21 Examples of Report Text (Plants, Animals, Places, Disasters, etc.)

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Having previously discussed report text in detail, now is the time to give some examples of report text. Starting from specific examples to questions. The following are examples of Report Text.

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Sample Report Text about Plants

1. Rose

Example Report Text about Roses:

example of short report text


If you are in love, you may remember a rose. It is a symbol of romantic thing. However do you know the nature of this beautiful flower?

Rose is in a family of Rosaceae. The flower is large and showy. The colors range from white through yellows and reds. Most species of rose are native to Asia,
Europe, North America, and northwest Africa.

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Rose plants can grow in different sizes from compact, miniature, to climbers which reach 7 meters in height.

The popular species of roses are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae.

  • Banksianae is a rose flower from China which is white and yellow.
  • Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa which is pink and white.
  • Carolinae is known from North America which has a white, pink, and bright pink colour.
  • Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color rose from China and Burma.
  • Gallicanae is a species of roses from western Asia and Europe which is pink to crimson.

Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.



When you are in love, chances are you will remember roses. The rose is a symbol of romance. But do you know the nature of this beautiful flower?

Roses are in the Rosaceae family. Which has large, showy flowers. The colors range from white to yellow and also red.

Most native rose species are native to Asia, Europe, North America and northwest Africa.

Rose plants can grow in different sizes from medium, small, and high which can reach 7 meters.

The most famous rose species are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae.

  • Banksianae is a type of rose from China that is white and yellow.
  • Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa with pink and white colors.
  • Carolinae is known to come from North America which has white, pink, and bright pink colors.
  • Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed rose that comes from China and Burma.
  • Gallicanae is a type of rose from western Asia and Europe that is pink and dark red in color.

Roses are known as ornamental plants that are planted in gardens and sometimes also indoors. This plant is also often used as a perfume and cut flower plants.

2. Jasmine

Example Report Text about Jasmine Flowers:

example of report text


Jasmine is an evergreen semi-vining shrub native to tropical areas of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. The plants are usually up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.

Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It has small white star-shaped flowers.

The Jasmine flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun has set and especially when the moon is waxing towards fullness, thus it is associated with soothing peaceful night-time moods.

The leaves are oval rich green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to 2½ inches long.

The plant flowers from April to September. Jasmine is propagated by cuttings of nearly ripe wood in summer. Cuttings are planted in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inches when pot is becoming filled with roots.

The soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimum growth. Frequent pruning is required to grow it as a shrub of desired size.

Pruning also helps keep an abundance of flowers, since flowers are produced on new wood. It grows in full sun to partial shade. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer.


Jasmine flower

Jasmine is a semi-vining evergreen shrub native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. The height of this one plant in general can reach 3 meters with a width of 2 meters.

Jasmine flowers are oval vines, have glossy leaves and a waxy white tube shape.

Jasmine also has small white star-shaped flowers.

Jasmine flowers release their fragrance at night after sunset and especially during the moon shines towards its fullness, so it is often associated with a peaceful mood at night.

The leaves are oval green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to 2.5 cm long.

Plants will flower from April to September. Jasmine is developed by pruning the stems that are almost old in the summer.

The stems are then planted in 3-inch pots for 4 weeks, then will turn to 6 inches by the time the pots are full of roots. Soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimal growth.

Frequent pruning is required to grow it as a shrub of an adapted size.

Pruning will also help the flowers to grow a lot, because flowers are produced on new wood.

This flower will also grow in the sun is quite shady. Fertilize every month with a balanced dose of fertilizer.

3. Sunflower

Example Report Text about Sunflowers:

example of plant report text


The sunflowers are annual plants in the family Asteraceae. They have large flower heads (capitulum).

The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.

The flower head is actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets.

The central florets look like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals.

All together they make up a “false flower” or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands of seeds.

The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State.

To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.



Sunflower is an annual plant in the Asteraceae family. They have a large flower head (capitulum).

The stems can grow up to 3 meters, with flower heads that can reach a width of 30 cm.

Another type of sunflower is the California Royal Sunflower, which has burgundy (red + purple) flower heads.

Flower heads are actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets.

The central floret looks like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow petals.

Simultaneously they made a "false flower" called a pseudanthium. The benefits for plants are to make them easier to see by insects and birds that invade them, and will later produce thousands of seeds.

Sunflowers are the state flower of Kansas. That's why Kansas is also often referred to as the State of Sunflowers.

To grow well, sunflowers need full sun.

They will grow best in fertile, moist, well-drained soil that has plenty of mulch. In commercial plantings, seeds will be planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.

Sample Report Text about Animals

1. Paint

Example Report Text about Cats:

sample text report


Cats or as we usually called it as the domestic cat are four-legged carnivorous mammal. Their latin name is Felis catus or Felis silvestris catus.

