Human Needs: Definition, Types, Factors, Scarcity, Examples, etc.
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Human Needs
As living beings, of course, humans need various needs to support their lives.
Starting from the needs of clothing, food, housing and others to satisfy the needs of life with a view to achieving prosperity.
Here's a more complete explanation, check it out…
Human needs is a human desire for an item or service that can fulfill spiritual and physical satisfaction for the sake of survival.
If human needs can be met, then it can be said that his life has reached prosperity.
Therefore, the meaning of prosperity namely the human condition in which most of his needs can be met.
But keep in mind, that prosperity is different from wealth.
Prosperity is defined as having most of the needs met, while wealth refers to the amount of property a person owns.
Types of Human Needs
As we know, human needs are unlimited and have many varieties and different types.
Nah, The following are some types of human needs that we have summarized into several groups:
1. Human Needs According to Intensity
First, there are types of needs based on their intensity which are divided into 4 types. Are as follows:
a. Absolute Need
Definition: the needs of every individual that must be met without exception. If these needs cannot be met, then the individual cannot survive.
Example: eat, drink
b. Primary needs
Definition: human needs who want a decent life.
There are three types of primary needs, including the following:
- Clothing is clothing. Its function is to protect the human body from the external environment.
- Food is the main primary need, namely food. Obtained from processing animals or plants.
- Board, is a place to live or a house. Its function is as a place of activity as well as a place of protection.
c. Secondary need
Definition: needs that arise after primary needs can be met.
Information: Secondary needs in an individual are different from other individuals, depending on the desires and abilities.
Examples: skincare, make up, shoes, vehicles, telephone, and others.
d. Tertiary Needs
Definition: needs that arise after primary and secondary needs can be met.
Information: Tertiary needs can be in the form of luxury goods or goods that function as entertainment.
Example: sofa, television, bag, or something else.
2. Human Needs According to Time Needs
Next there is a need based on the time of need.
And these needs are further divided into three, which are as follows:
a. Need Now
Definition: a need that must be met immediately and cannot be postponed.
Example: food for hungry people, medicine for sick people.
b. Urgent needs
Definition: needs that suddenly arise and are very critical, so that they can be life threatening if not met.
Example: blood for people who have an accident, aid for victims of disaster.
c. Future Needs
Definition: a need that can be met at a later date and can be postponed because it is not urgent.
Information: it's better if done from now on or as soon as possible.
Example: insurance.
3. Human Needs Based on Their Nature
Based on their nature, human needs are divided into two types, including the following:
a. Physical Needs
Definition: needs needed by the body in order to meet physical satisfaction.
Examples: sports, clothes, sleeping, wearing skincare, and others.
b. Spiritual Needs
Definition: a need that is needed by the soul or mind to obtain happiness.
Examples: worship, entertainment, socializing, and others.
4. Human Needs Based on the Subject
Based on the subject, human needs are divided into two types, including the following:
a. Individual Needs
Definition: needs needed by each individual.
Information: The needs of an individual differ from other individuals.
For example: the needs of a writer are different from those of a doctor, the needs of a blogger are different from those of a president.
b. Collective Needs
Definition: shared needs that exist within the community to achieve mutual satisfaction.
Examples: stadium construction, hospital construction, road renovation, and others.
5. Needs according to the socio-cultural environment
Based on the socio-cultural environment, human needs are divided into two types, including the following:
a. Social Needs
Definition: a need related to an individual's level or position in society.
Example: wanting to be a RT head.
b. Psychological Needs
Definition: needs related to the inner condition of an individual in relation to his environment.
Example: the need for freedom and security.
Factors Affecting Human Needs
Here are 17 factors that can influence human needs, including the following:
1. Natural Condition Factor
Natural conditions are indirectly closely related to mandatory needs that must be met.
Because, in essence, an individual will make efforts to fulfill his needs in accordance with the natural conditions in which he lives.
- People who live in the mountains or who have cold weather need blankets or thick clothes.
- people who live in a tropical climate will need light clothing with cool materials.
2. Factors of Religious Belief Adhered
Each religion will have different needs from other religions.
- Muslims forbid eating pork because it is considered haram.
- Hindus forbid eating cows because cows are considered sacred animals.
- Muslims who celebrate big days (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha) will need Muslim clothing for the celebration.
- Hindus on Nyepi day need a statue as a symbol of their culture.
3. Customs Factor
Every custom and tradition that exists in an area will affect the behavior and life goals of the community groups that exist in that place.
And each region has different customs and traditions from other regions.
Example: Javanese wedding ceremonies will be different from Sundanese traditional ceremonies.
4. Occupational or Profession Factor
Example: the medical profession has different needs from the writing profession.
Note: if doctors need syringes and other medical equipment, then it is different for writers who need laptops and other writing equipment.
5. Civilization Level
The more advanced the level of civilization of the times, the higher the quality and quality of the needs they have.
Every individual will always try to fulfill his life needs in order to achieve prosperity.
- in ancient times, humans had very few needs, and today the need is increasing.
- Modern human needs have a high level of quality needs.
6. Income Factor
Not only the work factor, the income factor of a person will also affect the needs of each.
- People who earn mediocre will be able to meet only their basic needs.
- People with higher incomes have higher needs.
- People with high incomes will find it easy to meet primary, secondary and tertiary needs.
