Definition of Da'wah: Purpose, Knowledge of Da'wah, Fiqhud of Da'wah
The definition of da'wah is an activity that calls for, invites and calls people to believe and obey Allah in accordance with the line of aqidah, shari'ah and Islamic morals.
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Definition of Da'wah

The meaning of the word da'wah itself is masdar (noun) which comes from the verb da'a yad'u which means a call, call or invitation.
The word da'wah is also often strung together by using the word "Science" as well as the word "Islam", so that it becomes "Science of Da'wah" and Islamic Da'wah" or ad-da'wah al-Islamiyah.
The Main Purpose of Da'wah

The main purpose of holding da'wah is to realize happiness and prosperity in life in the world and in the hereafter so that Allah SWT will be pleased with it.
Prophet Muhammad SAW has exemplified doing da'wah to his people in various ways through writing, verbally, and also by deeds.
Starting from his wife, then his family, and his close friends to the kings who were in power at that time.
Among the kings who obtained a letter or treatise Prophets include:
- Emperor Heraclius of Byzantium.
- Mukaukis from Egypt.
- Kisra from Persia (Iran).
- King Najasyi of Habasyah (Ethiopia).
Da'wah Islamiyah is a way to invite others to believe in and practice aqidah and also Islamic sharia which has been trusted by the preacher himself.
Da'wah Science

Da'wah science is a science whose contents are in the form of ways and guidelines to attract the attention of others so that willing to follow, adhere to, approve and also carry out an ideology, religion, opinion or work certain.
The person who gives the da'wah is known as the "da'i". Meanwhile, the person who becomes the object of da'wah is known as "mad'u".
Every Muslim who carries out the function of Islamic da'wah is a "da'i".
Fiqhud - Da'wah

Fighud da'wah is a science that understands the legal aspects and procedures related to da'wah.
Therefore, the missionaries not only understand the truth about Islam, but they are also supported with a good ability to convey Treatise of al Islamiyah.
The following are several types of fughud da'wah, including:
1. Fardiah's Da'wah
Fardiah da'wah is a method of da'wah carried out by a person against another person (one person) or against several people in a limited or small number.
In general, fardiah da'wah takes place without proper preparation and is arranged in an orderly manner.
Included in this da'wah group are: reprimands, advising coworkers, and suggestions for setting an example.
This includes when you:
- Visiting the sick.
- Event congratulations (Congratulations).
- Birth Ceremony (tasmiyah).
2. Bi-oral da'wah
Da'wah bil-lisan is da'wah which is a way of delivering information or messages of da'wah through oral (lectures or direct communication between the subject and the object of da'wah).
This type of da'wah will be very effective if:
- Delivered related to worship days, for example: Friday sermons and Eid sermons.
- The study given concerns practical worship.
- Programmable serving context.
- Delivered by means of dialogue with the audience.
3. Da'wah Ammah
Da'wah Ammah is a type of da'wah that is carried out by someone using oral media which is intended for many people in an effort to instill an influence on them.
The media used are generally in the form of sermon (speech).
This one Ammah da'wah when viewed from the point of view of the subject, then there is done by individuals and some are carried out by certain organizations that are involved in the world of da'wah.
4. Da'wah bil-Haal
Da'wah bil al-hal is a da'wah that emphasizes real action.
It is intended that those who receive da'wah (al-Mad'ulah) can follow in the footsteps of the Da'i (preacher).
This type of da'wah has a very large influence on the recipient of the da'wah.
When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) first arrived in the city of Medina, he gave an example bil-haal da'wah This is by establishing the Quba Mosque, and uniting the Ansar with the Muhajirin in bonds ukhuwah islamiyah.
5. Da'wah bit-tadwin
Entering a global era like this time, the pattern of da'wah bit at-tadwin (da'wah through writing) either by publishing books, the internet, magazines, newspapers, and various writings containing da'wah messages are very important and also effective. For example, create a site like Da'
Another advantage of this da'wah model is that it does not become extinct even though the dai, or the author, has died.
Regarding this bit-Tadwim da'wah, the Prophet SAW said, "Indeed the ink of the scholars is better than the blood of the martyrs".
6. Da'wah bil wisdom
Da'wah bil wisdom is a way of conveying da'wah in a wise and wise manner.
What is meant here is taking an approach in such a way that the parties to the object of da'wah can carry out da'wah of their own free will, without feeling forced, pressured or conflicted.
In other words, da'wah bi al-hikmah is an approach method of da'wah communication that is carried out on a persuasive basis.
In the book al-Hikmah fi ad-Dakwah Ilallah Ta'ala by Said bin Ali bin Wahif al-Qathani mentions more clearly about the meaning of al-Hikmah, such as:
- Fair, prophetic, patient, knowledgeable, the Qur'an and the Bible
- Repair (make something more fitting or better) and avoid damage
- Expressions in knowing something major by using the main knowledge
- truth object (al-haq) obtained through knowledge and reason
- Knowledge (ma'rifat).
According to Shari'a terms:
- In accordance with words and deeds, knowing what is right and practicing it.
- Wara' in dinullah.
- Put something in its place and answer firmly and accurately.