The First General Election in Indonesia and Its Purpose (Complete)

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The First General Election in Indonesia and Its Purpose (Complete) - The Republic of Indonesia has been independent since August 14, 1994. After independence, the Indonesian people have many tasks that must be carried out quickly.

The tasks that must be carried out are in line with the tasks carried out by state officials. State officials serving at that time consisted of several people representing their respective regions or regions.

list of contents

  • The First General Election in Indonesia and Its Purpose (Complete)
    • Indonesia's First General Election
    • General Election Organizing Committee
    • General Election Purpose
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The First General Election in Indonesia and Its Purpose (Complete)

To be able to manage the country, a parliamentary cabinet is needed so that politics is stable and can be easily managed. Therefore, an election is needed in order to be able to choose a leader who is considered to be able to carry out this task. To be able to know the first election held in Indonesia which will be explained as follows:

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Indonesia's First General Election

The history of general elections in Indonesia took place in 1955 at the central and regional levels. When using the parliamentary cabinet system, the political situation in Indonesia began to become unstable. People's representatives contradict each other, they do not work for the people but only for the interests of their group. With such conditions, the people in Indonesia asked for a general election to be held. The general election is expected to be able to form a People's Representative Council (DPR) which can fight for the aspirations of the people and can form a stable government.

The general election is a program of the government and every cabinet, even Alisastromijoyo's cabinet, sets the date for the election. But the cabinet did not hold the general election on time and the people held a democratic party and only the government could implement it with a new cabinet, namely Burhanuddin Harahap. This selection is timely and according to the agreed schedule.

General Election Organizing Committee

The Central Election Organizing Committee is held in two waves, namely:

  1. Wave I, on September 29, 1955 to elect members of the People's Representative Council (DPR), and
  2. Second batch, on 15 December 1955 to elect the members of the Constituent Assembly (Basic Lawmaking Body).

The first national democratic party in Indonesia was held by more than 39 million people. All the people come and vote to choose the desired chairman. The implementation is divided into 16 electoral districts which are followed by 208 districts, 2139 sub-districts, and 43,429 villages.

The general election was attended by many political parties, organizations and individuals so that the DPR was divided into several factions, such as: (1) Masyumi Faction (60 members); (2) PNI faction (58 members); (3) NU Faction (47 members); (4) PKI faction (32 members). The results of the 4 elections totaled 272 and a member of the DPR represented 300,000 residents. And the constituent members have a total of 542 people.

On March 25, 1956, the DPR was sworn in as a result of the general election. And the constituent members were sworn in on November 10, 1956. In the General Election 1 of 1955, it was carried out in a democratic, safe and orderly manner so that it could become an extraordinary achievement where the people have been able to channel their rights without coercion and also threat.

Even though the elections were held successfully, the results of the elections have not been able to meet everyone's expectations the people because each of the parties still prioritizes the interests of their party rather than thinking about their interests his people. Therefore, at that time there was still a political crisis and from there resulted in the birth of Guided Democracy.

The First General Election in Indonesia and its Complete Purpose

General Election Purpose

Based on the Law stated in Number 7 of 1953, the 1955 General Election was held to be able to directly elect members parliament (DPR) and the Constituent Assembly (Institutions that are given the task and authority to be able to make changes to the constitution country). The electoral system used in the 1955 general election was a proportional representation system.

What is meant by this system is that the territory of the Republic of Indonesia is divided into 16 electoral districts (where West Irian is included as a designated area). had the 16th election right, even though West Irian at that time was still controlled by the Dutch, so the elections could not be held in the regions the).

That's the explanation about The First General Election in Indonesia and Its Purpose (Complete), which has been explained by General elections are intended to be able to choose good leaders and be able to lead the people and their country not only think about themselves or other organizations and continue to build the country. Hope it's useful

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