Spoof Text Material: Definition, Elements, Characteristics, Structure, Examples, Problems

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Do you like reading comedy genre stories? Reading comedy stories can certainly make you laugh and fill your spare time. Well, for those of you who usually read stories with genres in English, stories with the comedy genre are called Spoof Text.

Table of contents


meaning of spoof text

Spoof Text can defined as “a funny and silly piece of writing”. In Spoof Text, the story that is raised is a story that contains various funny things.

Not only that, Spoof Text can also come from stories in the author's daily life.

Therefore, destination of Spoof Text is to entertain and share stories with its readers.

There are also those who think if the definition of Spoof is a text that tells a factual story, which takes place in the past with an unexpected and funny ending.

Spoof is a type of story that has a twist (funny part at the end of the story). Where the story contains unexpected events that make the story funny.

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The difference with recount text is that in recount the purpose is to entertain the reader while in spoof text the goal is to tell a series of events that end with a twist (funny and expected) .

Generic Structure

generic structure of spoof text

There are three general structures in Spoof Text, including the following:

1. Orientation

As with other types of narrative text, in spoof text also begins with is orientation or the part where the writer begins to introduce the story by introducing the characters, setting, and also the situation.

2. Events

In this section, the author narrates events that are still within the normal events/core of the events to be told.

3. Twist/ Ending

Twist is the part of the text that tells the opposite of normal events in the events. Twist is the final part of spoof text which tells the end of a funny and unexpected event (contains comedy/funny stuff).

Language Structure/ Language Feature

example of spoof text along with its generic structure and its meaning
  • Focusing on individual stories such as people, animals and certain things.
  • Use past/past sentences.
  • Use action verbs (ate, ran, was walking, etc)(eat, run, walk).
  • Using adverbs of time and place in the garden, two days ago)(in the garden, two days ago).
  • Told in chronological order.
  • Use direct speech or indirect speech for dialogue.
  • Using conjunctions (first, then, finally)(first, then, finally).

Characteristic features

example of spoof text
  • Wear past tense
  • Using adverbs of time and place
  • Wear action verb (a word that can be heard and seen).
  • Told chronologically (read chronologically so that the reader feels no part has been missed. This is used by the author to make the twist more unpredictable).

Short Spoof Text Example

1. Swimming Race

spoof text example

Swimming Race

3 men from Lampung, Java, and Sunda are all entered a 25 mile long swimming race. after 12 miles the man from Lampung gets tired and drop out.

Then after 16 miles the man from Sunda gets tired and can't finish the race. After 24 miles, the man from Java decides that he can't finish the race, so he turns around an swims back to the start.


Swimming Race

3 men from Java, Lampung and Sunda participated in a swimming competition with a distance of 25 miles. After a distance of 12 miles, Lampung people tired and then out of the race.

Then after a distance of 16 miles, the Sundanese gave up and also left. After a distance of 24 miles, the Javanese also decided that if he could not follow the race to the finish line, he swam back to the starting line.

2. Fun in Class

Are You Going to Punish Me?

Kid: "Do you punish people for things they don't do?"
Teacher: “Of course, no.”
Kid: “Great! I didn't do my homework."


Will You Punish Me?

Student: “Are you going to punish people because they didn't do something?”
Teacher: "Of course not"
Student: “Good! Because I don't do my homework at home.”

Read also: Report Text

Personal Experience Spoof Text Example

1. Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple

One day I went down the road to Prambanan Temple with a big family. Without my realizing it turns out our clothes have the same color that is red.

We arrived at 9 am. When we got there we looked around Prambanan Temple area.

But my father and grandmother stopped under a tree to rest. Finally my sister and my mother decided to go around seeing the temple area.

I am very glad to be able to see the historic objects found in this country. I even took time to take pictures in front of Prambanan Temple. Various monuments I can see even all of it is amazing.

In addition to me and the family was a lot of tourists who also come to Prambanan Temple. There is equipped with restaurant facilities, rest area, and so forth.

We can also hire a tour guide to explain related matters.

Tired of driving around, we finally decided to visit the restaurant and order food. We paused to eat and rest. We remember my father and grandmother waiting under the tree.