The domestication of cats is believed to have started since ancient Egypt 9,500 years ago. Since that, cats have become humans companion.

Nowadays it is the most popular pet in the world and also the second most popular pet in the US and they are often called as the house cats. It is believed that there are more than 70 cat breeds now in the world.

Most cats are furry, only some of them such as Sphynx cat born with less fur on their body.

Some cats have a long tail and some others have a short tail. It also has a very flexible body and sharp claws which can be retracted.

Usually cats can grow up to 4 to 5 kg in weight and 23 to 25 cm in length, but sometimes it can be smaller or grow even bigger.

Their eyes allow them to see in the dark and their ears allow them to hear sound with a high frequency that human could not hear.

They are a good solitary hunters who have a really good sense of smell. There are various colors of cats in the world such as white, brown, grey, black, stripes and even multi color. They are a social species and they can make various sounds such as mewing, purring, hissing and growling.



Cats or what we call house cats are carnivorous four-legged mammals. Their Latin name is Felis catus / Felis silvestris catus.

Domestication of cats is believed to have started since the time of ancient Egypt 9,500 years ago. Since that time, cats have been recognized as human companions.

At the present time, cats are the most famous pets in the world and are the second most popular pets in the US which are often referred to as house cats.

It is believed that there are more than 70 cat breeds scattered in the world.

Most cats are furry, there are only a few of them like the Sphynx cat who are born with less hair on their bodies.

Some cats have long tails and some have short tails. Cats also have a very flexible body posture complete with sharp claws that can claw.

In general, cats can grow 4 to 5 kg and 23 to 25 cm, but sometimes they can be smaller or grow bigger.

Their eyes also allow them to see in the dark and their ears allow them to hear high-frequency sounds that humans cannot hear.

This cat is a good solitary hunter who has an excellent sense of smell.

There are several cat colors in the world such as white, brown, gray, black, stripes and even multi-colored.

They are a social species and they can make sounds such as mewing, purring, hissing and growling.

2. Panda

Example Report Text about Panda:

example of report text about place


Panda or also known as “Giant Panda” or “Panda Bear” is a species of bear originating from Central China.

The most distinguishable things from them are the black and white patterns of the body and alo the black fur encircling their eyes.

They consume bamboo as their main diet but they also eat other grasses, wild tubers, birds, rodents, honey, eggs, fish, oranges and banana occasionally.

Panda has two legs and two hands. Although they can stand on two feet, but most of the time they are just like any other bears who walked on both hands and legs.

They have five fingers and a thumb on their paws. The thumb is a modified bone that helps them to hold bamboo while eating.

The fur around their belly is white while the fur around their chest, hands, legs and ears are black.

An adult panda can reach the size of 1.2 to 1.9 m long from nose to tail. The tail is about 10 to 15 cm long. The body height of an adult panda can reach 60 to 90 cm and their body weight can reach 160 kg.

They can live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity. They are a solitary animal who has a defined territory.

They communicate to each other by making sound and through scent marking.



Panda or also known as "Giant Panda" or "Panda Bear" is a species of bear originating from central China.

The thing that most distinguishes them is the black and white color pattern on their bodies and the black fur around their eyes.

These pandas generally eat bamboo as their main food but sometimes this panda too eat other grasses such as, wild tubers, birds, rodents, honey, eggs, fish, oranges and also banana.

Pandas have two legs and two hands. Although they can stand on two legs, they are often like other types of bears that walk on both hands and feet.

They have five fingers and one thumb on their hands. Today's mother is a modified bone that can help them to hold the bamboo while eating.

The fur on their belly is white while the fur on their chest, hands, feet and ears is black.

An adult panda can reach a length of 1.2 to 1.9 m from nose to tail. Its tail has a size of about 10 to 15 cm.

The height of an adult panda can reach 60 to 90 cm and its weight can reach 160 kg.

They can live up to 20 years in the wild and up to 30 years in captivity.

Panda is a solitary animal that has a clear territory of authority. They communicate with each other by making sounds and by signaling smells.

3. Koala

Example Report Text about Koalas:

example of report text about technology


The koala is an Australian tree-dwelling marsupial mammal that has large hairy ears, thick gray fur, sharp claws for climbing, and no tail and feeds on eucalyptus leaves.

They sleep for up to 19 hours a day and there are only 2,000 to 8,000 of these incredibly cute animals remaining.

The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm and weighs 4–15 kg. It's feather's color ranges from silver gray to chocolate brown.

Koalas have thick, soft fur. Their ears have long, white hairs on the tips. They have a large, dark, leathery nose and beady eyes. They have a small mouth that can open very wide.

