Definition of Nasti Motion in Plants and Kinds

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Definition of Nasti Motion in Plants and Kinds - Plants can move without us noticing and without us noticing. Because of its slow movement, humans rarely pay attention to it and do not realize it has moved.

Plants can move under the influence of stimuli but some do not require stimulation. We can observe its movements every day and when we look closely we can find patterns of movement.

list of contents

  • Definition of Nasti Motion in Plants and Kinds
    • Definition of Nasti
    • Kinds of Nasti Movement
      • 1. Tigmonasti
      • 2. Niktinasti
      • 3. photonasti
      • 4. Thermomass
      • 5. Complex Nasti
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Definition of Nasti Motion in Plants and Kinds

Nasti plant movement is one of the plant movements. The definition of this plant movement will be explained as follows.

Definition of Nasti

Nasti is a movement of plants whose direction of movement is not affected by the existing stimuli. This plant movement is caused by the movement of turgor in the tissue in the leaf bones. Nasti movement in this plant is divided into 5 kinds according to the group.

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Kinds of Nasti Movement

Nasti movement in plants has several kinds which will be explained as follows:

1. Tigmonasti

Tigmonasty or seismonasti is a nasti movement that will occur due to stimulation in the form of touch. An example of this nasti movement is when our shy daughter plant touches the leaf, then the touch will transmit stimulation to the base of the leaf and give the leaf command to close.

2. Niktinasti

Niktinasti is a nasti movement that occurs due to the influence of dark conditions. An example of this nasti movement is at night the leaves on plants belonging to the Leguminoceae family in the afternoon days, movements that occur due to changes in turgor pressure found in the moving cells of plants the.

3. photonasti

Photonasti is a nasti movement that occurs due to the influence of existing light stimuli. An example of this nasti movement is when flowers bloom at four in the morning and there are also flowers that bloom at nine in the morning.

4. Thermomass

Termonasty is a nasti movement that occurs because of the temperature stimulus received. An example of this nasti movement is the blooming of tulips in spring.

Understanding and Kinds of Nasti Movement in Complete Plants

5. Complex Nasti

Complex Nasti is a movement that occurs because of a combination of all kinds of nasti such as photonation, chemonation and hydronasty when the movement mechanism of the stomata has been affected by the arrival of light. An example of the nasty movement is the process of opening and closing stomata in plants.

A few explanations about Definition of Nasti Motion in Plants and Kinds which was given by About Knowledge. Plants can move by themselves without any stimulation that is obtained first. Hope it's useful

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