Examples of Bold Writing in Correct Sentences

In a sentence, we recognize various use of punctuation, as use of dot, use of semicolon, use of colon, use of slashes etc. In addition to punctuation, a sentence is sometimes also equipped with use of capital letters, use italics, correct use of underscore and the use of bold letters.

Use of bold letters in a sentence is usually intended to emphasize or indicate that the passage is important. But some people actually often reverse in using bold and italics in writing. Though the meaning of a sentence will be different if the writing is different. In typing, it is very easy to recognize bold letters, namely by looking at the B icon (bold). Whereas in manual writing by hand, bold letters are marked with a double underline in the letter or say.

Writing bold letters in sentences that are in accordance with EYD according to the Regulation of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 50 of 2015 concerning General Guidelines for Spelling LanguageIndonesia are as follows:

1. Bold letters are used to emphasize parts of writing that have been written in italics.

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For example:

  • Letter dh, as in the word Ramadhan, is not found in the Enhanced Indonesian Spelling.
  • Say et in not et laboratory, means 'and'

2. Bold letters are used to emphasize parts of the essay such as book titles, chapters, sub-chapters, table of contents, table lists, bibliography, indexes and attachments.

For example:

1.1 Background

1.2 Problem

1.3 Purpose

3. Bold letters in the dictionary print to write entries and sub-lemmes. Bold letters are also used to write numbers indicating polysemy (one word that has more meaning from one).

For example:

  • Advance (n): 1 the front of the head…; 2 face; facial expression…; 3 front outside
  • to sugar (v): 1 adding (i) sugar…; 2 cooking curry; make curry

But it must be remembered, bold letters are not used to emphasize certain letters or words. For example:

  • I will carry out interview today.
    • Fix: I will implement interview today.
  • We're watching a concert Rossa.
    • Fix: We're watching a concert Rossa.
  • Ampera Bridge is the icon of Palembang tourism.
    • Repair: Ampera Bridge is the icon of Palembang tourism.

Those are some examples of writing bold letters in sentence correct. Hopefully this article can help readers understand how to write bold letters in sentences. Thank you.