Kasti: Definition, History, Field, Technique, How to Play, Rules.

Kasti is a type of game that uses small balls and teams to play it.

In playing it, there are several elements that need to be prioritized such as the elements of cohesiveness, agility and excitement.

Usually the baseball game is played in an open field and played by elementary school children in order to practice self-discipline and foster a sense of togetherness and solidarity between friends.

In order to play baseball well, players are required to have several skills including:

  • hit
  • throw
  • catching the ball and the ability to run.

In this baseball game, 2 teams are played, namely the beating team and the guard team.

The baseball game relies heavily on the cooperation of players in one team in order to win.

Table of contents


baseball history

This baseball game is one of the oldest games, because its existence has existed since ancient times.

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In fact, during the Dutch and Japanese colonial times, this game already existed.

Along with the development of the times, this game is widely played by the community and has become one of the mandatory sports for elementary school children.

But unfortunately, lately this game is rarely found and there are almost no official matches or competitions that compete for this game.

Baseball Court

baseball field

For the size of the baseball field itself, the original size is 70 meters wide, 40 meters long, and 10 meters for the waiting room.

Basic Baseball Techniques

Each game certainly has various techniques that need to be mastered in order to play well.

There are 3 kinds of basic techniques in baseball games, including the following:

Ball Throwing Techniques

In the technique of throwing the ball itself consists of 4 kinds, namely:

A. Throwing a Ball Down the Ground

How to do the technique of throwing the ball along the ground:

  • The player must hold the ball at the base of the knuckles of the fingers.
  • The position of the player's body must be bent.
  • Swing your arms behind you and forward through the bottom.
  • Throw the ball along the ground aiming at the target.

B. Throwing the Ball Horizontally

Throwing the Ball Horizontally

How to do the horizontal ball throwing technique:

  • The ball is held at the base of the knuckles, between the index and middle and ring fingers.
    While the little finger and thumb are used to control the ball so it doesn't fall.
  • The body leans towards the back, then swing the arms from the bottom up.
  • Throw the ball horizontally at chest level in the direction of the target to be addressed.

C. Throwing a Ball

Throwing a Ball

How to do a bounce ball throw:

  • The ball is held at the base of the knuckles, between the index and middle and ring fingers.
    While the little finger and thumb are used to control the ball so it doesn't fall.
  • The body leans towards the back, then swing the arms from the bottom up.
  • Throw the ball with the strongest hand, if we use the right hand then the left foot will be in front, and vice versa.
  • The ball that we throw will soar high and be followed by a follow-up movement by stepping from the back to the front.
  • The eye must focus on the target of the throw.

D. Throwing a Ball Bouncing the Ground

How to throw a ball bouncing off the ground:

  • The legs are in a bent position and the body is leaning forward.
  • Swing your arms from the front down.
  • The ball will then bounce on the ground right towards the target.

Ball Catching Technique

The technique of catching the ball in the baseball game is divided into 4 types, including the following:

  1. Catching a Horizontal Ball.
  2. Catch the Bouncing Ball.
  3. Catching Balls Down the Ground.
  4. Catch the Ball Bouncing the Ground.

As for how to do the four techniques. Because the four techniques are basically the same, namely:

  • The eyes are fixed on the direction of the ball.
  • Catch the ball using both hands and open our palms so that it will form a half ball.
  • When the first ball hits the palm of the hand, it must be followed by a slight pull of the hand back.

Ball Bounce Technique

The technique of bouncing the ball is often used as a good pass to the hitter:

The way to do this technique is:

  • Body standing in an upright position.
  • If we throw using the right hand, then the position of the right foot is in front.
  • The ball held with the right hand is in front of the right thigh.
  • Lean forward.
  • Rotate the arm that brings the ball backwards by 360°.
  • Followed by step left foot forward. Then swing your arms forward and release the ball when the ball is next to your right thigh accompanied by a wrist flick.

Hitting Ball Technique

Hitting Ball Technique

Ways to do the technique of hitting the ball, including the following:

  • Hold the bat with one hand on the smaller part.
  • Stand with your body sideways so that the ball will bounce or feed to the left of the bat.
  • Spread both feet shoulder width apart.
  • Place the bat on the shoulder on the right with the elbow position holding the bat we bend.
  • The view is focused on the buoy and also in the direction of the ball.
  • Swing the bat with a straight elbow position followed by a wrist flick when the ball is within our hitting range.
  • This is followed by a follow-up movement, namely by stepping from the back to the front.

There are several techniques for hitting the ball, including the following:

  1. Hit the Ball Horizontally
  2. Hit the Ball Bounce
  3. Hitting the Ball Bouncing the Ground

How to Play Baseball

how to play baseball

In the baseball game, we will need cooperation in each team and carry out a sense of responsibility between individuals.

And last but not least, throughout the game, one must always uphold sportsmanship.