They have two thumbs on their front paws and sharp curved claws on all of their toes. The second and third toes on the hind foot are joined together and have rough pads.

They are used for grooming and climbing. The Koala can run as fast as a rabbit.



The koala is a tree-dwelling marsupial mammal that has large hairy ears, with fur thick gray, sharp claws used for climbing, has no tail, and eats leaves eucalyptus.

They can sleep up to 19 hours a day where there are only about 2,000 to 8,000 of these very cute animals recorded.

Koalas have a body length of 60-85 cm and a weight of 4-15 kg. The color of the fur is between silver gray to brown.

Koalas have very thick and soft fur. The koala's ears have long, white hair at the ends.

They have big, dark, rough noses and very beautiful eyes. Koalas have small mouths that can open very wide.

They have two thumbs on their forelegs and sharp curved claws all over their toes.

The second and third toes on the back foot are combined and have a rough cushion.

The claws are used as combs for their fur and for climbing trees. Koalas can run as fast as rabbits.

4. Elephant

Example of Report Text about Elephants:



An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all, elephant has a long nose, the trunk.

An elephant is commonly seen in a zoo, it has hard found in it natural habitat.

The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature. This trunk has various usages. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath.

The elephant's trunk also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as long arm and hand.

An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet an elephant can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes an elephant a very useful servant to man.

Elephant can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight. An elephant is really a smart animal.

Generic structures:

1. General classification: An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals.

2. Description:

  • It is a strange looking animal which it has thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks.
  • The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature.
  • The elephant is a very intelligent animal.



Elephants are the largest and strongest of all animal species. It is a unique animal which has thick legs, large sides and back, dangling ears big, small tail, small eyes, long white fangs and most importantly this elephant has a long nose, or trunk.

We can see these elephants in zoos, and will be difficult to find in their natural habitat.

This trunk is a characteristic of elephants. This trunk has several functions.

The elephant takes water from its trunk and can spray water all over its body like taking a bath. The elephant's trunk also takes a leaf and puts it in its mouth.

In fact, this trunk can also be used by elephants as long arms and hands. An elephant looks very heavy, but this elephant can move very fast.

Elephants are very intelligent animals. His intelligence combined with his great strength makes him a very useful servant to humans.

Elephants can be trained to serve in various ways such as carrying heavy items, hunting tigers, and even fighting. An elephant is really a very intelligent animal.

General structure:

1. General classification: Elephants are the largest and strongest of all animal species.

2. Information:

  • Elephants are unique looking animals which have thick legs, large sides and back, large hanging ears, small tail, small eyes, and long white fangs.
  • The trunk is a characteristic of elephants.
  • Elephants are very very intelligent animals.

5. Rabbit

Example Report Text about Rabbits:



Rabbits are four-legged herbivorous mammals with long ears, a divided upper lip and two powerful back legs which make them a good hopper. At first, they were called coneys.

The name “Rabbit” was first used to address the young coneys until the 18th century when the word “Rabbit” became more popular in the society.

The new born rabbits are naked and blind, this helpless condition is the reason why rabbits live in a secure dens underground.

Rabbits can only be found in several parts of the world, and of all that are divided into eight different genera, they are:

  1. Genus Pentalagus
  2. Genus Bunolagus
  3. Genus Nesolagus
  4. Genus Romerolagus
  5. Genus Brachylagus
  6. Genus Sylvilagus
  7. Genus Oryctolagus
  8. and the genus Poelagus.

All rabbits has a typical short tail. Their average body size are 20 to 50 cm long and the average weight around half to 2 kg. It is recorded that adult rabbit has 3 years lifespan in their natural habitat, but it is also believed that they can live longer if they are under human care. Just like human, they sleep for about 8 hours in their underground burrows.

They have a wide variety of color, starting from white, brown, black and grey. But most of them have a combination of some colors.

Rabbits communicate to each other by performing various body positions and also by making a few sounds.

Generic structures:

1. General classification: Rabbits are four-legged herbivorous mammals with long ears, a divided upper lip and two powerful back legs.

2. Description:

  • The new born rabbits are naked and blind.
  • Rabbits can only be found in several parts of the world, and of all that are divided into eight different genera.
  • All rabbits has a typical short tail.
  • They have a wide variety of color.



Rabbits are plant-eating mammals with four legs and long ears. the upper lip that was split in half and the two hind legs so strong that it made him a jumper good.

At first, they were referred to as coneys. The term "Rabbit" was first used to refer to a young rabbit until the 18th century when the word "Rabbit" became more popular among the public.

Newborn rabbits are blind and hairless, this condition is the reason why rabbits live in safe underground caves.

