10 Examples of Good & True Short Novel Reviews

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example of a short novel


Novel Identity

Book Title: A Little Letter to God
Author: Agnes Davonar
Publisher: Inandra Published
Book Thickness: 239 pages
Issued Year: 2008


This novel tells the story of a girl's struggle to fight the malignant cancer she is suffering from. The girl's name is Gita Sessa Wanda Cantika or commonly called Keke. He was diagnosed with malignant cancer which had five days left of his life.

The cancer had invaded Keke's face, making him look like a monster. However, Keke still struggles to stay alive and get an education like other girls her age.

The disease was not told to Keke because they couldn't bear to see his son who lost half of his face during the operation. However, in the end Keke knew about his illness.

Keke is always smiling and struggling to live a normal life and achieve like other normal people.

His father also continues to fight for Keke's recovery. Where he tried to find alternative treatments that exist in all parts of Indonesia, but these efforts were fruitless.

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Until in the end, using medical methods and doctors by suggesting chemotherapy.

Keke got a miracle from God so that he can spend more time with his friends and family.

Cancer is the first disease in Indonesia and has gone viral. It also caused debate among doctors.

However, after three years, the cancer came back on the other side of the body.

His father finally decided to go to Singapore for treatment. The doctor who was there also suggested surgery.

However, in the end they returned to Indonesia, where Keke's condition was getting worse.

This is because the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, namely the lungs and heart.

Even though his hands and feet can no longer be moved, Keke is still eager to learn.

Keke's condition got worse until he fell into a coma and was treated at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

In the midst of this situation, there is good news that Keke has won third place in the final exam in his class.

Finally the doctor gave up and Keke breathed his last on December 25, 2006. Precisely, after fasting and while celebrating Eid.

Before he died, Keke also had time to write a small letter to God.


The story in this novel is based on a true story so that it really touches the hearts of the readers. The author is able to invite the reader to imagine.


In the novel, it is often found that there are several figurative words that might make it difficult for the reader to understand the meaning or meaning.

5 sample novels

Novel Identity

Book Title: Rainbow Warriors
Author: Andrea Hirata
Publisher: Bentang Pustaka, Yogyakarta
Book Thickness: 529 pages
Issued Year: 2005


Laskar Pelangi is a fictional novel written by Andrea Hirata.

This novel tells a story about the lives of 10 children on Belitung Island, Bangka Belitung Province, who are close friends.

Their parents also had the same profession, namely as a tin miner. Even though they live in the midst of poverty, they still go to school to gain knowledge.

The condition of their school is also very poor and unfit for habitation.

This has received a warning from the government to immediately close the school because the number of students is very small, namely only 10 people.

At that time, the school was almost closed because at the time of admission of new students, there were only nine students.

Then, Aaron came so that the school would not be closed.

Ibu Muslimah is a patient teacher in educating students. Even though he is only a junior high school graduate, he has a strong determination to serve in the world of education.


This story has a very good language style, so it will make the storyline interesting to read.

There are many life lessons that can be taken from this novel, one of which is to grow gratitude to God for what has been given.


The drawback is that the author doesn't seem to explain the time clearly.

Then the background stories in the novels that come from remote areas also make there are several languages ​​​​that are not understood by some ordinary people.

examples of everyday novels

Novel Identity

Book Title: About You
Author: Tere Liye
Publisher: Republika Publisher, Jakarta
Book Thickness: 524 pages
Published Year: October 2016


About You is a novel by Tere Liye.

This novel tells about the life of a woman who comes from a poor family and lives on Bungin Island, Sumbawa Islands, West Nusa Tenggara Province. The woman's name is Sri Ningsih.

This story starts from the Age who came to the place of little Sri Ningsih.

Zaman tells the childhood story of Sri Ningsih who lives with her stepmother. His father went to sea and never came home, so his stepmother became fierce and often beat Sri Ningsih.

One day, there was a fire disaster that made the stepmother died. He and his sister ended up living in a boarding school in Surakarta.

Sri Ningsih is a hard working woman. He had become a street vendor, opened a car rental to open his own soap factory in the city of Jakarta.

Then, he decided to go to London. The journey of his life ended in Paris.


He lived in a nursing home before he died. He left behind a unique will so that the traces of his life could be traced by Zaman.


The choice and arrangement of words used by Tere Liye in the novel can lull the readers.

The cover of the novel also attracts people to want to read it. Not only that, many messages were found, either implied or expressed.


The synopsis stated on the back cover is not suitable to provide an overall picture of the contents of the story.

examples of short novels about friendship

Novel Identity

Book Title: Land of 5 Towers
Author: Ahmad Fuadi
Publisher: PT. Gramedia Main Library
Book Thickness: 423 pages
Published Year: 2009


This novel by Ahmad Fuadi has been made into the big screen.

The main character in this novel is named Alif. Which he was born in Minangkabau.

Since childhood, Alif has aspired to be like B. J. Habibie. Therefore, after junior high school, he has plans to continue high school in the city of Padang. He hopes to study in the major he wants.

