Russian Revolution (Background, Process and Impact)

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At the beginning of the Russian Revolution, during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II in 1894-1917, the Russian government was highly autocratic and reactionary.

But in the economic field it is very progressive, and especially in industries such as textiles, coal, iron, and mining. It was with this advanced industry that the workers emerged.

In 1905 there was a workers' uprising aimed at demanding equal rights and improving fate.

This is in line with their motto, namely sam rasa sama rasa. Besides this, liberal government is also demanded by the people. At that time also the defeat suffered by Russia against Japan.

In this chaotic situation, Tsar Nicholas II was still able to overcome the situation by guaranteeing freedom and the creation of the Duma.

But the Duma also had conflicts between the Liberals and the people. liberals who want a constitutional monarchy. Meanwhile, the Liberals want a socialist structure of society.

Nicolas II sided with the Socialists and was so violent that the Duma was dissolved. This then led to the Russian Revolution.

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Russian Revolution Background

Russian Revolution Background

After Russia lost to Japan in 1905, the image of revolution always resonated with Russia. The people made a movement against the government being suppressed with gun violence.

Movements are sporadic and whatever the government's efforts to suppress them, such movements always appear every time.

Read also: American Revolution

And finally in the midst of the world war when Russia suffered a great defeat there was the Russian Revolution. The causes of the Russian Revolution are:

Reactionary Reign of Tsar Nicholas II

While other countries recognize the political rights of their citizens. Nicholas still wasn't willing to do the same with other countries.

Nicholas II did allow the creation of the Duma, but the circumstances of the Duma were merely a charade. In practice, the election of Duma members was carried out by pretending.

And the members of the Duma were people who were pro-Tsarist. The recommendations and results of the Tsar's Duma meeting were never heeded.

Striking social differences

The two classes of people in the different living conditions in Russia at that time were very different.

Nobles and Tsars who lived rich and luxurious lives. Meanwhile, the people, especially workers and farmers, are very poor and very poor.

The rights owned by the nobility are also not owned by the people. In fact, many people's rights are ignored.

Even though slavery has been destroyed, the nobles still treat the people like slaves in everyday life.

The Tsar's bad government structure

Government was not structured rationally during the reign of Tsar II, but on the basis of favoritism. In the Tsar's government did not choose capable people.

The people chosen by the Tsar were only those he liked for his posts. In this regard Ncholas II was greatly influenced by his wife, Tsarrina Alexandra.

Alexandra was also greatly influenced by a monk who called himself God's messenger, Grigori Rasputin. Grigori and Alexandra are people who really hate all things new understanding.

There are sects against the emperor

The Russian Revolution of 1905 against the Tsar was suppressed but not lost. They gathered strength while waiting for the opportunity to reappear and went underground.

These streams are socialist and liberal schools. The liberals are the Cadets (constitutional Democrats). The sect wants Russia to become a statutory kingdom.

While the Socialists desire for a social structure of the people and a democratic and modern government.

The socialists are divided into two streams of revolutionary elements. Namely: Mensheviks (social democrats or moderates) and Bolsheviks (radicals who later developed into the communist party).

The group led by George Plekhanau, the Mensheviks, was replaced by Kerensky. And there was also the Bolshevik group led by Trotsky and Lenin.

Land Issues

In 1906 there was a change in agrarian policy by Minister Stoypin which only resulted in changes to the mir to be owned by the individual members of the mir.

Outside, there are lots of large-sized lands that eventually become the property of the landowners. Either from the nobility or the kulaks or the big peasant farmers.

The land is worked by small farmers or artisans in need. Then these farm workers demanded to own the land that should belong to them.

Threat of famine

Fifteen million Russian citizens were mobilized for the war. The welfare of Russian citizens must be fully guaranteed by the state.

Meanwhile many Russian citizens were sent into the battlefield due to a shortage of manpower. Both from agriculture and industry.

Congestion in agriculture and industry is causing the danger of starvation due to food shortages. And the economy at that time was very chaotic.

war defeat

When it involves the role of World I, Russia does not actually have a specific war goal. Russia joined the war because it was bound and dragged down by its promises with other countries.

Especially those who are members of the Triple Entente group. Taking part in World War I Russia received a cold reception from its people.

Because it doesn't get the support of its people, of course the war gets a defeat. defeat

The great power of Russia (battles in the lakes of the Masuri and Tanneberg regions) further disappointed and also lost the people's trust in the Tsar.

People want peace because they are tired of war.

The Process of the Russian Revolution

The Process of the Russian Revolution

The Russian revolution was divided into two stages in 1917, namely the February revolution and the October revolution.

February Revolution 1917

The revolution that started in Petrograd (now Leningrad) with demonstrations demanding groceries.

And also strikes in many companies. The revolution was carried out by the coup d'etat, the Bolshewikis and the Menshewikis and were then able to get rid of Tsar Nicholas II.

The reins of government were controlled by the coup d'etat by means of a provisional government.

But the coup d'etat could not carry out the changes demanded by the people.

Karensky who led the first Menshewikis. He re-established the honor of Russia in the eyes of the international community because of Russia's defeats in war.

After that, there was a change of government in the country. Attacks on Germany on a large scale in World War I were immediately carried out but failed.

This resulted in the loss of the Menshewiki trust from the people. The Bolshewikis took advantage of this opportunity to form a force aimed at seizing the government.

October Revolution 1917

When people's trust is lost in Menshewiki. The Bolshewikis immediately drew closer to the people and made promises of land division and peace.

In this way Bolshewiki managed to gain the trust, sympathy and support of the people. Previously the Bolshewikis prepared themselves by conscripting the workers into red guards.

Under Trotsky's leadership, it was ready to seize power. The revolution began in Petrogard, led by Lenin, who called for the founding of the Soviet Republic.

The navy and army sided with Lenin. Menshewiki under Kerensky was successfully removed on October 25, 1917. The new government in Russia can finally be held by the Bolshewikis.

Impact of the Russian Revolution

Impact of the Russian Revolution

The spread of communism in the world due to the Russian Revolution which was won by the radical communists (Bolsheviks). At that time, third countries that were still colonized by other nations immediately adopted it.

And also the newly formed countries and the countries whose people have grown tired of living in the feudal confines of the rulers.

This new understanding also spread to Indonesia, which at that time revived the organizations of the movement towards independence.

His organization also adhered to it which was also radical (non-cooperative) towards the Dutch, which even later became clear in rebellion.

An example is the ISDV which after Indonesia's independence changed its name to PKI.

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