How to Do Arm Swings in Short Distance Running

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Sprinting or short-distance running is quite easy to do, but actually this sport also requires good mastery of techniques such as how to do arm swings.

In order not to be wrong in its application, take a good look at the following reviews.

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Definition of Sprint Running



Short distance running is a type of running that is carried out with maximum ability and speed throughout the distance the path line from start to finish, which winner will be determined according to the longest record time short.

There are three distance paths that are competed in the sprint, namely distance running:

  • 100 meters
  • 200 meters
  • and 400 meters.

Sprint Running Introduction

explain how to do footwork in short distance running

There are at least three basic techniques in sprint running, namely the start squat technique, running technique and technique through the finish line.

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The use of a squat start as a running start can provide a strong repulsion and also a push so that the sprinter's power when running will be much greater.

Not only starting technique, running technique is also the most important thing to master. One example is the position of the body, feet, and hands when running.

Reporting from the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud), good body positions when running sprints are:

  • The neck and shoulder muscles are relaxed.
  • The body is tilted towards the front.
  • The view leads to the focus towards the front.
  • And try to catch your breath well.

In addition to the above techniques, hand swing movements are also an important point when running sprints.

This is because by swinging their hands, sprinters can get additional power. Not only that, hand swings can also help balance the sprinter's body.

How to Do Swing Short Distance Running

How to do arm swing movements in short distance running are:

  1. First stand behind the starting line.
  2. The fingers are clenched or opened tightly and relaxed.
  3. Swing arms forward alternately and position one leg in front.
  4. When you hear the signal 'yes', the hind legs immediately step forward to run.
  5. Do this exercise regularly.

Sprint Running Technique

Here are some sprint running techniques that you can learn, including:

1. Squat Start Technique


Mention some things to pay attention to when entering the finish line in short distance running

Way to do:

  • At the time of the "Willing" signal: Squat position with the knees of the feet behind them on the ground or track (track), then both arms with the index and thumb ready to support the body weight with the position of the two arms shoulder width.
  • At the time of the "Ready" signal: Knees attached to the ground / track (tarck) are lifted together With the knee of the front leg, the hip position is higher than the shoulder and the head is slightly lowered relax.
  • On the signal "Yes!": Push the front foot on the start block, the back leg is moved towards the front of the bent knee (knee is raised towards the front up).

2. Footwork Technique


Way to do:

  • Walk as wide and as fast as you can.
  • The back leg when resisting from the ground must be supine in a straight position.
  • Quickly bend the knees naturally so that the thighs swing forward easily.
  • Landing feet on the ground wearing the toe with the knee slightly bent.

3. Arm Movement Technique


Quoted from the site Power Athletes, hand swing movements in short distance running will affect running speed.

So, the movement of the hand swing in the sprint is very important to master.

Here's how to do a good sprint arm swing:

  • When running, the body should lean forward. The head, neck and shoulders should be relaxed. Try to catch your breath well.
  • The arms and fingers should also be relaxed. Between the index finger and thumb should touch each other gently / relaxed.
  • When swinging your arms upwards, approximately - the arms form an angle of 85 degrees. Meanwhile, when swinging downwards, the arms form an angle of about 100 degrees. This can be measured according to the comfort level of the sprinter.
  • Repeat the swing of the arm while running.

4. Body Positioning Techniques


Way to do:

  • When running, relax with your head in line with your back.
  • View towards the front.
  • The body leans towards the front.

5. Finish Technique

how to do a squat start in short distance running

Way to do:

  • Run quickly across the finish line without changing your running attitude.
  • Plunging chest forward, both arms pulled back.
  • Dropping / bending one shoulder towards the front.
Also learn: Difference between walking and running

Sprint Run Variations & Combinations

sprint run

Here are 6 variations and combinations in short distance running, including:

1. Run jogging by lifting your thighs high and landing your feet using the soles of your feet



  • Stand facing the front in a straight line.
  • Straight body.
  • Both arms are at the side of the body.
  • Both elbows are bent.
  • The distance is 10-15 meters.
  • Worked in groups.


  • Step one leg forward with the thigh raised high.
  • Then the stepped foot lands on the ground.
  • Then the next leg and so on until it comes forward.
  • Focus attention on the movement of lifting the thigh and swinging the arm (right foot steps and thigh is raised high, left arm swings forward and right arm swings backwards).
  • Foot landing.
  • And the body remains upright.

2. Fast running movement with wide foot steps


  • Stand facing the direction of movement in a straight line.
  • Stepping position and body leaning forward.
  • Both arms are beside the body.
  • Both elbows are bent.
  • Distance 20 – 30 meters.
  • Worked in groups.


  • After the signal "Yes!" do a sprint run with a wide step.
  • Focus attention on:
    • Footsteps
    • thigh lift
    • arm swing
    • foot landing.
  • Body leaning forward.

3. Quick reaction movement starting from a sitting position


  • Sit with both legs straight in front of you.
  • Both hands are beside the hips.
  • Front view.
  • The distance is 10-15 meters.
  • Worked in groups.


  • After the signal "Yes!" get up from sitting.
  • Then quickly ran.

4. Quick reaction movement starting from the prone position



  • Prone body position.
  • Both legs straight behind.
  • Both hands rest on the chest.
  • Focused view to the front.
  • The distance is 10-15 meters.
  • Worked in groups.


  • After the signal "Yes!" get up from the stomach.
  • Then hurry up and run.

5. Movement start from squatting with a count

Count I:

  • Stand up straight facing the start block / facing the direction of movement.
  • Both arms are straight with the position at the side of the body.
  • Focused view to the front.
  • The distance is 10-15 meters.
  • Worked in groups.

Count 2:

  • Do a squat position.
  • The left foot is in front.
  • The right foot is behind (based on the start block).
  • Both hands with thumb and forefinger resting on the line.
  • Focused view to the front.

Count 3:

  • The hips are lifted upwards as the knees are raised.
  • The position of the hips more than the shoulders.
  • Front view.

Count 4:

  • Both feet resist in the start block, the back leg is swung forward with the knee bent while the left arm is swung forward.
  • Left foot firmly resists on the start block.

6. The finish reaction movement begins with running


  • Standing position at the starting line.
  • Front view.
  • The distance is 10-15 meters.
  • Worked in groups.


  • After the signal "Yes!" run towards the finish line.
  • After arriving at the finish line, drop your left shoulder forward.
  • The focus of attention is on the movement of dropping the shoulders forward.

That's a review related to How to Do a Short Distance Running Arm Swing along with other techniques, hopefully it's useful.

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