Rabbits can only be found in some parts of the world, and all of them are divided into eight genera, the genera include:

  1. Genus Pentalagus
  2. Genus Bunolagus
  3. Genus Nesolagus
  4. Genus Romerolagus
  5. Genus Brachylagus
  6. Genus Sylvilagus
  7. Genus Oryctolagus
  8. and the genus Poelagus.

All rabbits have a distinctive short tail. Their average body size is 20 to 50 cm and the average body weight is about half to 2 kg.

It has been recorded that adult rabbits have a life span of 3 years in their natural environment, however It is also believed that they can live longer if they are well cared for by human.

Like humans, they also sleep for 8 hours in their underground burrows.

They have a variety of colors, ranging from white, brown, black and gray.

But most of them have a combination of several other colors. Rabbits communicate with each other by demonstrating various body positions and by making several sounds.

General structure:

1. General classification: Rabbits are four-legged herbivorous mammals with long ears, a split upper lip and two strong hind legs.

2. Information:

  • Newborn rabbits are hairless and blind.
  • Rabbits can only be found in certain parts of the world, and all of them are divided into eight different genera.
  • All rabbits have a distinctive short tail.
  • Rabbits have a variety of colors.

Sample Report Text about Place

1. Landmark

Example Report Text about Landmarks:

example of short report text about animals


Landmark is a recognizable natural or artificial feature used for navigation. This feature usually stands out from its near environment and is often visible from long distances.

In modern use, the term “landmark” can also be applied to smaller structures or features becoming local or national symbols.

Landmarks are usually classified into both natural landmarks and man-made landmarks.

Natural landmarks can be characteristic features, such as mountains or plateaus.

Examples of natural landmarks are Table Mountain in South Africa, Uluru in Australia, and Mount Fuji in Japan.

Trees might also serve as local landmarks. Some landmark trees may be nicknamed, examples being Queen's Oak, Hanging Oak or Centennial Tree.

In modern sense, landmarks are usually referred to monuments or distinctive buildings, used as the symbol of a certain area such as the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Eiffel tower in Paris, Big Ben in London, etc.

Church spires and mosque's minarets are often very tall and visible from many miles around. Thus, these various buildings often serve as man-made landmarks.



Landmarks are very easy to recognize artificial or natural features that are usually used for navigation purposes.

This feature is generally more prominent than the surrounding environment and is more often seen from a distance.

In modern functions, the term “landmark” deed can also be used as a smaller structure or feature that is a national or local symbol.

Landmarks are generally categorized into two types, namely natural landmarks and man-made landmarks.

Natural landmarks can be in the form of distinctive features, such as highlands or mountains.

Examples of natural landmarks are Table Mountain in South Africa, Uluru in Australia, and Mount Fuji in Japan.

Trees may also serve as local landmarks. Some landmark trees can be given names, for example Hanging Oak, Queen's Oak, or Centennial Oak.

In the modern sense, landmarks are generally known as monuments or distinctive buildings, which serve as symbols of the area certain things like the Statue of Liberty in New York City, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Big Ben in London, and so on other.

Church minarets and mosque minarets are often very tall and visible from a distance of several miles in the area.

That way, some buildings are also often used as man-made landmarks.

2. Tourist Destinations

Example of Report Text about Tourist Destinations:

example of report text about natural disaster

Tourist Destinations

Tourist destination is a city, town, or other area that is dependent to a significant extent on the revenues accruing from tourism.

In other words, tourist destination is a country, state, region, city, or town which is marketed as a place for tourists to visit”. It may contain one or more tourist attractions.

One of the most popular tourist destinations is a tropical island resort. Tropical island resort is an island that depends on tourism as its source of revenue.

Bali in Indonesia, Phuket in Thailand, Hawaii in the United States, Palawan in the Philippines, Fiji in the Pacific, Vamizi Island and Ibiza in Mediterranean are examples of popular island resorts in the world.


Tourist destination

A tourist destination is a city, village, or other area that is very dependent on the income obtained from tourism.

In other words, a tourist destination is a village, state, area, city, or even a village that is marketed as a place for tourists to visit.

This tourist destination may contain one or more of the tourist attractions.

One of the most famous tourist destinations is tourism on islands in the tropics. Tropical tourism is an area that depends on tourism as a source of income.

Bali in Indonesia, Phuket in Thailand, Hawaii in the United States, Palawan in the Philippines, Fiji in Indonesia The Pacific, Vamizi Island and Ibiza in the Mediterranean are examples of popular tourist islands in Indonesia world.

3. capital city

Sample Report Text about the Capital City:

example of report text along with its generic structure and translation terjemahan

capital city

A capital city or capital is the municipality exercising primary status in state, province, or other region, usually as its seat of government.

