10 Examples of Good and Right Assignment Letters (Latest)

After previously discussing about formal letter sample The following will discuss in more detail related to an example of an assignment letter.

Table of contents

Definition of Letter of Assignment

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Assignment letter is a letter made by an agency or company to give a special task to its employees.

As the name implies, this assignment letter is generally made by a superior or someone with a higher rank in order to assign tasks to his subordinates to do certain tasks.

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This assignment letter is also one of the types of official letters, although the use of this assignment letter is internal (only within the scope of the agency/institution).

Function and Purpose of Assignment Letter

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Unlike an official letter or power of attorney, an assignment letter has several specific functions and purposes, such as:

  • For an official or formal sign if someone is indeed from a recognized agency/company.
  • To help the smooth running of a job if the one given the task wants to get in touch with other institutions/agencies outside the company.
  • Facilitate work in the community.
  • As an official sign in avoiding the occurrence of crimes against others.

Characteristics of Assignments

sample teacher assignment letter

To distinguish an assignment letter from other types of letters, there are several special characteristics of an assignment letter, including:

  • Have an explanation regarding the assignment of leaders from an agency/company to staff who will be given an assignment.
  • Do not use casual language, but use standard language and have brief, solid and clear explanations.
  • Have letterhead, signature from the authorizing authority and official stamp from an agency/company.
  • Does not have a double meaning.
  • Writing neatly and sequentially.
  • Use firm and polite language.
  • Easy to understand.

Parts of the Letter of Assignment

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Assignments can be in the form of narratives, columns, and tables.

To make your own assignment letter, there are several important parts that must be in it, including the following:

1. Headmaster

The head of the letter consists of:

  • Official letterhead. In this section the contents are in the form of a logo or symbol of an agency and are written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Assignment said. Written using capital letters symmetrically.
  • Reference number.

2. Letter Body

The body of the letter consists of:

  • Opening paragraph. This section covers the considerations / basis of the letter. These considerations include the reasons for the assignment letter.
  • Fill in the assignment letter. It includes the word assignment to whom, the name and position of the employee who gets the assignment and writes down what tasks must be done.

3. Letter Closing

In the closing part of the letter / foot of the assignment letter, it consists of:

  • Name and position of the signatory officer. The name is written using a capital letter in each element and ends with a comma.
  • Full name of the official who signed the assignment letter. It is written in capital letters for the beginning of each element.
  • The signature of the official giving the assignment.
  • Place and date the assignment letter was made.
  • Service stamp.

4. Distribution and Copy

Assignment letter is given to the person who gets the assignment. A copy of this assignment letter will be sent to the relevant officials/agencies.

5. Things to Show

If the assigned task is a collective task, then the list of assigned employees will be included in the attachment containing the serial number, name, main number, position, rank and information.

The Assignment Letter is not valid after the assigned task has been completed.

Types of Assignments

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Here are some types of assignment letters that are often encountered, including:

1. Employee assignment letter

In general, this type of assignment letter is issued by an authorized official with a position above the one assigned.

3. Letter of assignment in charge of the event

For this type of assignment letter, it is usually given to individuals, collectives or individuals who have a special position to become a committee.

This assignment letter is an official assignment letter in which it also contains the jobdesk of the person who was given the letter.

2. Teacher assignment letter

There are many kinds of assignments for teachers, such as: Letters of assignment to attend training and guidance, letters of assignment to become a substitute teacher.

5. Organizational assignment letter

Organizational assignments are issued by the chairman of an organization, be it student organizations or other organizations.

The contents of the organizational assignment letter are generally intended for members of the organization or one of the members who are given the mandate to be able to regulate the activities of the organization's work program.

Example: Being the chairman of the organization's birthday, being the committee of the big day.

4. Company assignment letter

A company assignment letter is almost like an employee assignment letter.

But what distinguishes it is where the company's letter of assignment explains in more detail what tasks will be done.

While the employee assignment letter will not usually be explained in detail because it is still on a company/small business scale.

How to Make a Letter of Assignment

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Here is a short way to make a good and correct assignment letter, including:

  • The writing of the head of the assignment letter is the same as writing the head of the official letter. Be it in the form of a description, narrative or table.
  • The word in the assignment letter uses capital letters, is symmetrical and is 4 hooks from the bottom line of the letterhead.
  • The assignment letter number is typed using a distance of 1 jarak hooks.