Before playing the game, first determine the two teams or teams that will compete with each team consisting of 12 people.

Batting Squad

Batting Squad
  • Each player will be given the right to hit once, except for the last player entitled to hit up to 3 strokes.
  • After hitting, the tools used must be placed in the batting room.
    If the bat is placed outside or loose, then the player will not get a score, unless the player immediately puts it back into the bat room.
  • The stroke will be declared valid if the ball that is hit can exceed the line of stroke, does not fall in free space, and also does not hit the hitter's hand.

Guard Squad

As for some of the duties of the guard squad that you should know, including:

  • Turning off the opposing team's game by throwing the ball at the bat or catching the baseball directly that has been hit by the batting team.
  • Burn free space. Namely by occupying free space if the space is empty.


As for some of the duties of the float that you should know, including:

  • Toss the ball according to the batsman's request.
  • If the ball that has been tossed by the bouncer is not in accordance with the batsman's request, then the batsman has the right not to hit it.
    If this happens up to 3 times in a row, then the hitter must run freely to the first stop pole.

Change of Place

A change of place between the batting team and the guard team occurs when:

  • One of the players on the batting team is hit by a ball.
  • The hitting ball from the hitting team is caught directly by the opposing team 3 times in a row.
  • The bat is released when the stroke takes place.

How to Get Value

baseball clipping

To be able to get points or points in the baseball game is determined in several ways, namely:

  • The successful player hits the ball, and then runs to stops I, II, III. As well as the free space gradually, it will automatically get a value of 1.
  • The player who manages to run past the stop poles and is able to return to the free space for his own stroke, the hitting team will get a score of 2.
  • The guard team that successfully catches the ball that has been hit directly by the batting team will get a value of 1.
  • The team that manages to get the most points or points is declared the winner.

Baseball Rules

Baseball Rules

As in other games, the castle itself also has several rules that every player must obey so that the game can run smoothly.

Are as follows:

  • Field-, For the size of the baseball field itself, the original size is 70 meters wide, 40 meters long, and 10 meters for the waiting room.
  • Referee-, Similar to the rules of football, basketball and other sports, the referee is someone who takes the lead in this baseball game.
    The referee here has three line guards who help him, and there is also a timekeeper.
  • Number of players-, The number of players in each team must be 12 people in which one of the players must serve as team captain. All players are required to use chest numbers starting from one to twelve, which is also added by substitute or reserve players totaling 6 people.
  • game time-, The baseball game is carried out in 2 rounds where each round has a duration of 20 to 30 minutes. And rest is done for 15 minutes in each round.
  • guard team-, The main task of the guard team is to kill the opponent, by throwing the ball at the bat or directly catching the ball from the batting team.
    Another task is to occupy free space if the space is empty, the term for this is 'burning' the free space.
  • batting team-, Each baseball player has the right to hit once except for the last player who has the right to hit up to 3 times.
    When the beater has finished hitting, the bat is required to put the bat in the batting room and if the bat is out of the batting zone, the player will eventually not get a point.
    Unless the bat is quickly diverted into the batting room it should be.
  • buoy-, The process of bouncing the ball must be carried out according to the batsman's request.
    If the bouncing ball is not in accordance with the batsman's request, then the batsman is allowed not to hit it.
    But if it has arrived 3 times and occurs in a row, then the hitter can go to the first stop pole by running free.
  • Rules get value-, The player who is successful in hitting the ball must run as soon as possible to stop I, II, III, and also free space but gradually and then the team can get a value of 1 that.
    While the value of 2 can be obtained when a successful player runs through the stop poles and then succeeds on his own stroke to return to the free space.
    For the guard team that is able to catch the back ball directly, there is a score of 1 that can be collected.
    And the winner is determined from the number of teams or teams in collecting points.
  • change of place-, A change of place will be made between the guard team and the batting team if one of the batting team players is hit by the ball.
    Then, the two teams change places if the ball from the hitting team can be caught by the guard team 3 times in a row.
    Change of place will also take place when the bat is out of the hands of the bat.
After studying this material, study it too Badminton which is of course complete and we have discussed before.

Base Equipment

how to play baseball and pictures

The equipment used in baseball games is almost similar to softball games when used in matches.

Here are some baseball equipment that is commonly used and must be in the game:

  • Baseball or tennis ball. The ball must be small with a yellow or green color.
  • The bat. In general, these sticks are made of wood and have a length between 50-60 cm.
  • Small flag or doormat. If using a flag, then the preparation is in every corner of the field by placing a sign in the middle of the field.
  • Perched pole. The perch pole itself also needs to consist of pouring that has been installed with a flag and then planting it on the ground (corner) so that during the game it will not be easily moved or pulled out, especially when the runner holding it.

How are you? Fun is not this one game.

Because this game is rarely found, it's good if we also introduce to children about this game. So that it is not lost to technology.

Thus a brief review of the baseball game, hopefully it can help your learning activities.