Know the Anatomy and Physiology of Seed Cormophyta (Complete)

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Get to know the Anatomy and Physiology of Seed Cormophyta – This plant anatomy material often appears in the questions of the National exam, UMPTN and SPMB. For that, let us understand the basic material of the anatomy of this seeded Kormophyta plant.

Know the Anatomy and Physiology of Seed Cormophyta (Complete)

Based on the nature of the tissue in plants can be categorized into two, namely:

  • Meristematic plant tissue (meristematic tissue). Meristematic tissue is a tissue that is actively proliferating (cells are actively dividing). The types of meristem tissue are:
    • Primary meristem (located at the end of the stem, root, branch) which functions for longitudinal growth.
    • Secondary meristem (located in the cambium) which functions for secondary growth so that the stem grows into a large one.
  • Permanent tissue (tissue that has stopped dividing).
  • Epidermal tissue: single layer of elongated flat cells without chlorophyll as a protective barrier, and has derivatives (scales, spines, feathers, lenticels, stomata).
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  • Parenchyma tissue (ground tissue): tissue with special functions. The shape varies, there is space between cells, active in activities and the name is adjusted to the function.
  • Support network (reinforcement), which consists of:
    • Collenchyma: cells that have thickened cellulose in their walls, the cells are alive.
    • Skelerenchyma: cells that have thickened lignin, consist of sclerids or stone cells and fibers (the cells die).
  • Transport network, consisting of:
  • Xylem (wooden vessels), composed of trachea, xylem parenchyma, tracheids, and xylem fibers, which have the function of transporting water and solutes to the leaves.
  • phloem (sieve vessels), composed of companion cells, phloem cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem fibers.

Monocots and dicots differ in anatomical structure, namely: dicots have a cambium and the type of transport vessels Collateral is open, while monocots do not have cambium so secondary growth does not occur and are called collaterals closed. Dicot and monocot stems can be distinguished by: presence or absence of pith, pith radius, and cambium.

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To memorize the order of the structure of the plant body from the outside to the inside can be tried with the memorization trick "Your tail is just like Emi's goat thigh

E= epidermis, Kor= cortex, En= endoderm, Per= pericycle or perikambiun, P= phloem/phloem, thurs= cambium, Si= Xylem, Em= pith.

Get to know the Anatomy and Physiology of Seed Cormophyta

Remember: cambium and pith are only owned by dicot stems. Cambium causes secondary growth in Gymnosperms (open seed plants) and dicotyledonous plants. Endodermis is the inner skin or barrier between the outer tissue and the innermost tissue of dicotyledonous plants (between the epidermis-cortex and the stele). Endodermis is not found in the anatomy of the trunk of Gymnosperms.

Okay, that's all the discussion about Know the Anatomy and Physiology of Seed Cormophyta (Complete), hopefully useful and next will discuss about Main Taxonomic Characteristics and Life Cycle of Seed Cormophyta.

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