A capital is a city that physically implies the offices of its respective government; the status as capital is often designated by its constitution.

In some jurisdictions, the different branches of government are located in different settlements.

In some cases, a distinction is made between the official (constitutional) capital and the seat of government, which is in another place.

The word capital derives from the Latin caput, which means “head”. In several English-speaking states, the terms county town and county seat are also used in lower subdivisions.

In unitary states, subnational capitals are called as “administrative centres”. An alternative term for capital city is headtown. The capital is often the largest city of its constituent.


Capital city

A capital city (Capital City) or the capital also referred to as (Capital) is the main city that exists in states, provinces, or other areas, which generally have a role as the center of government.

A capital city is a city that physically includes government offices; status as a capital city is often designated by a constitution.

In some jurisdictions, different branches of government are located in different settlements.

In some cases, a distinction is made between the official (constitutional) capital city and government offices, which are located elsewhere.

The word capital comes from the Latin caput, which means "head".

In many English-speaking countries, county town and county seat are also used instead of the word "capital" in the lower subdivisions.

In unitary countries, subnational capitals are also called "administrative centers". An alternative term for the capital is headtown.

The capital is generally the largest city in the area.

4. Bali

Example of Report Text about Bali:

Bali Island

Bali Island

It is the most famous island in Indonesia. It is an awesome place which holds a spectacular combination of natural beauty and cultural landscape.

Its Beauty blends in harmony with warm and friendly people. Here the culture continues to be preserved from generation to generation. This island is called Bali.

Bali is well known by many names; the island of gods, thousand-temples island, and the island of paradise.

People call Bali 'the island of paradise' is not without reasons.

Bali has outstanding natural beauty like a volcano that looks close and big; endless green paddy fields which give a sense of peace and tranquility; as well as the grains of Balinese beach sand and the beauty of the sea which are so mesmerizing.

Bali also has dramatic dances, diverse customary ceremonies, the best traditional culinary, as well as beautiful and wholesome arts and crafts.

This exotic island has many interesting things to offer; ranging from spiritual life and traditional culinary to extraordinary experience such surfing, diving, and jungle tracking which challenging your courage.

That is why Bali was nominated as the World's Best Island in 2009 by Travel and Leisure Magazine and as the second Best of Travel in 2010 by Lonely Planet.


Bali Island

This place is the most famous island in Indonesia. This place is also very impressive which holds a spectacular mix of natural and cultural beauty.

Its beauty blends in and creates harmony with its warm and friendly residents.

In this place, culture is still passed on from generation to generation. This one island is called Bali Island.

Bali is known by many names, among others; The island of the gods, the island of a thousand temples, and the island of paradise.

People call Bali as 'island paradise' is also not without reason.

Bali has extraordinary natural beauty such as a volcano that looks up close and big; wide-spread rice fields that will give a sense of peace and tranquility; and also grains of sand from several beaches in Bali and the beauty of the sea is very tempting.

Bali also has a variety of dramatic dances, many traditional ceremonies, and beautiful and fine arts and crafts.

This exotic island has many interesting things to offer; ranging from spiritual life and traditional cuisine to unforgettable experiences such as surfing, diving, and forest tracking that challenge your adrenaline.

That's why Bali was named the best island in the world in 2009 by Travel and Leisure magazine and became the second best tourist spot in 2010 by Lonely Planet.

Sample Report Text about Natural Disasters

1. Volcanic Eruption

Example of Report Text about Mount Eruption:

Volcanic Eruption

Volcanic Eruption

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth. When pressure builds up, eruptions occur.

There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world. More than half of these volcanoes are part of the “Ring of Fire,” a region that encircles the Pacific Ocean.

An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls. In an eruption, gases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments.

Eruptions can cause lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, avalanches, falling ash and floods.

Fresh volcanic ash, made of pulverized rock, can be harsh, acidic, gritty, glassy and smelly. The ash can cause damage to the lungs of older people, babies and people with respiratory problems.

The sound of an eruption volcano can be quiet and hissing or explosive and booming.

The loud cracks travel hundreds of miles and do the most damage, including hearing loss and broken glass.

Volcanic lightning occurs mostly within the cloud of ash during an eruption, and is created by the friction of the ash rushing to the surface.

Roughly 200 accounts of this lightning have been witnessed live.

Generic structures:

1. General classification: A volcano is a mountain that opens downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth.

2. Description:

  • There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world.
  • An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rockfalls.
  • The sound of an eruption volcano can be quiet and hissing or explosive and booming.


Volcano eruption

A volcano is a mountain that opens downward into a pool of molten rock beneath the earth's surface.

When the pressure builds up, an eruption takes place. There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world.

