Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation (Full Discussion)

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Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation (Full Discussion) - For the Indonesian people, globalization is expected not to eliminate the socio-cultural characteristics or national identity. National identity is not only related to identity as a nation, but also concerns issues motivation to make sacrifices together and do serious thinking to carry on development.

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  • Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation (Full Discussion)
    • Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation
      • 1. The Weakening of Appreciation of Pancasila as the Nation's View of Life
      • 2. The Influence of Cultural Elements in the Use of Indonesian
      • 3. Reduced Legitimacy of Religion
      • 4. Moral Decadence and Human Chaos
      • 5. Changes in Behavioral Patterns in Association
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Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation (Full Discussion)

Let's discuss in full about future challenges for our beloved Indonesian nation.

Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation

The global challenges faced by the Indonesian people in relation to efforts to maintain national identity include the following:

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1. The Weakening of Appreciation of Pancasila as the Nation's View of Life

Pancasila is the idea of ​​the Indonesian nation which is a unified and unified whole. Therefore, Pancasila is also called the personality of the Indonesian nation. Every country that wants to establish its identity must first know and clearly define the direction and goals to be achieved. This requires a view of life.

Pancasila has been used as a way of life for the nation and state since the Proclamation of Independence in 1945. The determination of this view of life based on Pancasila is carried out based on the agreement and full awareness of the Indonesian people. With Pancasila, the Indonesian nation has been able to solve various problems in the political, economic and cultural fields that arise in global socio-cultural changes.

2. The Influence of Cultural Elements in the Use of Indonesian

The Indonesian people need to be grateful and proud at the same time because they have a national language that is recognized, studied and used as a national identity, especially in communicating. Modernization and globalization also influence or may change various elements of our language, such as vocabulary, language style and the structure of the discussion used. These are all challenges so that we can build Indonesian without losing its characteristics language itself, which is proven to be able to unite various tribes, ethnicities and religions throughout Indonesia.

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3. Reduced Legitimacy of Religion

Many Sociology and Anthropology scholars assume that when religion is faced with modernization, its role as a major legitimizing factor in society will be excluded and replaced by social institutions formed by the community itself on the basis of scientific progress knowledge.

The incessant modernization and globalization have more or less influenced religious patterns and beliefs in Indonesian society. Facing this reality, religion is required to always answer these global challenges. The trick is to explore values ​​and redefine religious concepts that are considered irrelevant to the demands of the times. But that doesn't mean we change the basic teachings of the religions and beliefs that we hold so far.

4. Moral Decadence and Human Chaos

Moral decadence is the weakening or erosion of human values, compassion and togetherness in humans. All of this gave birth to humans who like to take the rights of others and do not care about the fate of others.

5. Changes in Behavioral Patterns in Association

Behavior patterns that are still found and are ancestral heritage include kinship, deliberation to reach consensus and mutual cooperation. All of these are characteristics of the Indonesian nation that are not shared by other nations. However, with the rapid flow of globalization, inevitably the personality will be affected or maybe it will said to be polluted by foreign cultural patterns that are more concerned with individualism, formalism, official employment contracts and others etc.

Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation

In the face of global challenges, Selo Soemardjan states that the Indonesian nation needs the following personality elements.

  • Ability and habit of thinking rationally and realistically and objectively in dealing with the problems encountered. This ability becomes a means to work systematically, efficiently and effectively.
  • Awareness of rights and obligations as citizens and citizens to behave that does not violate social values ​​and legal rules.
  • Have a sense of self-worth and self-confidence to participate in a society characterized by a competitive system.
  • Have extensive knowledge and a skill that is practiced professionally.
  • Have life goals to be achieved through all legal and ethical means that can be justified.

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Those are some explanations about Future Challenges of the Indonesian Nation (Full Discussion) what we need to know, hopefully the explanation above can add to our insight, thank you.

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