7. Age Factor
The age factor will also affect the needs of an individual. Because, the age level of an individual with another individual will have a different level of needs.
Example: the needs of children will be much different from the needs of adults.
8. Satisfaction Level Factor
If a person is difficult to be satisfied with what he has in his life, then it will make his needs more and more.
Thus, this level of satisfaction will ultimately affect their life needs.
9. Hobbies or hobbies
Hobbies or hobbies will also affect the needs of life you know.
- People who like to play tennis will be different from people who have a hobby of playing volleyball.
- people who like fishing will be different from people who like cycling.
10. Educational Factor
The education of a person will also affect the needs of each individual.
For example: the needs of an elementary school child will be different from the needs of a student.
11. Gender Factor
Gender differences will definitely affect the needs of an individual. Because the needs of a woman with a man will be much different.
- Women's needs tend to be more than men's.
- a woman will need bags, jewelry, makeup, dresses, skincare, and so on.
- a man tends to need things related to sports, automotive and others.
12. Technological Factor
Along with the times, technological factors also play a role in human needs.
- In this day and age, everyone will need tools such as laptops and smartphones to make work easier.
13. Total population
What is meant by population in this case is the number of individuals living in a community or family environment.
- If the number of family members increases, the needs will also increase.
- someone who is not married will have fewer needs than someone who is married and has children.
14. Disease Factor
The emergence of disease in a person will cause changes in the fulfillment of needs, be it physical or psychological changes.
15. Advertising or Promotion
In this modern era, the needs of an individual will also be influenced by various promotions in the mass media.
Example: someone will be easily influenced to buy something because there are advertisements that appear in various media.
Information: basically, every advertisement is made in order to influence the consumer's mind that the product is really needed and in accordance with the needs that are being sought by consumers.
16. Social status
Definition: social status is a person's level or position in the community, and is obtained automatically.
Example: people who come from the upper class or priyai have very diverse needs as a consequence of their social status in a society.
17. Fashion Factor
Along with the times, the culture in clothing will also be more diverse. This is of course to meet the mandatory needs as well as to support the appearance.
Information: This fashion factor will look very real on women or men who live in urban areas.
Tool for Satisfying Human Needs
There are two means of satisfying human needs, namely goods and services. Here's the explanation:
- Goods
Various physical objects that are used by people to meet their life needs.
Characteristic features:
- Have a physical form.
- Has value and benefits that are felt when used.
- If value is used, the benefits and objects will decrease or run out.
- Service
Something that is not physically tangible but can provide satisfaction and can meet the needs of the community.
- It has no form and cannot be touched.
- It can only be felt.
- And if it is used it will not run out.
Information: This service is generally in the form of a job or profession.
Examples: taxi services, laundry services, goods delivery services, and others.
Efforts to Fulfill Human Needs
Basically, human is social creature as well as economic man.
Social beings is a creature that needs other people (cannot live alone).
Economic creature is a creature that will always try to meet the needs of his life.
In meeting the necessities of life, economic motives and economic principles apply. Here's the explanation:
1. Economic Motive
Definition: reasons or encouragement to utilize natural resources to fulfill the necessities of life.
Economic motives consist of:
- Motive for profit (profit)
- Motive for getting awards
- Motives to help others
- Motive to get position
- Motives guarantee the future
2. Economic Principles
Definition: Saha or consideration followed by the smallest sacrifice in order to obtain the desired result.
Note: Economic principles are the basis for acting and making decisions in order to achieve optimal results.
The benefits of economic principles can be viewed from 3 interests, including:
- Economic principles for buyer (consumer)With the money he has, he can achieve maximum satisfaction when buying goods or using services he needs.
- Economic principles for seller (distributor), buy goods with the best quality at the lowest possible price to resell at a high price through the best service.
- Economic principles for producer, producing goods of good quality that are in demand in the market at the lowest possible cost and selling them as much as possible at the most favorable price.
Scarcity and Human Needs
Have you ever wanted to buy something but your parents weren't allowed to? Surely some of you are angry with your parents okay.
Even if you know, there might be a reason why your parents don't want to buy the item.
Maybe because it's expensive. And the high cost of an item is due to the lack of production, or rarely anyone who produces it.
Cool language Bahasalimited edition.
Do you know? If the example above is an example of a concept of scarcity?
Loh How come?
Can dong, because scarcity is a problem in economics.
Scarcity arises because there are limited quantities of goods we want, while human wants are unlimited.
Inversely right?
Just like gasoline which is often scarce.
This is because the production is constrained, but there are certainly many who need it.
So that there is a shortage which is marked by a long queue.
The existence of economics is one way to overcome scarcity in meeting human needs.
Here are some examples of human needs that we have summarized for all of you:
1. Health
Who doesn't need to be healthy? With the existence of health insurance by the government as well as proper and hygienic needs, it is one of the examples of human needs.
2. Security
If the environment we live in is not safe, surely we will feel worried and anxious, that's why we need security.
3. Tranquility
A safe environment, good health, and fulfilled needs will make our lives a peaceful life.
4. Safety
Don't get me wrong, we also need a safety guarantee you know.
5. Appreciated and Appreciate
Human beings certainly want to be respected, but if you want to be respected, you must first be able to respect others.
Well, that's a brief review of human needs, hopefully it can help your learning activities. Thank you for visiting :)).