught expect.

complete understanding of media according to experts

5. Gagne and Briggs

Media is a tool that is physically useful to be able to convey material in the form of books, tapes, tape recorders, video recorders, video cameras, films, photos, slides, pictures, television, graphics, and so on computer.

That's our explanation this time about Definition of Media According to Experts (Full Discussion). Media can be used to disseminate information through several tools that exist and are spread throughout the world. Hope it's useful

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