Important points that must exist in writing a letter of assignment:

  • The name of the official giving the assignment is typed by mentioning the name of the position, spaced 4 hooks below the word number.
  • The name of the recipient of the assignment is spaced 3 hooks from the bottom of the space with the name and job title giving the assignment.
  • If the assignor and assignee have an Employee Identification Number (NIP) then write down their NIP and title.
  • If the person giving and receiving the assignment has a NIP, state the group.
    This one is not required, depending on the agreement of the institution, agency members, companies and also the community.
  • The purpose of the letter, date and place of assignment is typed and spaced 3 hooks below the position word. And prioritize the word for.
  • Use a good closing greeting, standard, and not pushy.

The following is the order of making a good and correct assignment letter:

  1. Letterhead.
  2. date.
  3. No Letter, Attachment and Page.
  4. Contents.
  5. Task Points and Time.
  6. Job Desk / Assigned tasks.
  7. Closing.
  8. Signature, Full Name and Agency Stamp.

Sample Letter of Assignment

mail letter

After knowing some important points about the assignment letter, here are some examples of the assignment letter, including:

a. Sample Company Assignment Letter


Number: 1906/ST/BS/V/2018

In connection with the construction of the Sri Ratu Hotel, which is located at Jalan Cibubur No. 345 Lembang Regency, West Java Province, hereby assign to:

Name Zaidan Putra
Position Field officer

In order to supervise the construction work of the Sri Ratu Hotel, starting from 19 June 2020 to 02 January 2021.

All costs incurred from carrying out this task will later be charged to the cost of the development project. Applies to the party concerned in accordance with the existing rules.

Thus, this assignment letter is issued truthfully. Participants are expected to be able to carry out with full responsibility.

Bandung, 15 June 2020
Project Manager,

Gilang Setiawan, ST

b. Sample Employee Assignment Letter

Employee Assignment Surat

The undersigned as Operational Manager on behalf of PT. Forward Jaya:

Information Explanation
Name Widia Setyo
Gender Man
Position Operational manager
Address Jl. Raya Seri Ratu No. 365 Bantul

Hereby has given the task to the employees of PT. Maju Jaya with:

Information Explanation
Name Sustiyono
Gender Man
Position Head of Engineering
Address Jl. Jasmine Flower No. 123 Bantul

In order to immediately work on and complete the fiber optic network installation project in the Bantul area. Not only that, he is also responsible for cleanliness, security, order and all matters related to his duties.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is given, to be used properly with full responsibility.

Bantul, 19 June 2020
Operational manager,

Tough Aji

c. Sample Teacher Assignment Letter




Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java


Number: 09/154/SMA-1/III/2020

The undersigned is the Principal of the State Junior High School 1 Purwokerto, Pandjaitan District, South Purwokerto Regency, Central Java:

Name: Tiyas Safira, M. of

ID: 37764899910

Place, date of birth: Jakarta, December 08, 1986

Rank / goal. Room: Young Stylist/ IIB

Work Unit: SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto

To take part in the "Training for Quality Improvement of Foreign Language and Indonesian Subject Teachers" which will be held at the General Sudirman University Meeting Building on 6 to 9 April 2018.

Thus, we convey this assignment letter so that it can be used properly and we ask the government to make a written report after participating in the activity.

Purwokerto, 27 March 2018


Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Purwokerto,

Drs. Gilang Setiawan, M. Ag

ID: 75846197658947225939

d. Example of a Temporary Substitute Teacher Assignment Letter


Number: 10/17-SM/XII/2017

The undersigned below :

Name: Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

ID: 7584357931929

Rank/ Goal.: Coach/ IV A

Position: Head of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

Assign to:

Name: Tiyas Safira, S. Pd

Position: Physical Education and Health Teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara

To carry out the task as a temporary substitute Physical Education and Health (Penjaskes) teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara during the even semester of the 2017/2018 academic year starting from June 19 to October 17, 2020.

Thus this Letter of Assignment is made, hopefully it can carry out its duties properly and responsibly.