More than half of these volcanoes are part of the "Ring of Fire," a region that surrounds the Pacific Ocean.

Volcanoes that erupt can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mud and rock eruptions.

In one eruption, gas and rock shot through the fissure and spilled or filled the air with lava fragments.

Eruptions can cause lava flows, hot ash flows, landslides, avalanches, ash falls and floods.

Fresh volcanic ash, made from pulverized rock, can be hard, acidic, gritty, glassy and smelly. Ash can cause damage to the lungs of the elderly, infants and people with respiratory problems.

The sound of a volcanic eruption can be quiet and hiss or explode and explode.

The violent cracks traveled hundreds of kilometers and caused the most damage, including hearing loss and broken glass.

Volcanic lightning occurs mostly within ash clouds during eruptions, and is created by friction of ash flowing across the surface.

About 200 occurrences of this lightning have been witnessed firsthand.

General structure:

1. General classification: A volcano is a mountain that opens downwards into a pool of molten rock beneath the earth's surface.

2. Information:

  • There are more than 500 active volcanoes in the world.
  • Volcanoes that erupt can trigger tsunamis, flash floods, earthquakes, mudflows and rocks.
  • The sound of a volcanic eruption can be quiet as well as hissing or even exploding.

2. Tsunami

Example of report text about Tsunami:Tsunami

Tsunami in Japan
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake shook northeastern Japan, unleashing a savage tsunami.

The earthquake was centered on the seafloor 45 miles (72 kilometers) east of Tohoku, at a depth of 15 miles (24 km) below the surface. The shaking lasted about six minutes.

Residents of Tokyo received a minute of warning before the strong shaking hit the city, thanks to Japan's earthquake early warning system.

The country's stringent seismic building codes and early warning system prevented many deaths from the earthquake, by stopping high-speed trains and factory assembly lines.

People in Japan also received texted alerts of the earthquake and tsunami warnings on their cellphones.

Less than an hour after the earthquake, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan's coastline.

The tsunami waves reached run-up heights (how far the wave surges inland above sea level) of up to 128 feet (39 meters) at Miyako city and traveled inland as far as 6 miles (10 km) in Sendai.

The tsunami flooded an estimated area of ​​approximately 217 square miles (561 square kilometers) in Japan.

The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which was in a level-7 nuclear meltdown and release of radioactive materials.

The electrical power and backup generators were overwhelmed by the tsunami, and the plant lost its cooling capabilities.

In July 2013, TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, admitted that about 300 tons of radioactive water continues to leak from the plant every day into the Pacific Ocean.


Tsunami in Japan

On March 11, 2011, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9 shook northeastern Japan, which unleashed a very powerful tsunami.

The quake was centered on the seabed 45 miles (72 kilometers) east of Tohoku, at a depth of 15 miles (24 km) below the surface. The shaking lasted about six minutes.

Tokyo residents have received a one-minute warning before a strong tremor hits the city, thanks to Japan's earthquake early warning system.

The country's strict seismic building code and early warning system prevented many deaths mencegah due to earthquakes, by stopping high-speed trains and assembly lines factory.

People in Japan also receive SMS alerts regarding earthquake and tsunami warnings on their cell phones.

Less than an hour after the earthquake struck, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan's coastline.

Tsunami waves reach run-up height (how far the waves surge inland above sea level) up to 128 feet (39 meters) in the city of Miyako and travel inland for 10 kilometers in the city Sendai.

The tsunami inundated about 561 square kilometers in the country of Japan.

The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing a level-7 nuclear meltdown as well as the release of radioactive material.

Electric power and backup generators were overwhelmed by the tsunami, and factories lost all cooling capacity.

In July 2013, TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, admitted that about 300 tonnes of radioactive water continued to leak from the plant every day into the Pacific Ocean.

3. Flood

Example of report text about Flood:



Aflood is one of natural disaster that caused by an overflow water that submerges land which is usually dry.

The European Union (EU) Floods Directive defines a flood as a covering by water of land not normally covered by water. Some floods can occur suddenly and quickly. Others take days or more.

There are several types of flood. Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers, forming an area known as the flood plain.

These river floods usually result from heavy rain, sometimes combined with melting snow, which causes the rivers to overflow their banks.

A flood that rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning is called a flash flood.

When floods happen, the water can carry along object. Flooding is very dangerous for human being.

It also has great erosive power and can be extremely destructive.



Floods are one of the natural disasters caused by overflowing water that soaks the soil which is usually dry.

The European Union (EU) Flood Directive defines a flood as a cover by groundwater that is not normally covered with water.

Some floods can occur suddenly and occur quickly. But there are also those that take days or more.

There are several types of floods. Periodic flooding occurs naturally in many rivers, forming areas known as floodplains.