But because I was too happy, I forgot to ask where my father and grandmother had been sitting. In my eyes the tree looks the same.

But I keep trying to find them. While looking, I found two people wearing red shirts because we had previously dressed in the same color.

They sit under a tree but its position is behind me. I was thinking if it was my grandmother and my father.

I shouted and called to them, but there was no reply from them. Since there was no reply I finally approached him, it was not my grandmother and my father.

They were other visitors who happened to be wearing clothes that were the same color as mine.


Prambanan temple

One day I went to Prambanan Temple with my extended family. Without me realizing it turns out that the clothes we wear are the same color, namely red. We arrived at 9 am. Arriving there, we looked around at the Prambanan Temple area.

But my father and grandmother stopped under a tree to rest for a while. Finally my sister and mother decided to take a look around the temple area.

I feel very happy to be able to find various historical objects in this country.

I even took the time to take a selfie in front of Prambanan Temple. Some of the monuments that I can see even all of them are very amazing.

Besides me and my family there are also many tourists who come to Prambanan Temple.

This tourist area has been equipped with various restaurant facilities, rest areas, and others. We can also hire a tour guide to explain related matters.

Tired of walking around, we finally decided to visit a restaurant and order food.

We stopped to eat and rest. We remember dad and grandma waiting under the tree.

But because I was so happy, I forgot to ask where dad and grandma were sitting. In my eyes the tree there looks the same.

But I have to keep trying to be able to find them. While looking, I found that there were two people wearing red shirts because we previously wore the same color clothes.

They sat under a tree but their position was behind me. I wonder if it's grandma and dad.

I shouted and called them, but there was no answer from them.

Because there was no answer, I finally approached him, it turned out that they were neither my grandmother nor my father. They were other visitors who happened to be wearing clothes of the same color as mine.

Example of Spoof Text Questions

Rearrange the following sentences into the correct and meaningful paragraph!

1. Everyone stared at me, I scrambled back into the toilet and didn't come out for a long time, I was so embarrassed.
2. On the way, I felt the urgent need to use the bus toilet.
3. The bus hit a bump and then the door flew open.
4. Last holiday, my class made a trip to Anyer.
5. I stumbled out into the aisle, exposing myself to all the bus passengers.
6. We rented a bus to take us there.
7. I was sure that I had locked the door by turning the handle, but as soon as I slipped off my pants.

A. 7-2-3-4-1-5-6

B. 5-6-2-3-1-4-7

C. 6-4-7-2-3-1-5

D. 4-6-2-7-3-5-1

E. 3-5-4-2-7-1-6

Another problem with the same text;

This text is for questions 1 to 5.

Last holiday, my class made a trip to Anyer. We rented a bus to take us there. On the way, I felt the urgent need to use the bus toilet.

I was sure that I had locked the door by turning the handle, but as soon as I slipped off my pants. The bus hit a bump and then the door flew open. I stumbled out into the aisle, exposing myself to all the bus passengers. Everyone stared at me, I scrambled back into the toilet and didn't come out for a long time, I was so embarrassed.

What a trip to remember!

Choose the best answer based on the text above!

1. What does the text tell us about?

A. My trip to Anyer.

B. My holiday trip.

C. My holiday to Anyer.

D. My memorable holidays.

E. My experience in Anyer.

2. “I scrambled back into the toilet” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word means.. .

A. climbed soon.

B. moved quickly

C. run faster.

D. raced rapidly.

E. competed hard.

3. What does the second paragraph tell us about?

A. The mysterious travel.

B. The unforgettable experience.

C. The interesting trip.

D. The dangerous accidents.

E. The shame accident in the bus.

4. According to the story, which statement is true?

A. The writer went to Anyer alone

B. The writer was shy to come out from the bus

C. The writer felt ashamed during the trip to Anyer

D. The bus passengers stared at the writer because the writer didn't come out for a long time

E. The door of the bus flew open when I was slipping off my pants

5. Where did the story happen?

A. Last holiday in Anyer

B. In front of the bus door

C. During a vacation in Anyer

D. In the bus on the way to Anyer

E. Inside a toilet in Anyer

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