Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Its Characteristics (Full Discussion)

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Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Its Characteristics (Full Discussion) – There are many and varied lives in this world. There are animals, plants, and there are humans living in this world. The living things that live in this world have their own characteristics.

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  • Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Its Characteristics (Full Discussion)
    • Definition of Kingdom Plantae
    • Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae
      • Kingdom Plantae Classification
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Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Its Characteristics (Full Discussion)

One of the creatures that live on this earth is a plant. Plants that are widely spread in the world have many different types and varieties and are interesting to see and observe. This plant has a biological name, namely Plantae. In the world of plantae or kingdom plantae, it will be explained in more detail as follows.

Definition of Kingdom Plantae

Kingdom plantae or plants is a multicellular eukaryotic organism with cell walls and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green substance in leaves that is used for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is useful for making food for itself and is autotrophic. This is what can distinguish this type of kingdom from the others.

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Characteristics of Kingdom Plantae

This kingdom has its own characteristics that distinguish this type of kingdom from other kingdoms. This kingdom has characteristics that include:

  1. Multicellular (many celled)
  2. Autotrophs (make their own food)
  3. Eukaryotic
  4. The cell wall is made of cellulose
  5. Live in the water or on land
  6. Food is obtained from the process of photosynthesis
  7. How to reproduce sexually (with pistils and stamens) or asexually (by grafting, cuttings, etc.)

Plants also have their organs and organ systems. One of the plant organs has leaves that are useful for making glucose by absorbing sunlight and roots function to strengthen plants and can absorb water. In addition there are flowers that are used to be a means of reproduction.

Kingdom Plantae Classification

In the classification there are three parts, namely mosses (Briophyta), seed plants (Spermatophyta), and ferns (Pteridophyta). In addition to these sections there are differences and also similarities in morphology. Based on this, plants are divided into two major groups, namely non-vascular plants (Non Tracheophyta / Atracheophyta) and vascular plants (Tracheophyta). The function of the vessels in question is as a place for the juices of food to flow to the parts of the plant's body.

Campbell (1998: 550), says 12 divisions are,

Non-vascular plants (Briophyta)

  1. briophyta
  2. Anthocerophyta
  3. Hepatophyta
Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Complete Characteristics

Vascular plants (pteridophyta and spermatophyta)

  1. Anthophyta
  2. Gnetophyta
  3. Ginkgophyta
  4. Pinophyta (Coniferophyta)
  5. Pterophyta
  6. Equisetophyta (Sphenophyta)
  7. psilophyta
  8. Lycophyta

That's the explanation about Understanding Kingdom Plantae and Its Characteristics (Full Discussion) explained by about knowledge. In our world, there are many types of living things and the kingdoms that exist in them. One of them that we often encounter is this type of kingdom in plants. Hope it's useful

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