These river floods are generally the result of heavy rains, sometimes combined with melting snow, which causes the river to overflow.

Floods that rise and fall rapidly with little or no advance warning are referred to as flash floods.

During a flood, water can carry objects. Floods are very dangerous for humans. It also has great erosive power and can be very destructive.

Read also: Report Text

Sample Report Text about Technology

1. Laptops



A laptop is a computer which is easy to carry around. Its user can fold the laptop along its hinge for carrying.

The laptop was created mainly for this particular reason. Computer parts were scaled to smaller size so this could happen.

The first laptop was invented in 1979 by British Designer Bill Moggridge. In 1982, two computer designers from Microsoft, Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates, started their discussion concerning a new portable computer.

The main thing about the computer was a new LCD technology.

A year later the company launched its TRS-80 Model 100, which was a computer that looked pretty much like the laptops we know today.

The development of laptops continued with various upgrades and additional functions added. Laptops have a lot of advantages like:

  • People can carry them anywhere, whether office or home.
  • They can be used in a smaller space than an ordinary personal computer.

At the same time portable computers have several negative points like:

  • Price is higher.
  • While used in the car they can cause car accidents.
  • Computer thefts became easier.
  • They break more easily than desktop computers.



Laptops are computers that are easy to carry around. The user can fold the laptop along its hinges for portability.

This laptop was made for a special reason. Computer components are scaled to a smaller size making them easy to carry.

The first laptop was invented in 1979 by British designer Bill Moggridge. In 1982, two computer designers from Microsoft named, Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates, started their discussion about a new portable computer.

The main thing about computers is the new LCD technology. The following year the company launched the TRS-80 Model 100, which was a computer that closely resembled the laptop we know today.

The development of laptops also continues with various upgrades and additional functions. Laptops have many advantages such as:

  • People can take them anywhere, from the office to the house.
  • They can use it in a smaller space than a typical personal computer.

At the same time portable computers have some negative points such as:

  • Prices are higher.
  • If used in a car it can cause a car accident.
  • Computer theft just got easier.
  • Laptops are more easily damaged than desktop computers.

2. Mobile



Mobile is one of the many technologies in this globalization era. Mobile has function to communicate someone far away without face to face.

Now, handphone can be owned by everyone. Because everyone can buy it and use it.

Mobile is handled by children until adults in this modern life.

Not only to communication, handphone or smartphone has other function. The other function of handphone is to entertainment such as play games, play music and capturing.

Mobile gives some information in the website. The negative impact from handphone that is addiction.

For the example is addicted to play games and watch video until forgetting time. Then, as the handphone user should be able to use them wisely.



Mobile is one of the many technologies that exist in the current era of globalization.

Mobile has a role as a means of communicating remotely without face to face.

Now, mobile phones can be owned by everyone. Because everyone can buy it and use it.

Mobile phones have been held by children to adults in modern life as it is now.

Not only as a means of communication, mobile phones or smartphones also have other functions.

Another function of mobile phones is as a means of entertainment such as playing games, playing music and capturing images.

Mobile will provide some information on the website. The negative impact of cellphones will cause addiction.

For example, addicted to playing games and watching videos to lose track of time. Then, as a cellphone user, you must be able to use it wisely.

3. Airplanes



Airplanes are fixed-wing aircraft that are propelled through the air by engines. They are used for transportation, recreation, research and military purposes.

Some aircraft (usually military or experimental) are capable of supersonic flight (breaking the sound barrier) by traveling at speeds faster than sound (1235kph, 768mph).

There have only been two commercial aircraft capable of supersonic transport, the most well known of these was the Concorde which flew between major cities such as London, New York and Paris until 2003.



An airplane is a fixed wing airplane that is propelled through the air using an engine. They are used as a tool for transportation, recreation, research and military needs.

Some aircraft (generally military or experimental) can perform flight supersonic (penetrates the speed of sound) at speeds faster than sound (1235kph, 768mph).

There are only two commercial aircraft that have supersonic speeds, the most famous of which are Concorde which flies between big cities such as London, New York and Paris until the year 2003.

Sample Report Text about Objects

1. Radio



Many people depend on Radio for news of what is happening around the world. Radio gives people enjoyment. Sometimes they want background music. At other times they listen carefully to their favorite singer.

Radio was used first to communicate with ship at sea. This is still an important use. Because of radio, ship can communicate with other ships, and when necessary, call for help. The airplane uses radio to communicate with the ground.

Two-way radios are used by most police headquarters to communicate with patrol cars.

Many taxi companies use two-way radios to tell their drivers where passengers are waiting.

Short distance massages can be sent on walkie-talkie – a two-way radio set that is sometimes used by campers and hunters to keep track of one another.

