Types of Human Rights in General and Examples [Complete]

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Human rights have a varied history, and generally human rights emerged with the aim of eliminating the arbitrary attitude of the authoritarian rulers.

And in this material we will learn about the various types of ham and examples.

According to John Locke, HAM are rights that are directly given by God the Creator as natural rights.

Types of Human Rights Violations:

  1. Human rights violations are serious (eg. genocide/mass murder, crimes against humanity).
  2. Human rights violations are common (eg. beatings, defamation, persecution).

Human rights have special characteristics, namely:

  • True, meaning that human rights are human rights that have existed since birth.
  • Universal, meaning that human rights apply to all people regardless of status, ethnicity, gender or other differences.
  • Cannot be revoked, meaning that human rights cannot be revoked or handed over to other parties.
  • Cannot share, meaning that everyone is entitled to all rights, whether civil and political rights, or economic, social and cultural rights.
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Table of contents

Kinds of Human Rights

1. Personal Rights (Personal Rights)

Personal rights are rights which include freedom of expression, freedom to embrace religion, to move, to freedom to be active in any organization, association, or so on.

Example :

  • Right to freedom of opinion.
  • The right to freedom to practice beliefs and embrace religion.
  • Right to freedom to travel, visit, and change places.
  • Right to freedom of association.
  • The right to live, behave, grow and develop.
  • The right not to be coerced and tortured.

2. Economic Rights (Property Rights)

Economic Human Rights are the rights to own, buy and sell, and take advantage of something.

Example :

  • The right to freedom in buying something.
  • The right to freedom to enter into and perform contractual agreements.
  • The right to own something.
  • The right to have a decent job.
  • The right to freedom of transactions.
  • The right to enjoy natural resources.
  • The right to a decent life.
  • The right to improve the quality of life.

3. Political Rights (Political Rights)

Political human rights are the right to participate in government, the right to vote and be elected

Example :

  • The right to vote in an election, for example the presidential election.
  • The right to be elected in elections, for example the election of the head of the household
  • The right to freedom to participate in government activities.
  • The right to form a political party.
  • The right to give suggestions or opinions in the form of a petition proposal.
  • The right to be appointed to a government position.

4. Legal Rights (Rights Of Legal Equality)

Rights Law is the right to equal treatment in law and government.

Example :

  • The right to service and legal protection.
  • The right to obtain and have a legal defense in court.
  • Equal rights in legal proceedings.
  • The right to fair or equal treatment in law.
Read also: 30 Examples of Obedience to the Law

5. Social and Cultural Rights (Social and Cultural Rights)

Social and Cultural Rights are rights related to society, namely to choose education, the right to develop culture and so on.

Example :

  • The right to get a proper education.
  • Right to learn.
  • The right to obtain social security
  • Right to communicate
  • The right to choose, determine education.
  • The right to develop talents and interests.

6. Judicial Rights (Procedural Rights)

Judicial Human Rights are the right to receive judicial treatment and protection (procedural rights), for example regulations on detention, arrest and search.

Example :

  • The right to obtain legal certainty.
  • The right to refuse to be searched without a search warrant.
  • The right to a defense in law.
  • The right to get the same thing in the ongoing legal process, be it investigation, search, arrest, and detention
  • The right to fair treatment in law

So it can be concluded that all kinds of ham divided into 6 as described above.

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