Definition of Growth and Development of Living Things

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Definition of Growth and Development of Living Things – Growth and development are always linked, even though they have different meanings. Growth in plants can be seen from the increase in size and height of trees. While the development of plants can be seen from the changes in the shape of stems, leaves, roots, the emergence of flowers and fruit.

The growth in animals can be seen from the size of the animal's body, while the development in animals can be seen from changes in the body and behavior of the animal.

Likewise in humans, growth in humans can be seen from the increase in body size and height. While development in humans can be seen both physically and psychologically. Physically, for example, there is a change in body shape from children to adults.

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Definition of Growth and Development of Living Things

Psychologically, children are usually a bit spoiled, needing protection from adults, but after they reach adolescence and adulthood, they will be more independent. The change of living things from young to old is also a form of development. Then what is the meaning of growth and development itself? let's look at the following discussion.

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Definition of Growth and Development

The meanings of both are:

Growth by cardboard is a physiological change as a result of the process of maturation of physical functions, which takes place normally in healthy beings within a certain time cycle.

according to Crow and Crow Growth is the occurrence of functional & structural changes in the formation of a person "physically from" while still being formed conceptually (fetus) through the period of "prenatal (in the womb), postnatal (birth) to" his maturity.

Growth is increases in size, volume and number of body cells that are irreversible (does not return to their original size).

Development is a process towards maturity, namely the maturation of sex cells so that they can carry out reproduction.

Definition of Growth & Development in Living Things

Development by Syamsul Yusuf is a change that occurs by an individual or organism towards maturity that takes place systematically, progressively and continuously, both physically as well as psychic.

So that's our short discussion this time about Definition of Growth and Development of Living Things, Hope it is useful. Thank you so much

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