Figurative Litotes: Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Examples




As we discussed earlier, figure of speech has many kinds, one of which we will discuss this time is litotes figure of speech.

Majas itself is a form of language style to get the atmosphere in a sentence so that the sentence is more alive.

The figure of speech is also divided into three different categories, namely comparative figure of speech, satire, and affirmation.

And the litotes figure of speech itself is included in the category of comparative figure of speech.

For more on the litotes figure of speech, see the review below.

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Definition of Litotes Majas

example of litotes figure of speech


1. Generally

Litotes is a type of figure of speech that contradicts or compares which contains a statement that is contrary to the actual condition, or with an impression that is full of humility.


This figure of speech has a purpose to be humble, while in reality it is higher.

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2. According to the Experts

In addition to the above understanding, experts also mention the meaning of litotes figure of speech as follows:

a. Keraf in Diction and Language Style (2009)

Lilotes figure of speech is a style of language used to express something with the aim of humbling oneself.

b. Ultimate (2012, p. 136)

Mention if litotes is a style of language that is usually used to say something is smaller than reality with the intention of demeaning.

c. Damayanti (2013, p. 51)

Mention that litotes figure of speech is a style of language in the form of a statement which is intended to minimize the actual reality.

d. Tarigan (2009, p. 58)


Mention that litotes is a type of figurative language that contains statements that are reduced from the actual reality, for example, such as being condescending.


litotes or /litotès/ (n) is a statement that minimizes something or weakens and states the opposite.

For example, to say smart, it means not stupid.

f. Wikipedia

Litotes is something that is used to express a word with humility and gentleness.


The use of this figure of speech is intended to reduce or minimize the actual reality with the aim of humbling oneself.

Litotes figurative function

example of litotes and irony figure of speech

Here are some of the functions of litotes figure of speech that you need to know, including:

  • This figure of speech also functions to produce additional imagination so that one thing that seems abstract will look more concrete so that it can be enjoyed.
  • Can give the effect of imaginative pleasure in the description.
  • This figure of speech is used to explain the meaning to be conveyed by using language that is easier to understand.
  • It can also add to the intensity of the author's feelings when conveying meaning and attitude to each reader.

Characteristics of Litotes figurative language

litotes figurative function

To distinguish litotes figure of speech from other types of figure of speech, there are the following special characteristics or characteristics:

  • Litotes figure of speech generally uses figures of speech in which it contains a choice of words to equate one thing with another.
  • This figure of speech usually also uses abstract words to describe the intent and purpose of the story and also poetry.
  • Using a word comparison, which the word can reduce or demean the actual condition.
  • The words conveyed contradict the actual situation.
  • Delivered with a certain high intention by using words that have been arranged in a subtle way in order to maintain the politeness of the sentence.
Read: Hyperbole

Example of Litotes figurative language

low self

To make it easier for you to study the description above, here we provide examples of litotes in sentence form, including:

  • This is the banquet that is in our house, just as simple as that.
  • Please stop by in our hut.
  • The restaurant we have is only my small business.
  • I can do nothing but feed.
  • This old wagon that has accompanied my father to work at the station.
  • I'm just a lecturer with a shrimp brain.
  • Please allow me, who is stupid, to express my opinion.
  • A lowly employee like me doesn't deserve to be her companion.
  • I'm just a lucky villager to get an education.
  • Please eat our dish which is only in the form of rice and chili sauce.
  • If you're passing through this area, don't hesitate to stop by my hut.
  • Only trivial things like this I can do.