40+ Examples of Patriotism in Various Fields (FULL)

Examples of Patriotism – If you read about the article Patriotism Previously, patriotism was an attitude of courage, unyielding and willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation and state.

Table of contents

A. Examples of Patriotism in family life

  • Flying the red and white flag near or in front of the house on national holidays properly and correctly.
  • Read books with the theme of struggle.
  • Help parents work.
  • An older brother who sets an example in terms of religious activities
  • Maintain the good name of the family in attitude and actions.

B. Examples of Patriotism in school

  • Following the ceremony at school solemnly.
  • Appreciate and understand the meaning of struggle songs.
  • Connecting each learning material with heroic values.
  • Study diligently.
  • Apply Pancasila in daily life.
  • Participate in activities such as scouts, PMR, etc.

C. Examples of Patriotism in social life

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  • Carry out and participate in national holiday ceremonies such as Hero's Day, Independence Day, and others.
  • Maintain harmony with fellow community members.
  • Carry out the loyalty of national friends in the surrounding environment.

D. Examples of Patriotism in the life of the nation and state

The values ​​of patriotism that can be realized in the daily life of the nation and state include the following areas:

  1. Political
  2. Economy
  3. Law
  4. Socio-cultural
  5. Defense and security (hankam).

1. In politics

  • Always maintain and improve national unity and integrity so that Indonesia becomes a strong, sturdy, and resilient country.
  • Support and implement government policies.
  • Implementing Pancasila and Constitution.

2. In economics

  • Love and use domestic products.
  • Develop productive business activities.
  • Improve leadership and management skills.
  • Developing cooperatives into joint ventures based on kinship for the sake of mutual prosperity
  • Do not carry out monopoly politics and accumulate goods for personal gain and harm others.

3. In the field of law

  • Try to obey the laws and norms that apply in society.
  • Uphold the principle of the presumption of innocence.
  • One example of patriotic behavior is not taking the law into your own hands.
  • Make each other aware when someone is doing something that violates the law.
  • Dare to report to the authorities if someone is guilty
  • Dare and obliged to be a witness in court in order to uphold honesty.
  • Respect and uphold the rule of law.

4. In the socio-cultural field

  • Preservation of local culture.
  • Help and help people who are affected by calamities.
  • Maintain the cleanliness and beauty of public facilities.
  • Improving fair and equitable public services.
  • Able to select incoming foreign culture
  • Accept the influence of foreign cultures that can advance and develop the nation's culture.
  • Rejecting the influence of foreign cultures that are not in accordance with the national personality.

5. In the field of defense and security (defense)

  • Maintain the safety of the surrounding environment.
  • Maintain public safety and order
  • Assisting officers in their duties to maintain security
  • One of example of patriotism which is to stay away from narrow regionalism.
  • Reporting things that could endanger the public to the police.
  • Refuse to understand communism and atheism

The values ​​of patriotism above we can apply in the behavior of everyday life. So that we enter into the characteristics of a patriot.