Proclamation of Indonesian Independence: Background, Text Content, Differences

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August 17, 1945 is a historic date for all Indonesian citizens. Because on Friday, August 17, 1945 Historical Events Regarding the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence began.

The Proclamation of Independence was immediately read by Ir. Soekarno accompanied by Drs. Mohammad Hatta which was held in Jalan Pegangsaan Timur No. 56, Central Jakarta.

Table of contents

A. Proclamation Background

Proclamation of Indonesian Independence

On August 6, 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima by the United States which began to demoralize the Japanese army.

A day later, the Indonesian Independence Preparatory Investigative Agency (BPUPKI), or Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai changed its name to the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI), or Dokuritsu Junbi Inkai in Japanese.

This is intended to further emphasize the desire and purpose to achieve Indonesian independence.

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On August 9, 1945, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki causing Japan to surrender to the United States and its allies.

This moment was used by Indonesia to proclaim its independence.

Soekarno and Hatta as PPKI leaders and Radjiman Wedyodiningrat as former BPUPKI chairman were flown to Dalat, Vietnam to meet Marshal Terauchi.

They were told that the Japanese troops were on the verge of defeat and would give Indonesia independence.

Meanwhile, on August 10, 1945, Sutan Sjahrir had heard the news over the radio that Japan had surrendered to the allies.

The underground fighters prepare to proclaim Indonesia's independence, and reject the form of independence that was given as a gift from Japan.

On August 12, 1945, the Japanese through Marshal Terauchi in Dalat, Vietnam, told Soekarno, Hatta, and Radjiman Wedyodiningrat.

That the Japanese government will immediately grant independence to Indonesia and the proclamation of independence could be implemented in a few days.

Two days later, when Soekarno, Hatta, and Radjiman returned to their homeland from Dalat, Sutah Syahrir urged that Soekarno immediately proclaimed independence because he considered the results of the meeting in Dalat as a ruse Japan.

Because Japan had surrendered to the allies and in order to avoid a split in the nationalist camp, between the pro and anti-Japanese.

Soekarno reminded Hatta that Syahrir had no right to proclaim independence because it was PPKI's right.

Meanwhile, Syahrir considered that PPKI was formed by Japan and the proclamation of independence by PPKI was only a Japanese gift.

On August 14, 1945 Japan officially surrendered to the allies on board USS Missouri.

The Japanese army and navy are still in power in Indonesia because Japan has promised to return power in Indonesia to the allies.

Sutah Syahrir, Wikana, Darwis, and Choerul Saleh heard the news on BBC radio.

After hearing rumors that Japan would bow to its knees, the young group urged the older group to immediately proclaim Indonesia's independence.

Old people don't want to rush. They do not want bloodshed at the time of the proclamation.

Soekarno and Hatta went to the Japanese military authorities (Gunsei) to obtain information at his office in Koningsplein (Medan Merdeka).

But the office is empty. Soekarno and Hatta with Soebardjo then went to the office of Notfu, Rear Admiral Maeda, on Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara (Maeda's house on Jl Imam Bonjol 1).

Maeda greeted them with congratulations on their success in Dalat. While answering he had not received confirmation and was still waiting for instructions from Tokyo.

After returning from Maeda, Soekarno and Hatta immediately prepared for a meeting of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI) at 10 am on August 16, 1945.

The next day at the office of Jalan Pejambon No. 2 to discuss everything related to the preparation of the proclamation of independence.

A day later, the turmoil of pressure that calls for the takeover of power by Indonesia increasingly peaked by youths from several groups.

The PPKI meeting on August 16 at 10 am was not held because Soekarno and Hatta did not appear.

BPUPKI participants in the historical journey towards Indonesian independence, dr. Radjiman is the only person who is actively involved in the arena of the national struggle starting from the emergence of Boedi Oetomo to the formation of BPUPKI.

B. Seconds of Reading the Proclamation

the proclamation of Indonesian independence

Negotiations between young and old groups in the preparation of the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence took place at 02.00 – 04.00 in the morning.

The text of the proclamation was written in the dining room of Admiral Tadashi Maeda Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 1. The compilers of the text of the proclamation are Ir. Soekarno, Drs. Moh. Hatta, and Mr. Ahmad Soebardjo.

The concept of the proclamation text was written by Ir. Sukarno himself.

In the front room, B.M Diah, Sayuti Melik, Sukarni, and Soediro were also present. Sukarni suggested that those who signed the text of the proclamation were Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta on behalf of the Indonesian people.

The text of the proclamation was typed by Sayuti Melik. In the morning, August 17, 1945, at Soekarno's residence, Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56.

Read also: Dasa Dharma Scouts

The event started at 10.00 with the reading of the text of the proclamation of Indonesian independence by Soekarno and followed by a short speech without text.

Then the Red and White flag, which had been sewn by Fatmawati, was raised, followed by remarks by Soewirjo, the deputy mayor of Jakarta at that time and Moewardi, the leader of the Barisan Pelopor.

C. Contents of the Proclamation Text

authentic proclamation text
  • The original text of our Proclamation, the Indonesian people, hereby declares the Independence of Indonesia. Matters concerning the transfer of power in the d.l.l., shall be carried out with the utmost care and in the shortest possible time. Djakarta, 17 – 8 – '05
    Representatives of the Indonesian nation
  • Authentic Text
    P R O K L A M A S I We, the Indonesian people, declare the independence of Indonesia. Matters concerning the transfer of power in the d.l.l., shall be carried out in a thorough manner and in the shortest possible time. Djakarta, day 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05
    On behalf of the Indonesian people.

D. The Difference Between the Original and Authentic Text of the Proclamation

the content of the text of the proclamation that has been updated
  • The word "Proclamation" is changed to "P R O K L A M A S I"
  • The word "Things" is changed to "Things"
  • The word "tempo" is changed to "tempo"
  • The word "Djakarta, 17 - 8 - '05" was changed to "Djakarta, day 17 boelan 8 tahoen 05"
  • The word "Representatives of the Indonesian nation" was changed to "On behalf of the Indonesian nation"
  • The text of the original proclamation was written by Ir. Soekarno and the composition of Drs. Moh. Hatta and Mr. Raden Ahmad Soebardjo. While the content of the authentic text is the result of typing from Mohamad Ibn Sayuti Melik.
  • The text of the original proclamation was not signed, while the authentic text was signed by Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Moh. Hatta.
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