Understanding Ecology and Organisms and Their Communities (Complete)

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Understanding Ecology and Organisms and Their Communities (Complete) - Living things on this earth have many types and kinds. Animals, humans and plants are living things that inhabit this earth.

Animals and plants have very many and diverse types and have a variety of places to live or environments. Some live in water, some live on land and some can even live in both environments.

list of contents

  • Understanding Ecology and Organisms and Their Communities (Complete)
    • Understanding Ecology
    • Ecological Organization
    • Ecological Population
    • Ecological Community
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Understanding Ecology and Organisms and Their Communities (Complete)

In a living environment, these organisms are divided into several types according to their place of residence and conditions. The branch of science that studies living things and their environment is called ecology. To be able to know about ecology will be explained as follows.

Understanding Ecology

Understanding ecology is a branch of science that studies the interactions between existing organisms and their surrounding environment. Examples of ecology are freshwater, salt or marine ecology, agricultural ecology and so on.

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This ecology has many types and kinds because each environment has its own ecology. From this ecology, there are even certain animals or plants that can only occupy that environment.

Ecological Organization

Ecological organisms are looking at how individuals or organisms interact with the environment around them. Ecological organization consists of components in the form of biotic or living and abiotic or non-living.

At the organismal level, ecology looks at how organisms can adapt their abiotic or living and abiotic or nonliving components to their environment. For example, in crocodiles who have cold blood in their bodies, they need to maximize their life during the day by absorb the heat of the sun, so it can be seen when they are on the edge of the swamp they absorb sunlight by sunbathing (adaptation) behavior).

When going to hunt, crocodiles will hold their breath and stay in the water for up to an hour to wait for their prey to be off guard and then eat them (physiological adaptation). The eyes and nose of the crocodile are on the top of the head so that it can easily see the presence of prey and make it easier to breathe in the air (morphological adaptation).

Ecological Population

Ecological population is an association of individuals belonging to the same type and species and occupying the same geographical environment and at a certain time. The natural resources they use or use are the same and the influences from the environment are the same. Population ecology examines the factors that can affect the amount of population density in the form of the number of individuals in an area and the distribution or how individuals come out and spread. An example is when crocodiles in certain swamp populations are disturbed or not when food is consumed being in the area is reduced due to illness or exhaustion, or when another rival eats the food similar.

By observing the behavior and density of numbers by looking at the births and deaths of existing populations, ecologists can determine support for supportive habitats. This can be helpful in determining whether the species in the area will thrive or become extinct. If the number begins to decrease, it will be controlled and natural resources will be increased again so that the species can recover.

Understanding Ecology and Complete Organisms and Communities

Ecological Community

Ecological communities are biologically divided into two or more depending on the number of different species in a particular geographic area. Community ecology can look at the interactions that occur between populations such as competition and predation. An example is looking through the food web for predators and prey.

That's the explanation about Understanding Ecology and Organisms and Their Communities (Complete) which has been explained by about knowledge. Organizations in each region are different and of various types. As in urban areas, it is different from rural areas and others. Hope it's useful

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