Allegory Figurative: Definition, Function, Characteristics, Examples
Figurative language is one of the styles or varieties of language studied in Indonesian, which has several types and one of them is allegorical figure of speech.
The style of language cannot be separated from the way of writing various types of essays.
There are 4 major groups of figurative language or figure of speech, among others: satire figure of speech, comparative figure of speech, affirmation figure of speech, and oppositional figure of speech.
Now, for allegorical figure of speech itself, it is included in comparative figure of speech which will be discussed in full below. Listen well yes.
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Definition of Allegory

1. Generally
Allegory is a type of figure of speech that uses one thing to represent another thing (symbolic) as a whole in a story or general text.
In short, if a metaphor or simile is a figure of speech used in a sentence, then an allegory uses a paragraph or even an entire text to illustrate something.
As an example:
Writing fables, namely animal stories that actually tell the character of humans through the parable of animals that can talk and have reason.
The entire fable text is a symbol, the entire fable text is a parable, the entire fable is an allegorical figure of speech.
2. According to experts
a. Nurgiantoro (2017, p. 239)
It is a figurative story that has a hidden meaning in the literal meaning. So there are two meanings at once in an allegory text. That is the literal meaning (not actually) and the true meaning that is hidden and must be interpreted.
Its use can be done by using personification (humanizing) a thing or object that is not human.
Not only that, allegory can also be used by making comparison stories to the story being presented, so that a metaphorical allegory will be created.
b. Keraf (2010, p. 140)
It is a short story in which it contains figures of speech.
The figurative meaning must be interpreted from below the surface of the story.
In allegory, the name of the perpetrator is an abstract trait (an animal that can talk) to represent the real actor who is concrete (human).
c. Tarigan (2013, p. 24)
It is a story that is told through various symbols which are figures of speech that are continuously expanded into a place/container for various objects or ideas that are symbolized.
And in general, allegory contains various long, complicated stories with a hidden purpose.
But if the reader is observant, the meaning will be very clear (concrete) and also real.
d. The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) version of the Ministry of Education and Culture
Is a story that is used as a symbol (like / figuratively) the fairy of human life which is actually to educate (especially moral)/ to explain something (ideals, ideas, or life values, such as wisdom, loyalty, and honesty).
e. Indonesian Language Books for Vocational High Schools
Is a story / story that alludes to other things or other events. This allegory figure of speech can also be referred to as a continued metaphor.
To be able to understand allegorical figure of speech, it must come from the entire content of the text.
The Characteristics of Allegorical Sage

The following are some of the special characteristics of allegorical figure of speech, including:
- In a sentence, allegorical figure of speech refers to the use of retrorika, namely language skills effectively.
- A figure of speech or depiction in a story or description that will make it more complex.
- To state something in a sentence by using a figurative/illustrative word.
Example of allegorical figure of speech

To make it easier for you to study the description above, here we provide examples of allegory in the form of sentences, including:
1. In Poetry and Poetry
- The journey of human life is like a river flowing down the cliffs, which sometimes will be difficult to guess the depth, which is willing to cross paths with trash, which in the end stops at the center sea.
- The world is like a green plant that charms every eye. Beautiful and very amazing. But gradually it will turn yellow, dry, and eventually disappear.
- Living a domestic life is like we sail the ocean on an ark. Sometimes we will be taken to see the amazing beauty of the ocean. But not infrequently the strong waves will also sway our bodies.
2. Inside Story
Rat and Elephant
The rat seemed to be gnawing at the nuts which actually belonged to the elephants. The big elephant seems to have never realized its power. They entrust their possessions to the selfish rat.
However, not without reason the elephant did that. They never use their strengths to harm others. Instead, the elephant wants to coexist with all creatures in the world, including mice.
But unfortunately, the rats still waste the trust of elephants and other animals. Elephants will not be reckless, they know that cats will not stand still. Cats who are authorized to regulate the balance of nature about mice. All the animals believe that the cats will hunt the mice if they don't do their job properly.
The snippet of the fable above actually represents the various human upheavals that can occur in a government order.
It is likened to elephants as people who have been betrayed by their unscrupulous leaders or their own corrupt government.
Even so, the people here will still not be careless and take the law into their own hands.
They tend to prefer to follow applicable laws and believe in the process of taking wrongdoing to the authorities (the cats).