Examples of Poems of Advice, Jokes, Religion, Love, Riddles
After learning about example of poetry and example of narrative text. It's time for us to learn about the meaning of rhymes along with examples of rhymes from each type of rhyme.
According to experts, the meaning of rhyme is very diverse. However, in general, the notion of pantun is one type of old Malay poetry which consists of two parts, namely sampiran and contents. Generally, one stanza consists of four lines and rhymes a-b-a-b.
Pantun is still very popular today, traditional arts such as ketoprak and lenong often bring rhymes in their performances.
Even schools make rhymes as one of their learning materials. For that, let's learn to recognize rhymes starting from the characteristics of rhymes, the types of rhymes and their examples, and the function of rhymes.
Table of contents
1. Characteristics of the poem
Pantun has characteristics that are not shared by other Malay poetry, including:
- One stanza consists of four lines.
- The first and second lines are called sampiran, while the third and fourth lines are called contents.
- One line of rhyme consists of 8 to 12 syllables.
- One stanza of the rhyme has a rhyme a-b-a-b. This means that the sound at the end of the first line is the same as the sound at the end of the third line. While the sound of the second line is the same as the sound of the end of the fourth line.
If there is a well in the field (a)
Can we take a shower (b)
If there is longevity (a)
Can we meet shower (b)
2. Types of rhymes
Pantun has various types, including the following:
Pantun Advice is made for the purpose of giving advice or encouragement to do good. Here is an example of an advice poem. -
Joke rhymes are rhymes that are made as entertainment and contain funny and interesting things. Here is an example of an advice poem. -
Religious Poem
Pantun Religion contains about religion and divinity. Here is an example of a religious poem. -
Heroic Poem
Pantun heroism tells the spirit of the struggle of the heroes, patriotism, and nationalism. Here is an example of a heroic poem. -
Love Poem
Love poems are poems about love and affection. Here is an example of a love poem. -
Poem Puzzle
Pantun Puzzles has a characteristic in its content which contains a riddle or question that makes people think. This type of rhyme is usually made to entertain. Here is an example of a riddle rhyme. -
Children's Poem
Children's rhymes have light and fun content for children. The purpose of children's rhymes is to educate children as well as introduce rhymes to children. Here is an example of a nursery rhyme. -
Figurative rhymes or proverbs
A figurative rhyme or what is called a proverbial rhyme is a rhyme whose content compares one thing to another thing that has nothing to do with it. Here is an example of a figurative poem. -
Educational Poem
Educational rhymes are rhymes that contain advice in taking education or providing motivation in learning. Here is an example of an educational poem.
3. Poetry functions
Pantun as a means of maintaining language plays a role in maintaining the function of words and the ability to maintain the flow of thinking.
Pantun also trains a person to think about the meaning of a word before speaking. It also trains people to think that a word can be related to another word.
In terms of social, rhyme serves to strengthen the delivery of messages. Pantun shows a person's speed in thinking and playing with words.
Thus the discussion about rhymes, it is proper for us as the nation's successors to preserve what is the cultural heritage of the archipelago, one of which is pantun.
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