Understanding Semiotics, Components, Branches, and Kinds According to Experts
Education. Co. ID – This time we will explain about Semiotics, semiotics itself is the study of the meaning of decisions. Read more below:

Definition of Semiotics
Semiotics or also sign science or semiotic studies is the study of the meaning of decisions. This includes the study of signs as well as sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, similarity, analogy, metaphor, symbolism, meaning, and communication.
Semiotics is closely related to the field of linguistics which partly studies the structure and meaning of language more specifically. However, unlike linguistics, semiotics also studies non-linguistic sign systems.
Semiotics (semiology) comes from the Greek, is semeion which means sign. Terminologically, semiotics can be defined as a science that studies a wide range of objects, events, all cultures as signs.
Understanding semiotics is a scientific discipline and method of analysis to examine the signs contained in an object to know the meaning contained in an object. A sign signifies something other than itself and also meaning is a relationship between an object or an idea of a sign.
Semiotics Branch
Semiotics is often divided into three branches:
- Semantics, namely the relationship between signs and things seen; denotata, or meaning
- Syntax, namely the relationship between signs in a formal structure
- Pragmatics, namely the relationship between signs and signs-using agents
Understanding Semiotics According to Experts
The following is an understanding of semiotics presented by several experts, including the following:
A. Teeuw (in Danesi 2010:3)
Semiotics is a literary model that is responsible for all the essential factors and aspects for understanding literary phenomena as a unique communication tool in society everywhere.
Zoest (in Pilliang, 1999:12)
Semiotics is a science that studies signs, the function of signs, and also the production of meaning. The sign is something that for someone means something else. Everything that can be observed or also made observable can be called a sign. Therefore, the sign is not limited to objects. The existence of an event or events, the absence of events, the structure found in something, a habit, can all be called signs.
Sobur (2006:15)
Semiotics is a science or also an analytical method to study signs. The sign here is a device used in trying to find a way in this world, in the midst of humans and also with humans.
Basic Components of Semiotics
The basic components of semiotics consist of a sign (sign), a symbol (symbol) and also a sign (nal).
Signs are part of the science of semiotics that mark something or a situation to explain or notify the object of the subject. In this case the sign always points to something real, for example, events, writing, language, objects, actions, events, and other forms of signs.
The symbol itself is a thing or condition that leads the subject's understanding of the object. The relationship between the subject and the object is included in the meaning of inclusion. A symbol is always associated with a sign that has been given cultural, situational, and conditional characteristics. The symbol itself is a sign that means dynamic, special, subjective, figurative and also figure of speech.
A cue is a thing or condition that the subject gives to the object. In this situation, the subject always does something to be able to notify the object that is signaled at that time. So, the cue is always temporal (time). If the use is suspended, the sign will turn into a sign or also a symbol.
Types of Semiotics
The following are the types of semiotics proposed by Hoed and Pateda, the explanations are as follows:
Types of Semiotics According to Hoed
As stated by Hoed (in Sobur, 2006:15), there are 2 (two) types of semiotic studies including the following:
Communication Semiotics
Communication semiotics emphasizes the theory of sign production, one of which assumes the existence of 6 factors in communication, namely:
- sender,
- recipient
- code (sign system)
- message,
- communication channel and
- reference.
Semiotics of significance
This semiotics of significance emphasizes the theory of signs and their understanding in a particular context. For this type of Semiotics, the purpose of communicating is not a problem, on the contrary, in this type, the priority is in terms of understanding of a sign so that the cognition process at the recipient of the sign is more concerned than the communication process.
Types of Semiotics According to Pateda
According to Pateda (2001:29), there are 9 (nine) kinds of semiotics including the following:
Analytical Semiotics
It is semiotics that analyzes sign systems. Semiotics whose object is a sign and also its analyzer becomes an idea, an object, and also a meaning. The idea is connected as a symbol, while the meaning is the burden contained in the symbol that refers to a particular object. -
Descriptive Semiotics
Semiotics is concerned with the sign system that can be experienced now, although there are signs that have always remained as witnessed today. However, with the increase in science, technology, and art, there have been many signs created by humans to be able to meet their needs. -
Faunal Semiotics (Zoo Semiotics)
Semiotics is a special attention to the sign system produced by animals. These animals usually produce signs to communicate between each other, Tappi also often produces signs that can be interpreted by humans. -
Cultural Semiotics
Semiotics is a special study of the sign system that applies in a particular culture. Society is a social being that has a certain cultural system that has been hereditary maintained and respected. -
Narrative Semiotics
It is semiotics that examines sign systems in narratives in the form of myths and oral stories (Folklore). -
natural semiotic
Semiotics is a special study of the sign system produced by nature. -
Normative Semiotics
Semiotics is a special study of human-made sign systems in the form of norms, for example traffic signs. -
Social Semiotics
Semiotics is a special study of the sign system produced by tangible humans symbol, whether it is a symbol in the form of a word or a symbol in the form of a word in a unit called sentence. In other words, social semiotics examines the sign system contained in language. -
Structural Semiotics
Semiotics is a special study of the sign system which is manifested through the structure of language.
That's all and thank you for reading about the Definition of Semiotics, Components, Branches, and Kinds According to Experts, I hope what is described above can be useful for you.
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