Amak Alif also has a desire that he can be the successor of Buya Hamka. That's what makes Alif's dream just run aground.

His parents made an offer for him to go to religious school or go to a boarding school. Alif was annoyed, but he didn't want to disappoint his parents.

Finally, he entered the hut. The uncle gave a suggestion to enter the modern Gontor Islamic Boarding School in East Java.

At first Alif lived it half-heartedly, but in the end he continued at the cottage pesantren because they heard the Arabic sentence 'Man Jadda Wajada' which means whoever is serious You can do it.

Inside the cottage, he also has new friends from various regions. They were named Dulmajid, Raja, Atang, Said, and Baso.

They used to spend their day - day by memorizing the Qur'an, learning Arabic and English during the day and night.

In the first year, they feel very heavy, but the following years they live it with a sense of color and experience.

One day, Baso came out of the hut, that's what inspired Alif and his friends to be happy can graduate soon and become a successful person and realize his dream to be able to go to the European continent and also America.

In the end, their dream came true. Alif went to America, Atang to Africa, Raja to Europe, Baso to Asia, Said and Dulmajid to Indonesia.

You are advised not to underestimate a dream because Allah is All-Hearing.


The story presented in the novel is very interesting and makes the reader curious to find out more about life in the pesantren world.

In this novel you can see a lot of motivation.


The climax of the story is less prominent and explanations related to the lives of several characters in the novel are still lacking.

example of ordinary novels

Novel Identity

Book Title: The Dreamer
Author: Andrea Hirata
Publisher: PT. Library Landscape
Book Thickness: 292 pages
Issued Year: 2008


This novel by Andrea Hirata tells a story related to the lives of three Belitong Malay children named Ikal, Arai, and Jimbron.

Their lives are full of struggles, twists, and challenges so they believe in the power of love, trust in the power of dreams and the power of God.

The three of them are in high school and have worked as fish porters to survive.

At Non Main High School, there is a very good and wise principal, he is named Mr. Balia.

Not only that, there is also an antagonist who is feared by the students, he is Mr. Mustar. He became very fierce because his son was not accepted in the Non-Main State High School.

Jimbron, Ikal, and Arai had violated the rules at school by watching movies in the cinema so that they were punished by Mr. Mustar.

The three of them were asked to act in cleaning the toilets around the school grounds.

Arai and Ikal are still related by blood. When Arai was in the 1st grade of elementary school, his mother died and when he was in the 3rd grade his father died.

This makes the Malay village known as the Sacred Simpai.


This novel contains high values ​​of morality and socialism. The storyline is also very interesting so it will be very easy to understand and can inspire readers.


The author doesn't seem to want to give a clear time so that readers will be curious about what year Indonesia experienced that government.

It is as if this novel also covers the mistakes that the government has made and carried out. However, I hope that with that, readers must be more careful when choosing a potential leader.

example of a complete novel with its structure

Book Title: Paper Boat
Author: Dewi Lestari (Dee)
Publisher: Treudee True Library and Library Landscape
Book Thickness: 444 pages
Publish Year: 2010


Paper Boat is a fictional novel written by a female writer named Dewi Lestari or commonly called Dee.

In his book, this story begins with the story of a man named Keenan. He is a teenager who has completed his education at the high school level in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Keenan has a dream to become an artist and painter. But his father did not support the ideals of his son.

Where his father was more supportive of Keenan so that he could take college studies in the economics faculty. So with a sense of compulsion, Keenan succumbed to the decision of his father.

In the story, there is a woman named Kugy. She is a cheerful and very cheerful girl, she is also very fond of fairy tales.

Since childhood, Kugy has had aspirations to become a fairy tale writer. In his always cheerful and cheerful nature, Kugy has a strange habit, namely sending letters folded and then drifting into the sea to be sent to the god Neptune.


Eko and Noni are two of Kugy's true friends, they have been friends since childhood, and Eko himself is still brothers with Keenan.

Kugy was then introduced to Keenan by them, until over time they fell in love with each other.

Keenan and Kugy do like each other, but they are also silent about each other.

In that position, Kugy actually already has a girlfriend named Joshua and Keenan will be paired with Noni's brother named Wanda.

After graduating from college, Kugy has returned to the city of Jakarta, he also works in a company with the profession of being a copywriter.

Meanwhile for Keenan, he still has the determination to be able to achieve his dream of becoming a painter.

He then decided to go to the island of Bali and live there with Pak Wayan, who was an artist and painter's best friend.

There, Keenan met Luhde Laksmi, the nephew of Pak Wayan. The longer he stayed there, the more Keenan liked Luhde Laksmi.

However, due to the deteriorating condition of Keenan's father, he could not stay forever in Bali and was forced to return to Koga Jakarta to take care of his family's business.

Arriving in Jakarta, Keenan not only met his family, but he also met his true friends.