Banjarnegara, 15 May 2017


Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Banjarnegara,

Setiawan Putra, M. Sc

e. Sample Organizational Assignment Letter

Secretariat of Jalan Gajayana Number 87 Malang City

Number: 45/ IMTB/ IIII/2020

That I, the undersigned:

  • Name: Gina Wanda
  • Address: Jalan Simpang Jaya Ijen No 75
  • Position: Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

Give mandate to:

  • Name: Aulia Rahma
  • Address: Jalan Patimura No. 209
  • Position: Chief Executive Officer

To coordinate all members of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association throughout the city of Jogja in preparation for the organization's anniversary. This task is expected to be done on June 25, 2020 until the event is completed, namely On June 28, 2020.

Thus this letter is made so that it can be done with full responsibility. Thank you for your attention.

Yogyakarta, 22 June 2020
Chairman of the East Nusa Tenggara Student Association

Gina Wanda

f. Sample Letter of Assignment in Charge of Events

Jalan Mawar No 17, Ijen, Wonosobo
Tel: 0221976357 Fax. 737432842658

No: 10/SMA2/IIII/2020
Subject: Letter of Assignment

I, the undersigned below:

  • Name: Drs. Ade Prasetya
  • Position: Principal

Has Assigned Assignments To:

  • Name: Sagita Mondesya
  • ID: 949374359489
  • Address: Jalan Maju Jaya Number 76 Wonosobo
  • Position: Religion Teacher
  • Work Unit: SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency

To do a task, namely to be the chairman of the even semester Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) committee in the 2020/2021 school year at SMA 1 Wonosobo Regency. The activity will be held from March 30 to April 07 2019.

Thus this letter of assignment is made to be carried out properly with full responsibility. After the training and guidance activities end, it is expected to make a written report.

Wonosobo, 15 May 2020

Principal of SMA 2 Wonosobo Regency

Drs. Ade Prasetya

g. Example of a Training Assignment Letter

SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo
Jalan Manguwoharjo IV No. 100 Depok Sleman


Number: 011/SMAN-17/SRTF/01/20
Subject: Training

In order to improve the quality of high school teachers in the Sleman area and efforts to be successful in carrying out official learning work programs Sleman district government and for the sake of realizing it as a learning city, hereby the Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo will give the task to:

Name: Dwi Setyani, S.Pd
ID: 3528324216232
Position: Islamic Religion Teacher at SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo

To participate in the certification teacher training education event which will be held on January 04, 2020 to January 10, 2020 at the Teacher Training Center, District Government Education Office Sleman.

Thus this training assignment letter is made so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility. Please submit a report on the results of these activities in writing after this task is carried out.

Sleman, 27 December 2019

Principal of SMA Negeri 17 Karang Mojo,

Vishnu Putra, M.pd

Read also: Example Essay

h. Sample Job Assignment Letter

Jln. Ahmad Yani No.19, Wonoboyo 57998

Subject: Work Assignment Letter
Attachments: –
Number: 002/SSK-PI/IX/2020

I, the undersigned, as Warehouse Manager in this matter act on behalf of PT. Jaya shades:

Name: Setia Budi
Male gender
Position: Warehouse Manager
Address: Jl. Ahmad Yani No.19 Wonoboyo

Hereby declare to assign tasks to employees of PT. Nuances Jaya, namely:

Name: Laskar Santoso
Male gender
Position: Head Driver
Address: Jl. Soekarno II No. 35 Wonoboyo

In order to be able to immediately complete the task of sending goods from the main warehouse in the Jayabaya area. But also responsible for discipline, cleanliness, security, and all matters relating to the tasks above.

Thus, I have made this work assignment letter so that it can be used properly and with full responsibility.

Wonoboyo, May 12, 2020
Knowing ,

Warehouse Manager,

Ivory Commander

i. Sample Letter of Assignment from the Education Office


Number: I/II/III/2020

The undersigned as the Head of the Surakarta National Vocational School assigns tasks to:

Name Gilang Setiawan, S. Pd
NIP 3448773987
Date and place of birth Banjar/ 25/ June/ 1978
Rank/Goal. Room Young Coach/ IV B
Position School teachers
Work unit SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta

To be able to take part in the Quality Improvement Training for English Subject Teachers which will held at the Central Java Provincial Education Office starting from March 25 to April 10, 2020.

Thus, this assignment letter is given to be carried out with full responsibility and is requested to submit a written report after participating in the event.

Surakarta, March 20, 2020
Principal of SMK Negeri 1 Surakarta,

Gunawan Mulyono, M. Pd