Radio is also used for radiotelephone without wires. These are used on boats, trains, and airplanes. Villagers far away from power lines are sometimes supplied with radiotelephones.

A Radiobroadcasting station is an exiting place. Programs must be broadcast precisely on schedule.



Many people depend on the radio to get news about what is happening around the world.

This radio will give pleasure to those who hear it. Sometimes they also want background music on the radio. Other times they also listen carefully to their favorite singer.

Radio was first used as a means of communicating on ships at sea.

It is still a very important use. Because of radio, ships can communicate with other ships, and if necessary to ask for help. Aircraft use radios to communicate with the ground.

Two-way radios are used by most police headquarters to communicate with other patrol cars.

Many taxi companies also use two-way radios to let their drivers know where passengers are waiting.

Short distances can be sent using a walkie-talkie – a set of two-way radios sometimes used by campers and hunters to track each other's whereabouts.

Radio is also used as a wireless radio telephone. It is used on ships, trains, and airplanes.

Villagers far from power lines are also sometimes equipped with radiotelephone equipment.

Radio broadcasting stations are a great place. Programs must be broadcast on a pre-determined schedule.

2. Bicycle



Bicycles are human powered vehicles, typically featuring pedals, a seat, two wheels and a frame. Before the word 'bicycle' became popular (coming from the French word 'bicyclette'), bikes were typically called 'velocipedes'.

Bicycles are used for transport, recreation, competitive racing, courier delivery and a range of other tasks.

Bicycles typically use a chain to transmit power to the rear wheel. Some bicycles feature suspension.

This is especially common in mountain bikes where they are used to help deal with the vibration caused by uneven surfaces.

Road bikes typically have thinner tires inflated to higher pressures than those found on mountain bikes, taking advantage of the smoother surfaces that roads generally provide.



Bicycles are human-powered vehicles, usually featuring pedals, seats, two wheels and a frame.

Before the word 'bike' became popular (originally from the French 'bicyclette'), bicycles were referred to as 'velocipedes'.

Bicycles are used for transportation, recreation, competitive racing, courier delivery and other tasks.

Bicycles generally use chains to transmit power to the rear wheels. Some bikes also have suspension.

This will be very common on mountain bikes where they are used to vibration fields caused by uneven surfaces.

Road bikes usually have thinner tires that have a higher pressure than mountain bikes, this is because they are usually used on smoother surfaces.

3. Watch



A watch is a small timepiece intended to be worn by a person and it is designed to keep working despite the motions caused by the person's activities.

Some watches are designed to be worn around the wrist, attached by a watch strap or other type of bracelet. Other watches are designed to be placed in someone's pocket.

A watch has various extra features, called “complications”, such as moon-phase displays and the different types of tourbillon.

Modern watches usually display the day, date, month and year. Time-related features such as timers, chronographs are also equipped the watches.

Some other modern designs incorporate calculators, GPS and Bluetooth technology or have heart-rate monitoring capabilities. In order to correct the time automatically, some watches use radio clock technology.



A watch is a small watch that is intended to be worn by a person and is designed to work regardless of the movement caused by that person's activities.

Some watches are designed to be worn on the wrist, attached to a band or other type of bracelet.

Other watches also exist that are designed only to be placed in one's pocket.

A watch has a variety of additional features, referred to as “complications”, such as the display of moon phases and various types of tourbillons.

Modern watches will generally show the day, date, month and year.

Time-related features such as timer, chronograph have also been equipped on the watch.

Several other modern designs also exist that combine calculators, GPS and Bluetooth technology or that have the ability to monitor heart rate.

To correct the time automatically, some watches also use clock radio technology.

Example of a Report Text

The following are some examples of questions from Report Text, including:


The anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Also known as the Water Boa, this giant, meat-eater lives in swampy areas of tropical South America.

It spends a lot of time in shallow water, hidden from unsuspecting prey. Anacondas are related to boa constrictors.

They give birth to 20 to 40 baby snakes at one time. Like all snakes, anacondas are cold-blooded; they have the same temperature as the environment.

They continue to grow all their lives, getting bigger and bigger each year.

The longest anaconda ever found was 11.4 m long, there are probably even bigger anacondas that have not been seen.

Anacondas are greenish-brown with a double row of black oval spots on the back and smaller white markings on the sides.

Choose the best answer based on the text above!

1. What is the monologue about?

A. snakes.

B. Kinds of snakes.

C. Anacondas

D. Another name for an anaconda.

E. What an anaconda looks like.

2. How many babies does an anaconda give birth at one time?

A. 10 – 30.

B. 10 – 20.

C. 20 – 40

D. 20 – 30.

E. 30 – 40.

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