10 Definitions of Literature According to Experts, Complete Characteristics and Functions

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10 Definitions of Literature According to Experts, Complete Characteristics and Functions In Indonesian, there are various types of languages ​​contained in it. The language contained in it can give us the readers a positive value or a negative value.

From language we can get to know more about what happens in social life and socializing. State life is also often discussed in language, because language can unite various tribes and cultures.

list of contents

  • 10 Definitions of Literature According to Experts, Complete Characteristics and Functions
    • Definition of Literature
    • Understanding Literature According to Experts
      • 1. Mursal Esten
      • 2. Semi
      • 3. Panuti Sudjiman
      • 4. Ahmad Badrun
      • 5. Eagleton
      • 6. Plato
      • 7. Aristotle
      • 8. Robert Scholes
      • 9. Sapardi
      • 10. Taum
    • Characteristics of Literature
    • Literary Function
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10 Definitions of Literature According to Experts, Complete Characteristics and Functions

In Indonesian there is literature which is a form of language. Literature has many meanings contained in it. To know more about literature, it can be explained as follows:

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Definition of Literature

Understanding literature in general is a form of a very beautiful work either written or spoken. For the understanding of the origin of Literature is an absorption word from the Sanskrit language, namely Literaturewhich means "text containing instructions" or Guidelines, the meaning of 'Sas' which means instructions or in the form of teachings and the meaning of 'tra' which has meaning tool or means. In Indonesian, the word is used to refer to literature or a type of writing that has a certain meaning or has a certain beauty.

Literature is divided into two parts, namely prose and poetry. Prose is a literary work that is not bound. Poetry is a literary work that has ties to certain rules or regulations. Examples of prose literature include novels, stories or short stories, and dramas. Examples of poetry literature include Poetry, Pantun, and also Poetry.

Understanding Literature According to Experts

The definition of literature according to experts varies and among them are different. So the definition of literature according to experts will be explained as follows:

1. Mursal Esten

Definition of Literature or Literature is the disclosure of artistic and imaginative facts as a manifestation of human life. (and society) through language as a medium and has a positive effect on human life (humanity).

2. Semi

Definition of Literature. is a form and result of creative art work whose object is humans and their lives use language as the medium.

3. Panuti Sudjiman

Understanding Literature as an oral or written work that has various superior characteristics such as originality, artistry, beauty in content, and expression.

4. Ahmad Badrun

Understanding Literature is an artistic activity that uses language and lines of other symbols as a tool, and is imaginative.

5. Eagleton

In his opinion, fine writing (belle letters) is a work that records the form of language. daily in various ways with language that is condensed, deepened, entangled, lengthened, and reversed, made odd.

6. Plato

Understanding Literature is the result of imitation or description of reality (mimesis). A literary work must be an example of the universe as well as a model of reality. Therefore, the value of literature is getting lower and far from the world of ideas.

7. Aristotle

In his opinion, namely as other activities through religion, science and philosophy.

8. Robert Scholes

Understanding literature and Of course, literature is a word, not a thing.

9. Sapardi

Explain that literature is a social institution that uses language as a medium. Language itself is a social creation. Literature displays a picture of life, and life itself is a social reality.

10. Taum

He argues that literature is a creative work or fiction that is imaginative or "literature is the use of beautiful and useful language that signifies other things"

Characteristics of Literature

To be called a literary work, unique characteristics or things are needed that can define that this is literature. These characteristics are:

  1. The contents can describe humans with various forms of problems.
  2. There is a good and beautiful language order.
  3. The way it is presented can give an impression and appeal to the audience.
10 definitions of literature according to experts

Literary Function

The functions of literary works vary. These literary functions will be explained as follows:

  1. reactive is to provide an impression or entertainment for the readers.
  2. Activated is to be able to provide knowledge or insight about the problems that exist in life to its readers.
  3. Aesthetic is to give beauty to the readers.
  4. Morality is to provide moral knowledge between good and bad for the readers.
  5. Religious is to be able to present the value of religious teachings in it that can be imitated by its readers.

That's the explanation about 10 Definitions of Literature According to Experts, Complete Characteristics and Functions described above. Literature can have a negative impact as well as a negative impact on students

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