Types of Democracy and Their Explanations (Complete)

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Types of Democracy and Their Explanations (Complete) – Before discussing further about the various types of democracy, we can first know the meaning of democracy which can be seen in the previous article put forward by the experts.

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  • Types of Democracy and Their Explanations (Complete)
    • Kinds of Democracy
      • Judging based on the distribution of the will of the community
      • Judging from the relationship between state tools
      • Judging by ideological principles
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Types of Democracy and Their Explanations (Complete)

Here the various types of democracy are viewed from several points of view, among others: based on the distribution of the will of the people; relations between state apparatuses; and is based on the principles of state ideology.

Kinds of Democracy

Here we will explain what the various types of democracy are with a full explanation.

Judging based on the distribution of the will of the community

Based on the distribution of the will of the community, it is divided into two, namely:

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  • Direct Democracy
    A democratic system that involves all people directly in determining various public policies, state affairs and deliberation within a country.
  • Indirect Democracy
    Indirect democracy is a democratic system to channel the wishes of the citizens or the people through representatives from the parliament.

Judging from the relationship between state tools

Representative democracy with a referendum system which is one kind of democracy where The people elect their representatives to serve in parliament, but they are still controlled by influence people.

A parliamentary system which is a representative democracy where there is a strong relationship between the executive and the legislature. The main characteristic of a country that adheres to a parliamentary system is the existence of a parliament in its government system.

A system of separation of powers which is a representative democracy in which the legislative offices are separate from the executive, so that the two are not directly related like a democratic system parliamentary. Ministers appointed by the president are responsible for the president. The president is the head of state and government. The president and ministers are not dependent on parliament and parliament has no right to dismiss the president.

The referendum system and the people's initiative in question is a combination of representative democracy and direct democracy. There is still a representative body, but it is still controlled by the people, either through a facultative or obligatory referendum.

Kinds of Democracy and Complete Explanation

Judging by ideological principles

First, Democracy Liberal is individual freedom that is more emphasized and ignores the public interest

Second, People's Democracy is a democracy that is based on the notions of socialism and communism and prioritizes the public or state interests.

Third, Pancasila Democracy is a democracy that exists in Indonesia based on the socio-cultural values ​​of the nation and based on consensus deliberation by prioritizing the interests of the entire community or citizens country. Pancasila democracy focuses on the interests and aspirations and conscience of the people. Until now, Indonesia adheres to Pancasila democracy which is rooted in the Pancasila philosophy.

That's our explanation this time about Types of Democracy and Their Explanations (Complete), hopefully it will be useful for those of you who read, thank you so much

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