History of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini)

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UntHistory of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini)Raden Ajeng Kartini or often referred to as R.A Kartini is a pioneer for women. Raden Ajeng Kartini is a history of the participation of women in various fields of life, both in government and non-government. We already know that Raden Ajeng Kartini is a formidable woman so that her name is so fragrant that we can see it when her birthday is always commemorated from various circles and not only women who commemorate it, the adams also participate in commemorating the day of Raden Ajeng Kartini.

Raden Ajeng Kartini is a woman who dares to fight for the rights of a woman where the right to participate is a woman in various kinds fields of life and thanks to him Raden Ajeng Kartini women can work in various fields of life, and on April 21 always Kartini Day is commemorated where April 21 is the birthday of Raden Ajeng Kartini, where he was the pioneer of the people's movement woman. To know more about the history of Raden Ajeng Kartini, we can see below.

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  • History of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini)
    • The movement of women with a social and purposeful nature
    • Women's Organization
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History of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini)

Raden Ajeng Kartini on April 21, 1879-1904, was a pioneer of the women's movement in Indonesia. R A Kartini is the first woman in Indonesia who has aspirations to advance her people in the fields of education and teaching. As a result of the lack of education and teaching that women get is treated unfairly, this is shown by customs and habits.

  1. The Occurrence of Forced Marriage
  2. Polygamy
  3. Men have unlimited power in marriage
  4. After reaching adulthood, girls were forbidden to leave the house or (= secluded)

This kind of custom which is then gradually opposed by women who have advanced minds. Inspired by Kartini's ideals, they began a movement to change a very unfair tradition.

The movement of women with a social and purposeful nature

1. Go out

Trying to get equal rights with men, so that they are not treated arbitrarily

2. Into the

Trying to improve and also perfect the abilities and intelligence possessed by the women themselves as mothers and also the holders of control in the household.

Women's Organization

The Indonesian women's organization, which at that time was first established in Jakarta in 1912, was named Putri Mardika. For this organization was founded thanks to the help of Budi Utomo, who has a purpose. To strive to advance the education and teaching of children as well as women. After the establishment of Putri Mardika, other organizations emerged. Almost every important city has a women's organization, so it has a very large number.

The Women's Organizations Are Very Much Divided as follows:

1. Organizations-women who are part of an organization, for example;

  • Wanudyo Utomo, part of the Sarekat Islam
  • Aisyiyah, part of Muhammadiyah

2. Independent women's organization. Most are women's organizations, for example;

1. Wanito Mulyo
2. Catholic Woman
3. Wanito Utomo

Around December 22 to 25, 1928, women's organizations in Indonesia held a congress which was held in Yogyakarta. The congress which was held for the first time had a purpose.

  1. To be able to unite the ideals and also efforts to advance women
  2. To form a union among organizations that have a variety of characteristics.

The congress has succeeded in establishing a joint women's organization called the Indonesian Women's Association or (PPI). And then this name was changed to the Association of Indonesian Wives Association or (PPII).

The date that was first held when the women's congress was held was later made Mother's Day which is still celebrated every year to this day.

History of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini)


Although it has not been achieved in its entirety, but step by step the struggles carried out by women have got many results. The customs that had become an insult to the status of women have diminished over time. And even since around 1938 there have been several Indonesian women who have been appointed by the Dutch government. To become a member of the City Council for example in Bandung, Cirebon and also Surabaya.

That's all that has been explained by aboutknowledge.com about History of the Women's Movement Raden Ajeng Kartini (R.A Kartini) The struggle he has done is only for the equality of women in Indonesia so that they can have the same position as men, so that women are not seen low again. Hope it's useful

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