An example of a fiction novel review that describes a story of love and friendship that can melt the hearts of readers.

Overall, this novel is packaged using an interesting, lighthearted style of language and is not entangled or contains many foreign terms.

Certainly very easy to understand, understand and can be enjoyed by all ages.


Provides a story of love and friendship that is very common, so the plot is very predictable.

The setting of the place is always different, which makes the reader have to concentrate more when imagining.

example of short novel pdf

Book Title: Understanding Film
Author: Himawan Pratists
Publisher: Homerian Pustaka
Book Thickness: 223 pages
Issued Year: 2008


There are still so many people who see movies as impossible to do.

Films can be made by anyone and many are interested in learning to make a film. But unfortunately, the depth to study the art of this film is still very limited.

Knowledge related to films is still limited to the lecture hall. In fact, this film belongs to everyone who has a hobby of watching.

This book can help readers understand film as an art form.

Readers can learn equipped with various supporting images so that it will make it easier for readers to understand the contents of the novel.


  • The novel has been equipped with various examples of film formation elements accompanied by illustrations and film references.
  • This book is very easy and can guide beginners to be able to create a film.
  • Explains each topic in great detail. For example, narrative aspects, types and characteristics of other genres.


This one book is very difficult to find because not all bookstores sell it. Not even in Gramedia.

If you are interested, you can get it through a site that sells the book.

5 cm

Novel Identity

Book Title: 5 Cm
Author: Dhonny Dhirgantoro
Publisher: PT. Grasindo, Yogyakarta
Book Thickness: 381 pages
Issued Year: 2005


5 Cm is a novel that tells about five friends named Arial, Zafran, Ian, Genta and a woman named Riani.

Riani has aspirations to work in a television station. Arial is the most handsome among the others.

Zafran has a dream of becoming a petty person. Genta is a leader among them. Ian is a football fanatic and a fan of Happy Salma.

The five people have been friends for 7 years. They also felt very bored with their activities, then they decided not to communicate for 3 months and then meet again.


For 3 months, they pursued their respective dreams. After 3 months they met and made a long journey.

Their journey ended at the highest peak on the island of Java, namely the peak of Mahameru.

Now they have found the true meaning of life. In the end, they were able to fulfill their respective dreams.


The style of language used in the novel is more complex so it will be easier to understand. The storyline is not boring so it stimulates the reader to keep reading until the end of the story.


The weakness in this novel lies in the ending of the storyline, where the five friends already have children but their behavior is still like a young child.


Novel Identity

Book Title: London
Author: Windry Ramadhina
Publisher: PT. Gramedia Main Library
Book Thickness: 327 pages
Publish Year: 2013


The novel, entitled London, tells the story of the life of a romance novelist named Gilang.

He has a friend who loves fine arts and his name is Ning. The two were indeed friends, but then the friendship grew into love.

That's what Gilang felt. Ning's departure to London for school and work also makes Gilang feel very longing.

One night, Gilang tells his friends that he will go to London to follow and confess his love for Ning.

But when he was in London, Gilang actually met a mysterious girl whom he named Goldilocks.

The girl often appears when it rains. When the rain stopped the girl disappeared.

On the other hand his love for Ning has not been found. Then, will Gilang meet with Ning and confess his love?

Or will he forever be stuck with the Goldilocks game that often appears and also disappears?


The storyline presented in the novel is very interesting and very suitable to be read for teenagers to adults.

The style of language and writing is also very neat, so that it will make the reader comfortable when enjoying this novel.

Explanations related to detailed themes so that readers can imagine getting to the City of London.


The drawback of this novel is the book cover design which is less attractive.

Milea; Dylan's voice

Novel Identity

Book Title: Milea; Dylan's voice
Author: Pidi Baiq
Publisher: Pastel Books
Book Thickness: 360 pages
Publish Year: 2016


This novel is a continuation of the two previous novels with the title Dilan, Dia Dilanku in 1990 and Dilan, Dia Dilanku in 1991.

Milea's novel this time is the one that answers the readers' concerns in the two previous Dilan novels.

The point of view of this novel is taken from Dilan's point of view. The story is to clarify the story of Milea.

This novel answers questions about why Dilan is in the police station, the story of the cause of Akew's death and others.

Dilan is a good friend and girlfriend. He was also a good student. Children like Dilan don't need to be punished, but they need to be understood and given more attention.

In this novel, it also tells about the love story of Dilan and Milea and friendship, family to sad stories, all of which are in this novel.


  • The cover of the book is good and right on target, namely for teenagers.
  • Have a clear and structured storyline.
  • There are many poems that add to the appeal of this book to be read.
  • The author can provide an overview of the story like a true story. The storyline flows.
  • This novel has a light story and can be enjoyed by all ages.
  • The dialogue and explanation of the scene are not excessive so that it will make it easier for the reader to follow the storyline.


  • The ending is boring, that's because the ending of Milea and Dilan's love story has been discussed in the previous Dilan series.
  • Found some sentences that make you curious.

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