3 Uninterrupted Charity Jariyah And The Explanation (Complete)

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3 Uninterrupted Charity Jariyah And The Explanation (Complete)In Islam, humans live only to seek rewards from their deeds of worship and the pleasure of Allah SWT alone. Not for others, so that believers will continue to compete in goodness in order to get a decent life later in the hereafter.

Every worship must have a reward which is nothing but a reward. When man has met his death, then all his deeds of worship are cut off. No longer able to perform obligatory prayers, sunnah prayers, fasting, dhikr and other worship.

That is, when they are still alive, they can still collect their deeds of worship through prayer, fasting, zakat, doing good to people, and so on. But, if death has come to pick up, then there is no more opportunity to add his rewards, he will not get the reward of praying, because he no longer prays and as well as others.

list of contents

  • 3 Uninterrupted Charity Jariyah And The Explanation (Complete)
    • 3 Practices That Never Break
      • 1. Sadaqah or charity
      • 2. Useful knowledge
      • 3. A pious child who prays for him.
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3 Uninterrupted Charity Jariyah And The Explanation (Complete)

After we die and all our practices are cut off, then we can no longer get additional rewards, except for 3 things. Here's a full explanation.

3 Practices That Never Break

From Abu Hurairah ra., the Messenger of Allah said:


It means: "When a person dies, his deeds are cut off except for three things (namely): charity, knowledge that is used, and a pious child who prays for him.“. (HR. Muslim)

3 practices that will never break until we die based on the hadith above, namely:

1. Sadaqah or charity

Jariyah deeds done while living in the world will continue to flow and increase the reward for those who do good deeds. Examples of charities include building a madrasa or school, donating land for the benefit of the community people, build mosques or other public facilities, provide useful books for people and others etc.

As long as all that is given is still ongoing and useful for people, such as the building of a mosque which is continuously used for worship. As long as the book that is donated is still used and useful. In any form, if it still exists and continues to be used for the benefit of the people, the reward will continue to flow also to those who do good deeds even though they have died.

2. Useful knowledge

The knowledge of religion that we teach to others, either orally or in written form (books). As long as knowledge is still useful and continues to be used by the people we teach. Then the reward will continue to flow to us.

3 Practices That Never Break And Their Explanations

3. A pious child who prays for him.

This is why it is important to educate children in an Islamic way, instill aqidah from an early age in children, and guide children to become a Qur'anic generation. Because behind the pride of having a child who is obedient, devoted and pious, it turns out all the deeds of worship and goodness done by pious children will continue to flow to both his parents.

The prayer of a pious child who is sincere, sincere and always said for his parents is an extraordinary pride for parents.

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So that's the discussion about 3 Practices That Never Break And The Explanation (Complete) In summary, hopefully it can provide benefits and motivate Muslim friends to always love to do good deeds, take advantage of knowledge by teaching it and giving pious children so that we will still get the reward even though we have gone. Amen

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